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absent() - Static method in class AttributeValue
Returns an "absent" undefined value, which is used as a placeholder for a value that is being calculated.
AbstractAggregateLoader<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.basic
AbstractAggregateLoader(AttributeSpec<T>) - Constructor for class AbstractAggregateLoader
AbstractAttributeLoader<A> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.basic
AbstractAttributeLoader(AttributeSpec<A>) - Constructor for class AbstractAttributeLoader
AbstractDerivedAttributeLoader<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.basic
AbstractDerivedAttributeLoader(AttributeSpec<T>) - Constructor for class AbstractDerivedAttributeLoader
AbstractGenerator - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator.util
AbstractGenerator() - Constructor for class AbstractGenerator
AbstractGenerator.Extender - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator.util
AbstractGenerator.Filter - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator.util
AbstractGenerator.Grouper - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator.util
AbstractGenerator.Inserter - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator.util
AbstractGenerator.Sorter - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator.util
AbstractItemAttributeLoader<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.basic
AbstractItemAttributeLoader(AttributeSpec<T>) - Constructor for class AbstractItemAttributeLoader
AbstractNaiveDistinctAggregateLoader<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.basic
AbstractNaiveDistinctAggregateLoader(AttributeSpec<T>) - Constructor for class AbstractNaiveDistinctAggregateLoader
AbstractPropagateLoader<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.basic
AbstractPropagateLoader(AttributeSpec<T>) - Constructor for class AbstractPropagateLoader
AbstractReductionStrategy() - Constructor for class ReductionStrategy.AbstractReductionStrategy
AbstractScanningLoader<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.basic
Base class for scanning loaders that support standard options "baseLevel" and "levels".
AbstractScanningLoader(AttributeSpec<T>) - Constructor for class AbstractScanningLoader
AbstractSingleRowAttributeLoader<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.basic
AbstractSingleRowAttributeLoader(AttributeSpec<T>) - Constructor for class AbstractSingleRowAttributeLoader
AbstractStructureJob - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.job
This is the basic implementation of a structure job, that should be extended by the actual job code.
AbstractStructureJob() - Constructor for class AbstractStructureJob
AbstractSynchronizer - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
AbstractSynchronizer is an abstract base class for the synchronizers that provides basic implementation for some of the StructureSynchronizer methods and offers some utility methods for the synchronizers.
AbstractSynchronizer(StructureComponents) - Constructor for class AbstractSynchronizer
Constructs an instance of the synchronizer.
AbstractSynchronizer.SyncRunAuditEntry - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
AbstractSynchronizer.SyncRunAuditEntry.Failure - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
AbstractSynchronizer.SyncRunAuditEntry.Success - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
accept(TrailItemSet.Visitor) - Method in class TrailItemSet
Allows the caller to perform per-subclass actions.
accept(TrailItemSet.Visitor) - Method in class TrailItemSet.AllItems
accept(TrailItemSet.Visitor) - Method in class TrailItemSet.None
accept(TrailItemSet.Visitor) - Method in class TrailItemSet.OneItem
accept(TrailItemSet.Visitor) - Method in class TrailItemSet.OneType
accept(TrailItemSet.Visitor) - Method in class TrailItemSet.SpecificItems
accept(TrailItemSet.Visitor) - Method in class TrailItemSet.SpecificTypes
accept(ForestAction.Visitor) - Method in class ForestAction
accept(ForestAction.Visitor) - Method in class ForestAction.Add
accept(ForestAction.Visitor) - Method in class ForestAction.Copy
accept(ForestAction.Visitor) - Method in class ForestAction.Move
accept(ForestAction.Visitor) - Method in class ForestAction.Remove
accept(ForestChange.Visitor) - Method in class ForestChange
Apply the change to the visitor
accept(ForestChange.Visitor) - Method in class ForestChange.Add
accept(ForestChange.Visitor) - Method in class ForestChange.Move
accept(ForestChange.Visitor) - Method in class ForestChange.Remove
accept(ForestChange.Visitor) - Method in class ForestChange.Reorder
accept(ForestSpec.Visitor<T>) - Method in class ForestSpec
Applies ForestSpec.Visitor to this spec.
accept(Set<ItemIdentity>, StructureGenerator.ItemChangeFilterContext) - Method in interface ItemChangeFilter
Checks if any of changed items may affect the built forest.
accept(Set<ItemIdentity>, StructureGenerator.ItemChangeFilterContext) - Method in class BasicItemChangeFilter
accept(Set<ItemIdentity>, StructureGenerator.ItemChangeFilterContext) - Method in class RecordingItemChangeFilter.EmptyFilter
accept(Set<ItemIdentity>, StructureGenerator.ItemChangeFilterContext) - Method in class SingleItemChangeFilter
accept(int) - Method in interface StructureQueryConstraint.Acceptor
Report one matching index.
accept(IntIterable) - Method in interface StructureQueryConstraint.Acceptor
Report several matching indices.
acceptRow(ForestScanControl, long) - Method in interface ForestScanner
accepts(T) - Method in class La
accessibleBy(ApplicationUser, ProjectPermissionKey) - Static method in class JiraFunc
accessItem(ItemIdentity) - Method in class GenericItemType
accessItem(ItemIdentity) - Method in interface StructureItemType
Does not check for permissions.
accessItems(Collection<ItemIdentity>, BiConsumer<ItemIdentity, T>) - Method in interface BulkAccessibleItemType
acknowledgeFinished(long) - Method in interface EffectorProcessManager
Sets the "acknowledged" flag for a finished process, so it is no longer shown in the list of current processes.
ACT - Static variable in class ActionParameters
ActionEffect - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
ActionGroup(long, String, long, long, MapObject, List<MapObject>) - Constructor for class SyncAuditLog.ActionGroup
ActionHandler - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
This is a factory for ActionEffect's.
ActionHandler.ExtenderActionHandler - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
ActionHandler.GrouperActionHandler - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
ActionHandler.InserterActionHandler - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
ActionHandler.SorterActionHandler - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
ActionHandlingAlwaysAllowed - Annotation Type in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
ActionHandlingGenerator<T extends ActionHandler> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
ActionHandlingGenerator.Extender - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
ActionHandlingGenerator.Grouper - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
ActionHandlingGenerator.Inserter - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
ActionHandlingGenerator.Sorter - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
ActionParameters - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.action
ActionResult - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.action
adapt(AttributeLoader<T>, Class<C>) - Static method in class AttributeLoaderAdapter
adapt(Function<T, R>) - Static method in class La
add(Number) - Method in class NumberAccumulator
Add(ItemForest, long, long, long) - Constructor for class ForestAction.Add
Add(ItemIdentity, long, long, long, long) - Constructor for class ForestAction.Add
Add(ItemIdentity, long, long, long) - Constructor for class ForestAction.Add
add(long, long, Forest) - Static method in class ForestChange
Creates an "add" forest change.
Add(Forest, long, long) - Constructor for class ForestChange.Add
Creates "add" change with a forest being added.
Add(long, long, long) - Constructor for class ForestChange.Add
Creates "add" change with one row being added.
add(ItemIdentity) - Method in class ItemIdentitySet
addAll(Collection<? extends ItemIdentity>) - Method in class ItemIdentitySet
addAll(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in class ItemIdentitySet
addAll(String, LongIterable) - Method in class ItemIdentitySet
addAttribute(AttributeSpec<?>) - Method in interface AttributeSubscriptionPatch
addButton(String, String, Object...) - Method in class ProcessDisplayParameters.Builder
addClasses(String...) - Method in interface PrintableCell
Add CSS classes to the class attribute of the &lt;td&gt; element for the current cell.
addColumn(String, String) - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
Adds a column identified by the column key and csid.
addColumn(String) - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
Adds a column identified by the column key and automatically generated csid.
addColumns(ViewSpecification.Column.Builder...) - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
Adds passed column builders as columns for the future view specification.
addConfigurationScopeClause(JqlClauseBuilder) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Adds to the JQL builder a condition that limits the result set to the projects enabled for Structure.
addCustomFieldGroups(Issue, CustomField, Collection<Group>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would add the given groups to a multi group custom field.
addCustomFieldLabels(Issue, CustomField, Collection<String>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would add the given labels to a labels custom field.
addCustomFieldOptions(Issue, CustomField, Collection<Option>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would add the given options to a multi select custom field.
addCustomFieldUsers(Issue, CustomField, Collection<ApplicationUser>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would add the given users to a multi user custom field.
addCustomFieldVersions(Issue, CustomField, Collection<Version>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would add the given versions to a multi version custom field.
addDefaultFormParameters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface Effector
Fills the parameter map for the edit form Velocity template with default values for a new effector instance of this type.
addDefaultFormParameters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface StructureGenerator
Fills the parameter map for the edit form Velocity template with default values for a new generator item of this type.
addDefaultFormParameters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class AbstractGenerator
addDefaultFormParameters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer
addDefaultFormParameters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface StructureSynchronizer
Adds to the map the default values for the parameters in the synchronizer parameters form.
addEffect(StoredEffect) - Method in interface EffectCollector
Adds a new effect description to the effector output.
addError(String, String) - Method in interface NewStructureTemplateContext
addFieldColumn(String) - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
Adds a field column, identified by JIRA field ID.
addFieldSumColumn(String) - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
Adds an aggregate column that sums up the given JIRA field.
addFlags(int) - Method in class RowTree.Node
Sets flags by mask.
addForest(long, long, Forest) - Method in class ArrayForest
addForestMutuallyExclusive(Forest, long, long) - Method in class ArrayForest
Adds a forest to this forest.
addFormParameters(Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface StructureSynchronizer
Converts an instance's parameters object to a parameter map for the "Edit Synchronizer' form.
addFragment(ItemForest, StructurePosition, StructureGenerator.HandlingContext) - Method in interface ActionHandler.InserterActionHandler
addIconsColumn(String...) - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
Adds an "Icons" column showing the icon representations of the given fields, in that order.
addIssueAffectedVersions(Issue, Collection<Version>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would add affected versions to the issue.
addIssueComment(Issue, String) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would add a comment.
addIssueComponents(Issue, Collection<ProjectComponent>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would add components to the issue.
addIssueFixVersions(Issue, Collection<Version>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would add fix versions to the issue.
addIssueLabels(Issue, Collection<String>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would add labels to the issue.
addItemChangeFilter(ItemChangeFilter) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.GenerationContext
Detect future changes those may affect the forest with ItemChangeFilter
addJob(String, ScheduledJob) - Method in interface ScheduledJobManager
addListener(IssueListener) - Method in interface IssueEventBridge
Add an IssueListener that will get notifications of the subsequent changes.
addListener(StructureListener) - Method in interface StructureManager
Adds a structure listener.
addMainColumn() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
Adds "main" column to the view, which displays issue summary, indented to reflect the depth.
addMultiply(Number, int) - Method in class NumberAccumulator
addParametersForSummary(Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface Effector
Given the effector-specific parameters, fills the parameter map for the summary Velocity template.
addParametersForSummary(Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface StructureGenerator
Given the generator-specific parameters, fills the parameter map for the summary Velocity template.
addParametersForSummary(Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class AbstractGenerator
addParametersToForm(Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface Effector
Given the effector-specific parameters, fills the parameter map for the edit form Velocity template.
addParametersToForm(Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface StructureGenerator
Given the generator-specific parameters, fills the parameter map for the edit form Velocity template.
addParametersToForm(Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class AbstractGenerator
addPlaceholdersForSummaryTemplate(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface Effector
This method fills parameters for summary Velocity template.
addProgressColumn() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
Adds the "Progress" column provided by Structure plugin.
addRow(long, long, long) - Method in class ArrayForest
Adds a single row at the specified position.
addRows(LongList) - Method in interface AttributeSubscriptionPatch
addStatisticSource(StatisticSource) - Method in interface StructureStatisticsRecorder
Adds statistic source which is queried periodically for the statistic data
addTimeAggregateColumn(String) - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
Adds "Total Time" column, based on one of the three JIRA time fields.
addTo(Collection<? extends T>, C, boolean) - Method in class La
addTo(Iterator<? extends T>, C, boolean) - Method in class La
addToIntValueDistrAsync(String, int, int...) - Method in interface StructureStatisticsRecorder
Adds 1 to the statistics with the ID equal to statPrefix.<bin>, where bin is the least element of the bins array greater than value or "inf" if all of the elements are less than value.
addTotalCountAndActiveUserAsync(String) - Method in interface StructureStatisticsRecorder
Adds 1 to use count for feature (like StructureStatisticsRecorder.addTotalCountAsync(String)) and adds the current user to activeUser.<feature> (like StructureStatisticsRecorder.addUniqueUserCountAsync(String)).
addTotalCountAsync(String) - Method in interface StructureStatisticsRecorder
Counts that the specified feature was used.
addTotalCountAsync(String, double) - Method in interface StructureStatisticsRecorder
Adds the specified value to the specified statistic.
addTPColumn() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
Adds the "TP" column provided by Structure plugin.
addTrail(TrailItemSet) - Method in interface AttributeLoaderContext
Used to indicate the trail of the value being calculated.
addTrail(ItemIdentity) - Method in interface AttributeLoaderContext
Used to indicate the trail of the value being calculated.
addTransformation(ForestSpec.Transformation) - Method in class ForestSpec.Builder
addTransformation(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class ForestSpec.Builder
addUniqueUserCountAsync(String) - Method in interface StructureStatisticsRecorder
Counts that the current logged-in user has used the specified feature.
addUpdateChecker(UpdateChecker) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.GenerationContext
Detect future changes those may affect the forest with UpdateChecker
addView(long, boolean) - Method in class ViewSettings.Builder
Adds the specified view to the list of associated views, optionally making it the default for all pages.
addView(int, long, Collection<StructurePage>, Collection<StructurePage>) - Method in class ViewSettings.Builder
Adds specified view to the list of associated views, or inserts it as a specific position in the list.
addViews(long...) - Method in class ViewSettings.Builder
Adds specified views to the list of associated views.
advance(StructureQueryConstraint.Acceptor) - Method in class StructureQueryConstraint.BulkFilter
advance(StructureQueryConstraint.Acceptor) - Method in class StructureQueryConstraint.EmptySequence
advance(StructureQueryConstraint.Acceptor) - Method in interface StructureQueryConstraint.Sequence
Attempts to advance in this sequence by 0, 1 or more positions (i.e., attempts to find the next 0, 1 or more matching indices).
advance(StructureQueryConstraint.Acceptor) - Method in class StructureQueryConstraint.SimpleFilter
AFFECTS_VERSIONS - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs.Id
afterForestInserted(Forest, int, int, Forest) - Method in interface ForestChangeEventHandler
Called at the moment after another forest is added to the forest being observed.
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class JiraComponents
AggregateAttributeContext - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
The context interface for aggregate attribute loaders.
AggregateAttributeLoader<T> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
Aggregate attributes have values calculated up through the hierarchy.
ALL - Static variable in interface CoreAppPermissions
all() - Method in interface StructureQueryBuilder.BasicConstraintStep
Matches all rows.
ALL_ITEMS - Static variable in class TrailItemSet.AllItems
ALL_OPERATIONS - Static variable in class HistoryQuery
ALL_PAGES - Static variable in class ViewSettings
ALL_REMOTE_ISSUE_LINKS - Static variable in class AuxiliaryIdentities
AllItems() - Constructor for class TrailItemSet.AllItems
ancestor - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.RelationConstraintStartStep
Row is an ancestor (parent, parent-of-parent, or parent-of-parent-...-of-parent) of another row in a forest.
ancestor - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.StartStepHelper
ANCESTORS - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Param
and - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder
Starts a new constraint, connected to the previous one with AND.
and(La<? super T, ?>) - Method in class La
andThen(RunnableE<? extends E>) - Method in interface RunnableE
ANONYMOUS_USER_ID - Static variable in class CoreIdentities
ANY - Static variable in class ValueFormat
ANY format is suitable when the requesting code can accept object of any type and there's no knowledge at development time what format of the attribute is going to be available.
any(Iterable<? extends T>) - Method in class La
anyItemType() - Method in class ItemAttributeLoaderBuilder
Anyone() - Constructor for class PermissionSubject.Anyone
append(Forest) - Method in class ArrayForest
append(StringBuilder) - Method in class RowTree.Node
append(StringBuilder, String, int) - Static method in class ToString
append(StringBuilder, String, long) - Static method in class ToString
append(StringBuilder, String, boolean) - Static method in class ToString
append(StringBuilder, String, Object) - Static method in class ToString
appendDebugIssueString(Long, StringBuilder) - Static method in class StructureUtil
appendDebugIssueString(Long, String, StringBuilder) - Static method in class StructureUtil
appendDebugStructureString(long, StructureManager, StringBuilder) - Static method in class StructureUtil
appendForest(Forest, StringBuilder) - Method in class SyncLogger
appendForest(Forest) - Method in class RowTree
Appends forest to the end of the tree.
appendForest(Forest, RowTree.Node, RowTree.Node) - Method in class RowTree
Appends forest at the specified place.
appendForest(Forest, RowTree.Node, RowTree.Node, int, int, LongPredicate) - Method in class RowTree
Generic utility method for adding the forest to the RowTree, with parameters for optimization.
appendIssue(Long, StringBuilder) - Method in class SyncLogger
Adds debug information about an issue by ID.
appendItem(long, StringBuilder) - Method in class SyncLogger
appendItem(ItemIdentity, StringBuilder) - Method in class SyncLogger
appendItemForest(ItemForest, StringBuilder) - Method in class SyncLogger
appendRows(LongIterable, StringBuilder) - Method in class SyncLogger
APPLICATION_USER_NAME - Static variable in class JiraFunc
AppliedEffect - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.action
AppliedEffectBatch - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.action
AppliedEffectBatchImpl - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.action
AppliedEffectBatchImpl(long, List<AppliedEffect>) - Constructor for class AppliedEffectBatchImpl
apply(Supplier<AttributeValue<T>>, List<AttributeValue<T>>, ValueReducer<T>) - Method in interface ReductionStrategy
Reduce value of the current node and children values to the single value using the specified ValueReducer.
apply(Supplier<AttributeValue<T>>, List<AttributeValue<T>>, ValueReducer<T>) - Method in class ReductionStrategy.ChildrenReductionStrategy
apply(Supplier<AttributeValue<T>>, List<AttributeValue<T>>, ValueReducer<T>) - Method in class ReductionStrategy.LeavesReductionStrategy
apply(Supplier<AttributeValue<T>>, List<AttributeValue<T>>, ValueReducer<T>) - Method in class ReductionStrategy.StrictReductionStrategy
apply(Supplier<AttributeValue<T>>, List<AttributeValue<T>>, ValueReducer<T>) - Method in class ReductionStrategy.SubtreeReductionStrategy
apply() - Method in interface Effect
Performs the actual changes in the state of the world.
apply(ArrayForest) - Method in class ForestChange.Add
apply(ArrayForest) - Method in class ForestChange
Given mutable forest, apply the change to it.
apply(ArrayForest) - Method in class ForestChange.Move
apply(ArrayForest) - Method in class ForestChange.Remove
apply(ArrayForest) - Method in class ForestChange.Reorder
apply(ForestAction, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface ForestSource
Applies a forest action to this source.
apply(ForestAction) - Method in interface ForestSource
Convenient method to call ForestSource.apply(ForestAction, Map) with an empty parameter map.
apply(StructureGenerator.EffectContext) - Method in interface ActionEffect
apply(ApplicationUser, PermissionLevel, List<Object>, La<Long, List<PermissionRule>>) - Method in class PermissionRule
Apply permission rule and return the result.
apply(ApplicationUser, PermissionLevel, List<Object>, La<Long, List<PermissionRule>>) - Method in class PermissionRule.ApplyStructure
apply(ApplicationUser, PermissionLevel, List<Object>, La<Long, List<PermissionRule>>) - Method in class PermissionRule.SetLevel
apply(T) - Method in class La
apply(La<A, ? extends T>) - Method in class La
apply(A1, A2) - Method in class La2
applyPermissions(List<PermissionRule>, ApplicationUser, List<Object>, La<Long, List<PermissionRule>>, PermissionLevel) - Static method in class StructureUtil
ApplyStructure() - Constructor for class PermissionRule.ApplyStructure
ApplyStructure(Long) - Constructor for class PermissionRule.ApplyStructure
AppSupportInfo - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.extension.license
AppSupportStoreReader - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.extension.license
ArbitraryDependenciesAttributeLoaderBuilder<T,S extends ArbitraryDependenciesAttributeLoaderBuilder<T,S>> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.builder
ArbitraryDependenciesAttributeLoaderBuilder() - Constructor for class ArbitraryDependenciesAttributeLoaderBuilder
array(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class La
array(Collection<? extends T>, boolean) - Method in class La
ArrayForest - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.raw
Mutable inheritor of Forest class.
ArrayForest() - Constructor for class ArrayForest
ArrayForest(long) - Constructor for class ArrayForest
Creates a singular tree.
ArrayForest(WritableLongList, WritableIntList, boolean) - Constructor for class ArrayForest
Constructs a forest based on the given rows and depths.
ArrayForest(LongList, IntList) - Constructor for class ArrayForest
ArrayForest(Forest) - Constructor for class ArrayForest
arrayList(T...) - Method in class La
arrayList(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class La
arrayList(Collection<? extends T>, boolean) - Method in class La
arrayList(Iterator<? extends T>) - Method in class La
arrayList(Iterator<? extends T>, boolean) - Method in class La
ARTIFICIAL - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
artificialTask(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
as(ValueFormat<V>) - Method in class AttributeSpec
Returns an attribute spec with the same ID and parameters, but with the given ValueFormat.
asI18nText() - Method in exception StructureException
asImmutableMap() - Method in class MapObject
asIncremental() - Method in class VersionedForestUpdate
Casts this update to VersionedForestUpdate.Incremental type.
ASSIGNEE - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs
ASSIGNEE - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Id
assignIssue(Issue, ApplicationUser) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would assign an issue to the given user.
attachment(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
attachment(Attachment) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
ATTACHMENT - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Param
attribute - Variable in class RestValueResponse.AttributeResponseData
ATTRIBUTE_EXECUTOR_ID - Static variable in interface StructureJobManager
ATTRIBUTE_JSON - Static variable in class CoreEffectorParameters
AttributeCachingStrategy - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
Defines how the values provided by an attribute loader are cached.
AttributeContext - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
An AttributeContext is associated with every attribute request and Structure export request.
AttributeContextDependency - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
Allows the attribute loader to declare that the value it produces is calculated using some of the values from the context.
AttributeErrorInfo - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
Contains information about problems experienced when loading a particular attribute.
AttributeErrorInfo(AttributeSpec<?>, Long, ItemIdentity, Throwable) - Constructor for class AttributeErrorInfo
AttributeLoader<T> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
An AttributeLoader contains code that loads values for a particular attribute, represented by AttributeSpec.
AttributeLoaderAdapter<T,L extends AttributeLoader<T>> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.composition
AttributeLoaderBuilder<T,S extends AttributeLoaderBuilder<T,S>> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.builder
AttributeLoaderBuilder() - Constructor for class AttributeLoaderBuilder
AttributeLoaderContext - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
This interface adds methods to AttributeContext that are used only by attribute loaders.
AttributeLoaderProvider - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
Attributes extension point - you can add new attributes and attribute implementations to the system by implementing this interface and declaring the implementation in atlassian-plugin.xml.
AttributeLoaders - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
AttributeProviderContext - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
Provides context for the creation of attribute loaders.
AttributeResponseData() - Constructor for class RestValueResponse.AttributeResponseData
attributes - Variable in class RestValueRequest.ForestRowValueRequest
Attributes requested
AttributeSensitivityMode - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.settings
Attribute sensitivity mode defines the default sensitivity of attributes.
AttributeSensitivitySettings - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.settings
Attribute sensitivity settings govern which attributes will be considered sensitive when calculating a multi-row aggregate value (by an aggregate, a propagate, or a scanning loader).
AttributeSpec<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
AttributeSpec is the "attribute specification", a composite identifier of an attribute.
AttributeSpec(String, ValueFormat<T>) - Constructor for class AttributeSpec
Constructs an attribute spec with the given ID and format, without parameters.
AttributeSpec(String, ValueFormat<T>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class AttributeSpec
Constructs an attribute spec with the given ID, format and parameters.
AttributeSpecBuilder<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
A builder for AttributeSpec.
AttributeSpecBuilder() - Constructor for class AttributeSpecBuilder
AttributeSpecBuilder.ParamsBuilder<P> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
Parameter builder class, used to set specific parameters.
AttributeSpecNormalization - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
Provides normalization for attribute spec parameters.
AttributeSpecNormalization() - Constructor for class AttributeSpecNormalization
AttributeSubscription - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.subscription
AttributeSubscription represents an interest of the client code in a particular set of attribute values, allowing for background loading.
AttributeSubscriptionPatch - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.subscription
Provides methods for changing AttributeSubscription parameters.
AttributeSubscriptionService - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.subscription
AttributeSubscriptionService manages attribute subscriptions.
AttributeSubscriptionUpdate - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.subscription
AttributeSubscriptionUpdate(DataVersion, boolean, RowValues) - Constructor for class AttributeSubscriptionUpdate
AttributeUpdateChecker - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
Used to check if the previously loaded values may have changed.
AttributeValue<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
Represents a value, or lack thereof.
AttributeValuesReceiver - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
AuthContext - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.auth
AuthContext.Custom - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.auth
AUTO_FIT - Static variable in class ColumnDisplayMode
Column sizes are automatically adjusted to fit their corresponding panel
AUTOMATION - Static variable in interface CoreAppPermissions
Permission to use automation (generators and effectors).
AutoSwitchStrategy - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.settings
AutoSwitchStrategy enum defines how the initial structure is selected when the user opens issue page or project page.
AuxiliaryIdentities - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
AuxiliaryIdentities() - Constructor for class AuxiliaryIdentities


backup() - Method in interface BackupOperation
Performs the backup synchronously.
backup() - Method in interface StructureBackupManager
Creates an instance of backup operation.
backup(BackupWriter, LongSet) - Method in interface StructureBackupProvider
Called during Structure Backup procedure.
BackupOperation - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.backup
Backup operation allows to set backup parameters and run the backup.
BackupReader - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.backup
BackupReader.ElementReader - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.backup
backupToStream(OutputStream) - Method in interface BackupOperation
Performs the backup synchronously, writing the data to the supplied OutputStream instead of a file.
BackupWriter - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.backup
BASE_LEVEL - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Param
BaseAttributeLoader<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.builder
BaseAttributeLoader(AttributeSpec<T>, Set<AttributeSpec<?>>, Set<AttributeContextDependency>, AttributeCachingStrategy, TrailItemSet) - Constructor for class BaseAttributeLoader
Creates the loader.
BaseDerivedAttributeLoader<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.builder
BaseDerivedAttributeLoader(AttributeSpec<T>, Set<AttributeSpec<?>>, Set<AttributeContextDependency>, AttributeCachingStrategy, TrailItemSet, Function<DerivedAttributeContext, AttributeValue<T>>) - Constructor for class BaseDerivedAttributeLoader
BaseItemAttributeLoader<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.builder
BaseItemAttributeLoader(AttributeSpec<T>, Set<AttributeSpec<?>>, Set<AttributeContextDependency>, AttributeCachingStrategy, TrailItemSet, Predicate<String>, BiFunction<ItemIdentity, ItemAttributeContext, AttributeValue<T>>, BiConsumer<Collection<ItemIdentity>, AttributeContext>) - Constructor for class BaseItemAttributeLoader
BaseSingleRowAttributeLoader<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.builder
BaseSingleRowAttributeLoader(AttributeSpec<T>, Set<AttributeSpec<?>>, Set<AttributeContextDependency>, AttributeCachingStrategy, TrailItemSet, BiFunction<StructureRow, SingleRowAttributeContext, AttributeValue<T>>, RowPreloadFunction, boolean) - Constructor for class BaseSingleRowAttributeLoader
BasicItemChangeFilter - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator.util
BasicItemChangeFilter(WritableLongSet, Set<ItemIdentity>) - Constructor for class BasicItemChangeFilter
batchId - Variable in class RestEffectBatch
beforeSubtreeRemoved(Forest, int, int, Forest) - Method in interface ForestChangeEventHandler
Called at the moment before a subtree is removed from the forest.
begin() - Static method in class StructureQueryBuilder
This is the starting point for building a Structure query.
BEGIN - Static variable in class ToString
begin(String) - Static method in class ToString
BiDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder<T,X,Y> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.builder
BiDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder() - Constructor for class BiDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder
BiDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder.BuiltBiDerivedLoader<T,X,Y> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.builder
bind12(La2<A1, A2, R>) - Static method in class La3
bind2(La<A2, R>) - Static method in class La2
Binder12(La2<A1, A2, R>) - Constructor for class La3.Binder12
Binder2(La<A2, R>) - Constructor for class La2.Binder2
block(String) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.EffectContext
block(String) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.HandlingContext
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class ValueFormat
BOOLEAN value contains simple boolean value.
branch(String, Collection<NodeInfo>) - Static method in class NodeInfo
branch(String, NodeInfo...) - Static method in class NodeInfo
browseableBy(ApplicationUser) - Static method in class JiraFunc
build() - Method in class AttributeSpecBuilder
Builds the attribute spec.
build() - Method in class AttributeSpecBuilder.ParamsBuilder
Builds the attribute spec.
build() - Method in class BiDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder
build() - Method in class DerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder
build() - Method in class ItemAttributeLoaderBuilder
build() - Method in class SingleRowAttributeLoaderBuilder
build() - Method in class UniDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder
build() - Method in class StoredEffect.Builder
Creates and returns a new StoredEffect instance with the module key and parameters from this builder.
build() - Method in class Folder.Builder
build() - Method in class ForestSpec.Builder
build() - Method in class ItemForestBuilderImpl
build() - Method in class GenericItem.Builder
build() - Method in class ProcessDisplayParameters.Builder
build() - Method in class StructureViewBean.Builder
Creates an immutable StructureViewBean from the state in this builder.
build() - Method in class ViewSettings.AssociatedView.Builder
Creates an instance of ViewSettings.AssociatedView.
build() - Method in class ViewSettings.Builder
Constructs an instance of ViewSettings.
build() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
Builds an instance of ViewSpecification.
build() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column.Builder
Creates an instance of ViewSpecification.Column using the current state of the builder.
buildContextDependencies() - Method in class AttributeLoaderBuilder
buildDependencies() - Method in class ArbitraryDependenciesAttributeLoaderBuilder
builder(String) - Static method in class StoredEffect
Returns a new builder with the given module key.
Builder(String) - Constructor for class StoredEffect.Builder
Creates a new builder with the given effect provider module key and no parameters.
Builder(StoredEffect) - Constructor for class StoredEffect.Builder
Creates a new builder with the module key and parameters taken from the given effect description.
builder() - Method in interface StructureError
Creates a new builder for StructureException with this code.
Builder(StructureError) - Constructor for class StructureException.Builder
builder() - Static method in class ForestSpec
Creates a new builder for ForestSpec.
builder(ForestSpec) - Static method in class ForestSpec
Creates a new build that can be used to adjust a given ForestSpec.
Builder() - Constructor for class ForestSpec.Builder
Builder(ForestSpec) - Constructor for class ForestSpec.Builder
Creates a builder and copies all parameters from the given spec.
Builder() - Constructor for class ProcessDisplayParameters.Builder
Builder(ProcessDisplayParameters) - Constructor for class ProcessDisplayParameters.Builder
builder() - Method in interface StructureQueryBuilderFactory
Creates a new StructureQueryBuilder.
Builder() - Constructor for class StructureViewBean.Builder
Creates an empty builder.
Builder(StructureViewBean) - Constructor for class StructureViewBean.Builder
Creates a builder that is initialized with all properties from the specified bean.
Builder() - Constructor for class ViewSettings.AssociatedView.Builder
Creates an empty builder.
Builder(ViewSettings.AssociatedView) - Constructor for class ViewSettings.AssociatedView.Builder
Creates a builder that copies the state of an already existing AssociatedView record.
Builder() - Constructor for class ViewSettings.Builder
Creates an empty builder
Builder(ViewSettings) - Constructor for class ViewSettings.Builder
Creates a builder that copies the contents of an already existing ViewSettings instance.
Builder() - Constructor for class ViewSpecification.Builder
Constructs empty builder.
Builder(ViewSpecification) - Constructor for class ViewSpecification.Builder
Constructs a builder that copies the specification passed as a parameter.
Builder() - Constructor for class ViewSpecification.Column.Builder
Creates an empty builder.
Builder(ViewSpecification.Column) - Constructor for class ViewSpecification.Column.Builder
Creates a builder with a copy of a column properties.
buildParametersFromForm(Map<String, Object>, ErrorCollection) - Method in interface Effector
Validates the parameters from the edit HTML form and constructs a serializable parameter map for Effector.getEffectorFunction(Map, EffectorContext).
buildParametersFromForm(Map<String, Object>, ErrorCollection) - Method in interface StructureGenerator
Validates the parameters from the edit HTML form and constructs a serializable map of generator-specific parameters.
buildParametersFromForm(Map<String, Object>, ErrorCollection) - Method in class AbstractGenerator
buildParametersFromForm(Map<String, ?>, JiraWebActionSupport) - Method in interface StructureSynchronizer
Creates an instance of synchronizer parameters.
BuiltBiDerivedLoader(AttributeSpec<T>, AttributeSpec<? extends X>, AttributeSpec<? extends Y>, boolean, BiFunction<X, Y, T>, Function<X, ItemIdentity>, Function<Y, ItemIdentity>, Set<AttributeContextDependency>, AttributeCachingStrategy, TrailItemSet) - Constructor for class BiDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder.BuiltBiDerivedLoader
BuiltDerivedLoader(AttributeSpec<T>, AttributeSpec<? extends D>, boolean, BiFunction<? super D, DerivedAttributeContext, ? extends T>, Function<D, ItemIdentity>, Set<AttributeContextDependency>, AttributeCachingStrategy, TrailItemSet) - Constructor for class UniDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder.BuiltDerivedLoader
BulkAccessCheckingItemType - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
BulkAccessibleItemType<T> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
BulkFilter(IntIterator, int) - Constructor for class StructureQueryConstraint.BulkFilter
bulkFilter(IntList, StructureQueryConstraint.Acceptor) - Method in class StructureQueryConstraint.BulkFilter
Processes a bunch of indices and passes the matching ones to the acceptor.
byKey(String) - Static method in interface CoreAppPermissions
byKey(String) - Static method in class JiraUsers


CachingComponent - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.lifecycle
cachingStrategy(AttributeCachingStrategy) - Method in class AttributeLoaderBuilder
Calendar - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.calendar
CalendarInfo - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.calendar
CalendarProvider - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.calendar
call() - Method in interface CallableE
CallableE<V,E extends Exception> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
cancel(long) - Method in interface EffectorProcessManager
Asks a process to stop.
cancel(Long) - Method in interface StructureJobManager
Cancels the execution of the job, if possible.
cancel() - Method in interface ProcessInfo
Ask the process to stop.
cancel() - Method in interface ProgressGauge
Ask the process to stop.
cancel() - Method in interface IterationControl
Cancels the iteration - the iteration will exit right after this call with undefined return value.
CANONICAL_VERSION_NAME - Static variable in class JiraFunc
canonicalVersionName(String) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
carryPrecedingValueForSkippedRow(AttributeValue<T>) - Method in class AbstractScanningLoader
cast(AttributeSpec<X>) - Method in class AttributeValue
Transforms the value to a different type.
cast(AttributeSpec<?>) - Method in class ValueFormat
Performs type checking and cast of an arbitrary attribute specification to the given format.
cast(Class<T>) - Static method in class La
castParameters(Object) - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer
causedBy(Throwable) - Method in interface StructureError
A shortcut to calling the same method on StructureException builder.
causedBy(Throwable) - Method in class StructureException.Builder
CF_OPTION - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
Change(HistoryEntry.Operation, Forest, LongList, LongList, LongList, LongList, int, LongList) - Constructor for class HistoryEntry.Change
CHANGE_HISTORY_GROUP - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
CHANGE_HISTORY_ITEM - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
changeHistoryGroup(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
changeHistoryGroup(ChangeHistory) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
changeHistoryItem(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
changeSubscription(Consumer<AttributeSubscriptionPatch>) - Method in interface AttributeSubscription
Updates the current subscription.
checkBackupFile() - Method in interface RestoreOperation
Checks that backup file has correct format.
checkIndex(int, Forest) - Method in class StructureQuery
Checks if the row at the given index in the Forest matches the query.
checkRow(Long, Forest) - Method in class StructureQuery
Checks if the specified row matches the query against the specified Forest.
checkValidParameter(Object) - Static method in class JsonMapUtil
child - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.RelationConstraintStartStep
Row is a child (sub-row) of another row in a forest.
child - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.StartStepHelper
CHILDREN - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Param
children(int) - Method in class IndexedForest
Returns an iterator that provides indexes of all direct children at index idx.
ChildrenReductionStrategy() - Constructor for class ReductionStrategy.ChildrenReductionStrategy
childrenRows(int) - Method in class IndexedForest
Returns a list of children rows at index idx.
clear() - Method in interface ForestAccessCache
clear(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface ForestAccessCache
clear(String) - Method in interface ForestAccessCache
clear() - Method in class ArrayForest
clear() - Method in class ItemIdentitySet
clearAllStructureCaches() - Method in interface StructureCacheHelper
Clears all caches on the current JIRA instance that are maintained by Structure and Structure extensions.
clearAllStructureCachesOnAllNodes() - Method in interface StructureCacheHelper
Clears all caches (maintained by Structure and Structure extensions) on the current JIRA instance and causes eventual caches clearing on other nodes (when running on JIRA Data Center).
clearCaches() - Method in interface CachingComponent
clearCaches() - Method in class JiraComponents
clearCurrentUserStructureCaches() - Method in interface StructureCacheHelper
Clears caches on the current node for the current user.
clearUISettings(ApplicationUser, Project) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Completely removes per-user or per-project settings.
clearUserCaches(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface CachingComponent
clearUserCaches(String) - Method in interface CachingComponent
Clear all cached data associated with the specified user key.
clearUserCaches(ApplicationUser) - Method in class JiraComponents
clearUserStructureCaches(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructureCacheHelper
Clears caches on the current node for the given non-anonymous user.
clearUserStructureCachesOnAllNodes(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructureCacheHelper
Clears caches on the all nodes for the given non-anonymous user (maintained by Structure and Structure extensions) on the current JIRA instance and causes eventual caches clearing on other nodes (when running on JIRA Data Center).
clearUserStructureCachesOnAllNodes(String) - Method in interface StructureCacheHelper
Clears caches on the all nodes for the given user key (maintained by Structure and Structure extensions) on the current JIRA instance and causes eventual caches clearing on other nodes (when running on JIRA Data Center).
clipboard(String) - Static method in class ForestSpec
Constructs ForestSpec that represents a user's clipboard.
clone() - Method in class ArrayForest
clone() - Method in class PermissionRule
clone() - Method in class PermissionRule.SetLevel
clone() - Method in class PermissionSubject
clone(PermissionSubject) - Static method in class PermissionSubject
clone() - Method in class StructureViewBean.Builder
clone() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
clone() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column.Builder
CODE_INBOUND - Static variable in enum SyncDirection
CODE_OUTBOUND - Static variable in enum SyncDirection
collect(TrailItemSet) - Static method in class TrailItemSet.Collector
collectDirectChildren(LongCollector) - Method in class RowTree.Node
Retrieves all direct children of the node
collectInvisibleIssues(LongIterable, ApplicationUser, boolean, LongCollector) - Method in interface ForestAccessCache
Collects issues that are not visible to the specified user.
collectInvisibleRows(ItemForest, String, LongCollector) - Method in interface ForestAccessCache
Collects invisible rows from a temporary forest.
collectInvisibleRows(ItemForest, ApplicationUser, LongCollector) - Method in interface ForestAccessCache
COLLECTION_OPERATION - Static variable in class CoreEffectorParameters
collectIssueIds(LongIterable, boolean, C) - Method in interface RowRetriever
Convenience method that can be used to collect all issue IDs from given row IDs.
collectIssueIds(LongIterable, C) - Method in interface RowRetriever
Convenience method that can be used to collect all issue IDs from given row IDs.
collectItemIds(LongIterable) - Method in interface ItemForest
collectItemIds(RowRetriever, LongIterable) - Static method in class ItemIdentitySet
collectItemIds(LongIterable) - Method in interface RowManager
collectItemIds(LongIterable) - Method in interface RowRetriever
Convenience method that collects item IDs from row IDs.
collectOutOfScopeIssues(LongIterable, LongCollector) - Method in interface ProjectScopeCache
Collects out-of-scope issues, i.e.
collectSubTaskIssues(LongIterable, LongCollector) - Method in interface SubTaskIssueCache
Collects sub-task issue IDs.
ColumnDisplayMode - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.view
ColumnDisplayMode stores constants representing supported column display modes.
com.almworks.jira.structure.api - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api
This package and subpackages contain Structure API, which can be used to integrate with and extend Structure add-on for JIRA.
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.agile - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.agile
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
This package provides Attribute API.
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
This package is a part of Structure Attributes SPI.
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.basic - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.basic
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.builder - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.builder
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.composition - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.composition
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.delegate - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.delegate
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.reduce - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.reduce
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.subscription - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.subscription
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.auth - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.auth
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.backup - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.backup
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.cache - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.cache
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.cache.access - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.cache.access
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.cache.scope - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.cache.scope
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.cache.subtask - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.cache.subtask
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.calendar - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.calendar
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.darkfeature - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.darkfeature
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effect - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effect
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effectbatch - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effectbatch
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector.instance - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector.instance
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector.process - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector.process
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.error - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.error
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.event - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.event
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export.excel - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export.excel
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export.printable - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export.printable
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.extension - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.extension
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.extension.license - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.extension.license
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.folder - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.folder
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.action - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.action
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.item - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.item
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.raw - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.raw
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator.util - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator.util
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.i18n - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.i18n
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item.generic - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item.generic
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.job - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.job
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.lifecycle - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.lifecycle
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.memo - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.memo
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.perfstats - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.perfstats
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.permissions - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.permissions
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.pinger - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.pinger
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.planningtask - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.planningtask
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.process - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.process - package
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.pull - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.pull
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query - package - package
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.row - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.row
This package's primary citizen is RowManager, a component responsible for rows.
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.settings - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.settings
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.statistics - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.statistics
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.structure - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.structure
This package features StructureManager service, which is used to create structures and change their properties (but not the forest), and Structure interface, which represents structures.
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.structure.favorite - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.structure.favorite
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.structure.history - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.structure.history
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync.util - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync.util
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.template - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.template
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
com.almworks.jira.structure.api.view - package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.view
combine(Collection<T>, AggregateAttributeContext) - Method in class AbstractNaiveDistinctAggregateLoader
combine(ForestIterationControl, T, C) - Method in interface ForestParentChildrenClosure
Used to combine values returned by {#visitRow} calls to every sub-row of a single parent.
combine(ForestIterationControl, T, List<T>) - Method in class ForestParentChildrenListClosure
comment(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
comment(Comment) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
COMMENT - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
comp - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.RelationStepHelper
ComparableComparator() - Constructor for class La.ComparableComparator
ComparableTuple - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
Comparable tuple is a tuple consisting of numbers and strings, which is compared on per-component order, starting with the first element (most significant), down to the last one.
comparator(Comparator<? super R>) - Method in class La
comparator(La<A, B>) - Static method in class La
COMPARATOR - Static variable in class TotalOrder
compare(StructureRow, StructureRow) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.Sorter.CompareFunction
compare(B, B) - Method in class La.ComparableComparator
compare(A, A) - Method in class La.LaComparator
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class TotalOrder
compareTo(SyncEvent) - Method in class SyncEvent
compareTo(ComparableTuple) - Method in class ComparableTuple
complete() - Method in interface ProgressSink
component(ProjectComponent) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
component(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
COMPONENT - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
COMPONENTS - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs.Id
compose(La<B, C>, La<A, ? extends B>) - Static method in class La
CompositeAttributeLoader<T,L extends AttributeLoader<T>> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.composition
CompositeAttributeLoader(AttributeSpec<T>, Collection<L>) - Constructor for class CompositeAttributeLoader
ConfigurableGenerator - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
CONFIGURE_EFFECTORS - Static variable in interface CoreAppPermissions
Permission to create and configure effectors.
CONFIGURE_GENERATORS - Static variable in interface CoreAppPermissions
Permission to create and configure generators.
configureColumn(M, ExportRenderContext) - Method in interface ExportRenderer
Configure the column, i.e.
configureNewStructure(Structure, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class EmptyTemplate
configureNewStructure(Structure, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface NewStructureTemplate
confirm(long) - Method in interface EffectorProcessManager
Starts applying effects for an existing process with a calculated preview.
confirm(long, Collection<Integer>) - Method in interface EffectorProcessManager
CONFIRM - Static variable in class ActionParameters
ConsiderateLogger - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
Utility class that is used to log errors that are likely to happen often.
ConsiderateLogger(Logger) - Constructor for class ConsiderateLogger
ConsiderateLogger(Logger, long) - Constructor for class ConsiderateLogger
ConsistentRowValues - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
ConsistentRowValues carries the values loaded in a consistent way, that is, when all the requested data retained their values during the loading process.
ConsistentRowValues(Forest, LongList, Collection<? extends AttributeSpec<?>>, RowValues, DataVersion, DataVersion) - Constructor for class ConsistentRowValues
Const(R) - Constructor for class La2.Const
const2(R) - Static method in class La2
constant(R) - Static method in class La
constantFalse() - Static method in class La
constantLoader(AttributeSpec<T>, AttributeValue<T>) - Static method in class SharedAttributeLoaders
constantTrue() - Static method in class La
constraint(String, String...) - Method in interface StructureQueryBuilder.BasicConstraintStep
Matches rows using a custom constraint specified by its name, supplying it with the specified arguments.
constraint(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in interface StructureQueryBuilder.BasicConstraintStep
consume(Function<AttributeSpec<?>, BiConsumer<LongSizedIterable, LongFunction<LoadedValue<?>>>>) - Method in interface RowValues
Passes all data to the consumer.
consume(HistoryEntry) - Method in interface HistoryConsumer
consume(HistoryEntry, int) - Method in interface LimitedHistoryConsumer
Consume streamed HistoryEntry with the total number of changes associated with it.
contains(ItemIdentity) - Method in class TrailItemSet.AllItems
contains(ItemIdentity) - Method in class TrailItemSet
Checks if the set contains the given item.
contains(ItemIdentity) - Method in class TrailItemSet.None
contains(ItemIdentity) - Method in class TrailItemSet.OneItem
contains(ItemIdentity) - Method in class TrailItemSet.OneType
contains(ItemIdentity) - Method in class TrailItemSet.SpecificItems
contains(ItemIdentity) - Method in class TrailItemSet.SpecificTypes
contains(Object) - Method in class ItemIdentitySet
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ItemIdentitySet
containsAny(Collection<ItemIdentity>) - Method in class TrailItemSet
containsRow(long) - Method in class ArrayForest
containsRow(long) - Method in interface Forest
Can be used to check if the forest contains a specific row.
contextDependencies(AttributeContextDependency...) - Method in class AttributeLoaderBuilder
contextDependency(AttributeContextDependency) - Method in class AttributeLoaderBuilder
convert(Supplier<T>) - Method in interface ValueReducer
Reduce a single value (self value of attribute for current row).
copy(Folder) - Static method in class Folder
Copy(ItemForest, long, long, long, LongLongMap) - Constructor for class ForestAction.Copy
copy(ItemForest) - Static method in class ImmutableItemForest
copy() - Method in class ArrayForest
copy() - Method in interface Forest
Creates an exact copy of this forest.
copy(GenericItem) - Static method in class GenericItem
copy() - Method in class ItemIdentitySet
copyAllOfType(String) - Method in class ItemIdentitySet
copyFrom(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class AttributeSpecBuilder.ParamsBuilder
Copies the parameters from the given map.
copyParameter(Object, boolean) - Static method in class JsonMapUtil
copyParameters(Map<?, ?>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class JsonMapUtil
copyPermissions(Collection<? extends PermissionRule>) - Static method in class StructureUtil
copyPermissionsOrNull(Collection<? extends PermissionRule>) - Static method in class StructureUtil
copyStructure(Long, ApplicationUser, boolean) - Method in interface StructureManager
Copies the structure and the forest it contains into a new structure.
copyStructureWithoutForest(Long, ApplicationUser, boolean) - Method in interface StructureManager
Copies the structure into a new structure - only the properties (such as name, description, permissions) are copied, not the forest.
copySubforest(long) - Method in class ArrayForest
copySubforest(long) - Method in interface Forest
copySubforestAtIndex(int) - Method in class ArrayForest
copySubforestAtIndex(int) - Method in interface Forest
copySubtree(ItemForest, long) - Static method in class ImmutableItemForest
CoreAppPermissions - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.permissions
Core app-level permissions checked by Structure.
CoreAttributeSpecs - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
CoreAttributeSpecs.Format - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
CoreAttributeSpecs.Id - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
CoreEffectorParameters - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector
CoreEffectorParameters() - Constructor for class CoreEffectorParameters
CoreEffects - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effect
Produces effect descriptions for common effects provided by Structure.
CoreGeneratorParameters - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
CoreGeneratorParameters() - Constructor for class CoreGeneratorParameters
CoreIdentities - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
This class contains utility methods for checking and creating ItemIdentity.
CoreItemTypes - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
This interface lists main item types that come bundled with Structure plugin.
CoreSemantics - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
Contains pre-defined semantic codes that are used in Structure.
CoreStructureGenerators - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
CreatableItemType - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
create() - Static method in class AttributeSpecBuilder
Creates an empty builder.
create(String) - Static method in class AttributeSpecBuilder
Creates a builder with the given attribute ID.
create(String, ValueFormat<T>) - Static method in class AttributeSpecBuilder
Creates a builder with the given attribute ID and format.
create(String, ValueFormat<T>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class AttributeSpecBuilder
Creates a builder with the given attribute ID, format and parameters.
create(AttributeSpec<T>) - Static method in class AttributeSpecBuilder
Creates a builder based on the given sample.
create(AttributeLoader<?>...) - Static method in class SimpleAttributeProvider
create(AttributeSpec<T>, List<AttributeLoader<T>>) - Static method in class CompositeAttributeLoader
create(Locale, ApplicationUser) - Static method in class JiraI18n
create(GenericItemService.CreateValidationResult) - Method in interface GenericItemService
create(long, ItemIdentity, long, ItemResolver) - Static method in class SimpleRow
create(long, ItemIdentity, long, ItemResolver, ItemAccessMode) - Static method in class SimpleRow
create(long, ItemIdentity, long, ItemResolver, boolean) - Static method in class SimpleRow
create(Forest) - Static method in class IndexedRowTree
create() - Method in class La2.Binder2
create() - Method in class La3.Binder12
CREATE_STRUCTURE - Static variable in interface CoreAppPermissions
Permission to create new structures.
CREATE_STRUCTURE - Static variable in interface NewStructureTemplateStep
createActionHandler(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface ActionHandlingGenerator
createActionHandler(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class AbstractGenerator.Extender
createActionHandler(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class AbstractGenerator.Grouper
createActionHandler(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class AbstractGenerator.Inserter
createActionHandler(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class AbstractGenerator.Sorter
createAttributeLoader(AttributeSpec<?>, AttributeProviderContext) - Method in interface AttributeLoaderProvider
Creates an attribute loader for the given attribute spec.
createAttributeLoader(AttributeSpec<?>, AttributeProviderContext) - Method in class SimpleAttributeProvider
createAuditLogEntryDescription(SyncInstance, IncrementalSyncData, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class SyncAuditLogHelper
CREATED - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs
CREATED - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs.Id
createDummyRow(long, long, Map<String, Object>, ErrorCollection) - Method in interface CreatableItemType
createDummyRow(long, long, Map<String, Object>, ErrorCollection) - Method in class GenericItemType
createEffectorInstance(String, Map<String, Object>, Long) - Method in interface EffectorInstanceManager
Creates a new effector instance and returns its ID.
createFolder(Folder) - Method in interface FolderManager
createFragment(Map<String, Object>, StructureGenerator.GenerationContext, ItemForestBuilder) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.Inserter
Builds a forest fragment.
createGenerator(String, Map<String, Object>, Long) - Method in interface GeneratorManager
createGrouperFunction(Map<String, Object>, StructureGenerator.GenerationContext) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.Grouper
createGroupRows(Set<ItemIdentity>, ItemListBuilder) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.Grouper.GrouperFunction
createItem(Map<String, Object>, ErrorCollection) - Method in interface CreatableItemType
createItem(String, GenericItem) - Method in interface GenericItemManager
createItem(Map<String, Object>, ErrorCollection) - Method in class GenericItemType
createJAXBContext(Class) - Static method in class StructureUtil
createLogMessage(Object...) - Method in class SyncLogger
createMappedResultColumn(ValueColumn<Long, T>) - Method in class RowMapper.Mapping
createMapper(Forest) - Method in interface RowManager
Creates a mapper.
createNew(ApplicationUser, ProcessDisplayParameters) - Method in interface ProcessHandleManager
Creates new process
createNode(long, int) - Method in class IndexedRowTree
createNode(long, int) - Method in class RowTree
Called always to create a new node for insertion in this tree.
createRecording() - Static method in class BasicItemChangeFilter
createRecording(ItemIdentity...) - Static method in class BasicItemChangeFilter
createRow(ItemIdentity, long) - Method in interface RowManager
Creates a new persistent row for the given item ID and semantics.
createRuntimeSignature() - Static method in class StructureUtil
createSkeleton(String, ItemForestBuilder) - Method in interface SQuerySkeletonFactory
createStep(String, Map<String, Object>, NewStructureTemplateContext) - Method in class EmptyTemplate
createStep(String, Map<String, Object>, NewStructureTemplateContext) - Method in interface NewStructureTemplate
createStructure() - Method in interface StructureManager
Creates an empty new structure.
createSubscription() - Method in interface AttributeSubscriptionService
Creates a new empty subscription.
createTransientGenerator(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface GeneratorManager
CreateValidationResult(ErrorCollection, StructureException, String, GenericItem) - Constructor for class GenericItemService.CreateValidationResult
createView() - Method in interface StructureViewManager
Creates an empty new view.
CREATOR - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs
CREATOR - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs.Id
CURRENT - Static variable in interface AuthContext
currentContext() - Static method in class StructureAuth
Custom(ApplicationUser, boolean) - Constructor for class AuthContext.Custom
CUSTOMFIELD_ID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
CUSTOMFIELD_LONG_ID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
CUSTOMFIELD_TYPE - Static variable in class JiraFunc
customFieldInfo(CustomField) - Static method in class SyncAuditLogHelper
CUSTOMFIELDTYPE_KEY - Static variable in class JiraFunc


DarkFeatures - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.darkfeature
Provides access to user-defined "dark" features and fine-tuning parameters.
DarkFeatures() - Constructor for class DarkFeatures
data - Variable in class RestValueResponse.ForestRowValueResponse
DataVersion - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.pull
DataVersion is used to identify whether some content has changed and to support incremental updates.
DataVersion(int, int) - Constructor for class DataVersion
Constructs DataVersion.
DATE - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
DeadItemsCheckingItemType - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
debug(Object...) - Method in class SyncLogger
debugAction(ActionDescriptor) - Static method in class StructureUtil
debugConstant(IssueConstant) - Static method in class StructureUtil
debugException(Throwable, Object...) - Method in class SyncLogger
decodePermissions(String) - Static method in class PermissionRule
Utility method to decode a list of PermissionRules.
decodeURL(String) - Static method in class StructureUtil
DEFAULT - Static variable in class ImmutableAttributeSensitivitySettingsBean
defaultMapper() - Static method in class JsonUtil
defaultMapper() - Static method in class StructureUtil
defaultPrefix() - Method in class SyncLogger
delegate() - Method in class DelegatingAttributeLoader
delegate(int) - Method in interface ProgressSink
DelegatingAggregateAttributeLoader<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.delegate
DelegatingAggregateAttributeLoader(AggregateAttributeLoader<T>) - Constructor for class DelegatingAggregateAttributeLoader
DelegatingAttributeLoader<T,L extends AttributeLoader<T>> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.delegate
DelegatingAttributeLoader(L) - Constructor for class DelegatingAttributeLoader
DelegatingDerivedAttributeLoader<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.delegate
DelegatingDerivedAttributeLoader(DerivedAttributeLoader<T>) - Constructor for class DelegatingDerivedAttributeLoader
DelegatingItemAttributeLoader<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.delegate
DelegatingItemAttributeLoader(ItemAttributeLoader<T>) - Constructor for class DelegatingItemAttributeLoader
DelegatingPropagateAttributeLoader<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.delegate
DelegatingPropagateAttributeLoader(PropagateAttributeLoader<T>) - Constructor for class DelegatingPropagateAttributeLoader
DelegatingRowAttributeLoader<T,L extends RowAttributeLoader<T>> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.delegate
DelegatingRowAttributeLoader(L) - Constructor for class DelegatingRowAttributeLoader
DelegatingScanningAttributeLoader<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.delegate
DelegatingScanningAttributeLoader(ScanningAttributeLoader<T>) - Constructor for class DelegatingScanningAttributeLoader
delete(GenericItemService.DeleteValidationResult) - Method in interface GenericItemService
delete(long) - Method in interface ProcessHandleManager
Deletes the process with the given id
deleteCalculated(long) - Method in interface EffectorProcessManager
Deletes a calculated process so that it is no longer shown in the list of processes.
deleteEffectorInstance(long) - Method in interface EffectorInstanceManager
Deletes an effector instance with the given ID.
deleteFolder(long) - Method in interface FolderManager
deleteGenerator(long) - Method in interface GeneratorManager
deleteIssueComment(Issue, Comment) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would delete a comment.
deleteItem(ItemIdentity) - Method in interface GenericItemManager
deleteStructure(Long) - Method in interface StructureManager
Deletes the specified structure and its content.
DeleteValidationResult(ErrorCollection, StructureException, ItemIdentity) - Constructor for class GenericItemService.DeleteValidationResult
deleteView(Long) - Method in interface StructureViewManager
Deletes a view.
dependencies(AttributeSpec<?>...) - Method in class ArbitraryDependenciesAttributeLoaderBuilder
dependencies(AttributeSpec<X>, AttributeSpec<Y>) - Method in class BiDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder
dependency(AttributeSpec<?>) - Method in class ArbitraryDependenciesAttributeLoaderBuilder
dependency(AttributeSpec<D>) - Method in class UniDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder
dependsOnWholeForest() - Method in class SingleRowAttributeLoaderBuilder
depth(int) - Method in interface QueryContext
A shorthand for getForest().getDepth(idx).
depth(int) - Method in class IndexedForest
DerivedAttributeContext - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
The context interface for derived attribute loaders.
DerivedAttributeLoader<T> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
Derived loaders calculate the attribute value based only on the attribute dependencies.
DerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.builder
DerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder() - Constructor for class DerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder
derivedLoader(AttributeSpec<T>) - Static method in class SharedAttributeLoaders
derivedLoader(AttributeSpec<T>, AttributeSpec<D>) - Static method in class SharedAttributeLoaders
derivedLoader(AttributeSpec<T>, AttributeSpec<X>, AttributeSpec<Y>) - Static method in class SharedAttributeLoaders
descendant - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.RelationConstraintStartStep
Row is a descendant (sub- or sub-sub-...-row) of another row in a forest.
descendant - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.StartStepHelper
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Id
description - Variable in class RestEffect
destroy() - Method in class JiraComponents
DISABLE_ACTIONS - Static variable in class CoreGeneratorParameters
When true, actions are disabled.
DISABLED - Static variable in interface LicenseData
Disabled() - Constructor for class LicenseData.Disabled
Disabled(StructureLicenseError) - Constructor for class LicenseData.Disabled
DISPLAYABLE - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Id
DISPLAYABLE_TEXT - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs
One-line text that can represent this item, for example, in a list.
DISTINCT - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Param
doJob() - Method in class AbstractStructureJob
done() - Method in class AttributeSpecBuilder.ParamsBuilder
Returns the parent builder.
DONE - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs
DONE - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Id
doResync(SyncInstance, ForestSource) - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer
doSync(SyncInstance, IncrementalSyncData, ForestSource) - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer
doubleOrNull(Number) - Static method in class NumericFunctions
doubleOrNull(T, Function<? super T, ? extends Number>) - Static method in class NumericFunctions
doubleOrZero(Number) - Static method in class NumericFunctions
doubleOrZero(T, Function<? super T, ? extends Number>) - Static method in class NumericFunctions
drainAttributeErrors() - Method in interface AttributeSubscription
Retrieves accumulated information about attribute loader errors.
dropSubscription(Long) - Method in interface AttributeSubscriptionService
Deletes the subscription.
DUEDATE - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs
DUEDATE - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs.Id
DummyRow - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.row
DummyRow(long, ItemIdentity, long, Object) - Constructor for class DummyRow
DURATION - Static variable in class ValueFormat
DURATION format contain the number of milliseconds between two points in time.


EDITABLE - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs
EDITABLE - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Id
Effect - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effect
A piece of runnable code generated by an effect provider from an effect description.
effect - Variable in class EffectPair
effect(String, RunnableE<? extends StructureException>) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.EffectContext
effect(ActionEffect, ActionEffect) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.HandlingContext
EffectBatch - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effectbatch
EffectBatch(ForestSpec, DataVersion, LongIterable, RowsToReplace, RowsToReplace, List<EffectPair>) - Constructor for class EffectBatch
EffectCollector - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector
An output sink for an effector, where it puts its effect descriptions.
Effector - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector
An effector is a component that generates effect descriptions based on a forest, a set of attribute values, and a set of user-provided, implementation-specific parameters.
effector(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
EFFECTOR - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
EFFECTOR_EXECUTOR_ID - Static variable in interface StructureJobManager
EffectorContext - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector
A context object for Effector.getEffectorFunction(Map, EffectorContext), which allows the effector to require attribute values and inspect the forest spec being processed.
EffectorFunction - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector
Produces effect descriptions, given an item forest and attribute values.
EffectorFunctionResponse - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector
A response object returned by Effector.getEffectorFunction(Map, EffectorContext), containing either an EffectorFunction or a collection of error messages.
EffectorFunctionResponse.Errors - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector
An invalid effector response with error messages.
EffectorFunctionResponse.Valid - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector
A valid effector response.
EffectorInstance - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector.instance
An effector instance is a persistent entity, containing an Effector module key and its parameters.
EffectorInstanceManager - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector.instance
Effector instance manager is responsible for CRUD operations on persistent effector instances.
EffectorPreview - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector.process
EffectorPreview stores the results of an effector run in the "preview" mode.
EffectorProcess - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector.process
Represents an Effector preview, effect application, or undo background process started by a user.
EffectorProcess.Status - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector.process
Represents the status of an effector process.
EffectorProcessManager - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector.process
Manages Effector preview, effect application, and undo background processes.
EffectorUnavailableException - Exception in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector
An exception that an Effector is allowed to throw to indicate that it is currently unavailable.
EffectorUnavailableException(String) - Constructor for exception EffectorUnavailableException
EffectorUnavailableException(String, String) - Constructor for exception EffectorUnavailableException
EffectPair - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effectbatch
EffectPair(long, boolean, ActionEffect, ActionEffect) - Constructor for class EffectPair
EffectProblem - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.action
EffectProvider - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effect
An effect provider is responsible for converting effect descriptions to pieces of runnable code.
EffectRecord - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effector.process
Information about a single effect applied by an effector process.
EffectResponse - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effect
The result of resolving an effect description.
EffectResponse.Empty - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effect
Represents an empty response, which means that the requested change is possible, but not required.
EffectResponse.Error - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effect
Represents an error response, which means that the requested change is impossible.
EffectResponse.Valid - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effect
Represents a valid response, which means that the requested change is both needed and possible.
effects - Variable in class EffectBatch
effects - Variable in class RestEffectBatch
EffectService - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effectbatch
EffectState - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effectbatch
emitWarning(I18nText, List<ItemIdentity>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that can't be deserialized successfully but used to describe a specific problem.
EMPTY - Static variable in class ConsistentRowValues
EMPTY - Static variable in interface ItemValues
EMPTY - Static variable in interface RowValues
empty() - Static method in interface ValueColumn
empty(I18nText, List<ItemIdentity>) - Static method in class EffectResponse
Constructs an empty response, which means that the requested change is possible, but not required.
Empty(I18nText, List<ItemIdentity>) - Constructor for class EffectResponse.Empty
EMPTY - Static variable in class ImmutableItemForest
EMPTY - Static variable in interface Forest
EMPTY - Static variable in class VersionedForest
Empty(DataVersion) - Constructor for class ItemVersionUpdate.Empty
empty() - Method in interface StructureQueryBuilder.BasicConstraintStep
Matches no rows.
EMPTY - Static variable in interface StructureQueryConstraint.Sequence
A sequence that has no values.
EMPTY - Static variable in class MapObject
EMPTY - Static variable in class StructureViewBean
EMPTY - Static variable in class ViewSpecification
Empty specification that does not contain any columns.
EMPTY_FILTER - Static variable in interface RecordingItemChangeFilter
EMPTY_SETTINGS - Static variable in class ViewSettings
EmptyFilter() - Constructor for class RecordingItemChangeFilter.EmptyFilter
EmptySequence() - Constructor for class StructureQueryConstraint.EmptySequence
EmptyTemplate - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.template
EmptyTemplate() - Constructor for class EmptyTemplate
encodeInlineJson(String) - Static method in class JsonUtil
We can't inline JSON into the page, because that stuff is read by the browser's HTML interpreter first rather than the JS interpreter, as it would in AJAX.
encodePermissions(List<PermissionRule>) - Static method in class PermissionRule
Utility method to encode a list of PermissionRules.
encodeURIComponent(String) - Static method in class StructureUtil
encodeURL(String) - Static method in class StructureUtil
end() - Method in class StructureQueryBuilder.Head
Builds the query and returns it.
END - Static variable in class ToString
end(StringBuilder) - Static method in class ToString
END_STEP - Static variable in interface NewStructureTemplateStep
endsub() - Method in class StructureQueryBuilder.Sub
"Closes" the parentheses opened by the matching call to StructureQueryBuilder.BasicConstraintStep.sub(), so that the accumulated constraint will be inserted into the enclosing builder as if a basic constraint.
enqueue(StructureJob) - Method in interface StructureJobManager
Schedule the job and run it as soon as possible.
ensureImmutability(Forest) - Static method in class ArrayForest
entry - Variable in class ForestVersion
enumSet(Collection<StructurePage>) - Static method in enum StructurePage
EQ - Static variable in class ToString
equals(Object) - Method in class AttributeSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class AttributeSpecBuilder
equals(Object) - Method in class AttributeSpecBuilder.ParamsBuilder
equals(Object) - Method in class TrailItemSet.Collector
equals(Object) - Method in class TrailItemSet
equals(Object) - Method in class ValueFormat
equals(Object) - Method in class StoredEffect
equals(Object) - Method in class ForestChange.Add
equals(Object) - Method in class ForestChange.Move
equals(Object) - Method in class ForestChange.Remove
equals(Object) - Method in class ForestChange.Reorder
equals(Object) - Method in class ForestSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class ForestSpec.SQuery
equals(Object) - Method in class ForestSpec.Transformation
equals(Object) - Method in class ArrayForest
equals(Object) - Method in class VersionedForest
equals(Object) - Method in class GenericItem
equals(Object) - Method in class ItemIdentity.LongIdentity
equals(Object) - Method in class ItemIdentity.StringIdentity
equals(Object) - Method in class PermissionRule.ApplyStructure
equals(Object) - Method in class PermissionRule.SetLevel
equals(Object) - Method in class PermissionSubject.Anyone
equals(Object) - Method in class PermissionSubject.JiraGroup
equals(Object) - Method in class PermissionSubject.JiraUser
equals(Object) - Method in class PermissionSubject.ProjectRole
equals(Object) - Method in class StructureAppPermission
equals(Object) - Method in class ProcessButtonParameters
equals(Object) - Method in class ProcessDisplayParameters
equals(Object) - Method in class DataVersion
equals - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.OpStep
equals(Object) - Method in class RestForestSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class RestSQuery
equals(Object) - Method in class RestTransformSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class HistoryEntry.Change
equals(Object) - Method in class HistoryEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class ComparableTuple
equals(Object) - Method in class I18nText
equals(Object) - Method in class MapObject
equals(Number, Number) - Static method in class NumericFunctions
equals(Object) - Method in class StructureViewBean
equals(Object) - Method in class ViewSettings.AssociatedView
equals(Object) - Method in class ViewSettings
equals(Object) - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column
equals(Object) - Method in class ViewSpecification
error() - Static method in class AttributeValue
Returns an "error" undefined value.
error(I18nText, I18nText, List<ItemIdentity>) - Static method in class EffectResponse
Constructs an error response, which means that the requested change is impossible.
Error(I18nText, I18nText, List<ItemIdentity>) - Constructor for class EffectResponse.Error
error(String, Object...) - Static method in class EffectorFunctionResponse
Constructs and returns an error response with a single error message.
error(Object...) - Method in class SyncLogger
errorException(Throwable, Object...) - Method in class SyncLogger
errors(I18nText...) - Static method in class EffectorFunctionResponse
Constructs and returns an error response with one or more error messages.
errors(List<I18nText>) - Static method in class EffectorFunctionResponse
Constructs and returns an error response with one or more error messages.
ErrorsContainer - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.backup
ErrorsReporter - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.backup
ExcelCell - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export.excel
ExcelCell is a specialization of ExportCell for exporting to the Microsoft Excel format, offering limited support for Excel-specific styling.
ExcelColumn - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export.excel
ExcelColumn is a specialization of ExportColumn for exporting to the Microsoft Excel format, offering limited support for Excel-specific styling.
ExcelStyle - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export.excel
ExcelStyle represents the default cell styles used by Structure's Excel export.
execute(StructureJob) - Method in interface StructureJobManager
Schedule the job and run it as soon as possible.
execute(StructureJob, String) - Method in interface StructureJobManager
Schedule the job and run it as soon as possible.
execute(CallableE<?, ?>, String) - Method in interface StructureJobManager
execute(Forest) - Method in class StructureQuery
Executes this query against the specified Forest, returning IDs of all matching rows in the forest order.
EXECUTE_EFFECTORS - Static variable in interface CoreAppPermissions
Permission to execute effectors installed in structures.
EXECUTE_EFFECTORS_ON_QUERIES - Static variable in interface CoreAppPermissions
Permission to execute effectors on query results.
executeIndices(Forest) - Method in class StructureQuery
Executes this query against the specified Forest, returning indices of all matching rows in the forest order (i.e., the sequence of indices strictly increases.)
executeIndicesUnbuffered(Forest) - Method in class StructureQuery
Executes this query against the specified Forest, returning an iterator over indices of all matching rows in the forest order (i.e., iterator values strictly increase.)
executeUnbuffered(Forest) - Method in class StructureQuery
Executes this query against the specified Forest, returning an iterator over all matching row IDs in the forest order.
expand(ItemIdentity) - Method in class TrailItemSet.AllItems
expand(ItemIdentity) - Method in class TrailItemSet
Expands the set to include the given item.
expand(ItemIdentity) - Method in class TrailItemSet.None
expand(ItemIdentity) - Method in class TrailItemSet.OneItem
expand(ItemIdentity) - Method in class TrailItemSet.OneType
expand(ItemIdentity) - Method in class TrailItemSet.SpecificItems
expand(ItemIdentity) - Method in class TrailItemSet.SpecificTypes
ExportCell - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export
ExportCell represents a single cell in the underlying table-like medium (e.g.
ExportColumn<C extends ExportCell> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export
ExportColumn represents a single column in the underlying table-like medium (e.g.
ExportContextKeys - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export
This class contains keys for the AttributeContext.getObject(Object) method that can be used to retrieve various objects needed to perform advanced tasks.
ExportContextKeys() - Constructor for class ExportContextKeys
ExportContextKeys.Excel - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export
Keys for Excel export requests.
ExportContextKeys.Export - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export
Keys for all export requests.
ExportFormat - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export
An enum representing the formats that a structure can be exported into.
ExportRenderContext - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export
A subtype of AttributeContext passed to ExportRenderer.
ExportRenderer<C extends ExportCell,M extends ExportColumn<C>> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export
An ExportRenderer corresponds to a single column of the underlying table-like medium (e.g.
ExportRendererProvider<C extends ExportCell,M extends ExportColumn<C>> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export
ExportRendererProvider processes the export requests for the Structure widget columns.
ExportRequestContext - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export
A context that is passed to ExportRenderer and ExportRendererProvider during preparation phase of the export.
ExportRow - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export
An ExportRow represents a particular item in an exported Forest.
extend(StructureRow, ItemForestBuilder) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.Extender.ExtenderFunction
Extender() - Constructor for class AbstractGenerator.Extender
EXTENDER_AGILE - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
EXTENDER_LINKS - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
EXTENDER_PORTFOLIO_CHILDREN - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
EXTENDER_SUBTASKS - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
EXTENSION - Static variable in interface CoreSemantics
external - Variable in class EffectPair
external - Variable in class RestEffect
extraChecks() - Method in class LicenseData.Disabled
extraChecks() - Method in interface LicenseData


f() - Method in class La2.Const
failure(String) - Static method in class AbstractSynchronizer
failure(Throwable) - Static method in class AbstractSynchronizer
failure(Throwable, String) - Static method in class AbstractSynchronizer
Failure(Throwable, String) - Constructor for class AbstractSynchronizer.SyncRunAuditEntry.Failure
FAILURE_REASON_UNKNOWN_ACTION - Static variable in interface UndoingSynchronizer
FIELD_ID - Static variable in class CoreEffectorParameters
FIELD_ID - Static variable in class CoreGeneratorParameters
Defines JIRA field ID the the generator works on.
FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class JiraFunc
filter(La<Long, ?>) - Method in class ArrayForest
filter(La<Long, ?>) - Method in interface Forest
Filters this forest by hiding rows that do not pass the filter condition.
Filter() - Constructor for class AbstractGenerator.Filter
filter(IntIterator, List<String>, QueryContext) - Method in interface StructureQueryConstraint
Filters the specified indices in the forest being searched according to some criteria.
filter(Iterable<D>) - Method in class La
filter(Iterator<D>) - Method in class La
FILTER_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
FILTER_HARD - Static variable in class CoreGeneratorParameters
Filter parameter: if true, an item may be hidden even if it has matching sub-items Applies to: all filters Type: boolean Default: missing (false)
FILTER_INSERTER_EXTENDER_DUPLICATES - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
FILTER_ITEM - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
FILTER_JQL - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
FILTER_NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
FILTER_SHOW_SUBITEMS - Static variable in class CoreGeneratorParameters
Filter parameter: if true, all sub-items of matching items also will be shown Applies to: all filters Type: boolean Default: missing (false)
FILTER_SJQL - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
FILTER_TEXT - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
filterByPopularity(List<Structure>, int, int) - Method in interface StructureFavoriteManager
Filters a list of structures, producing another list with structures that match popularity criteria, defined by minimum and maximum popularity.
filterDead(ItemIdentitySet, ItemIdentitySet) - Method in interface DeadItemsCheckingItemType
Item is considered dead, if the item ID is guaranteed to never be valid again.
filterDead(ItemIdentitySet, ItemIdentitySet) - Method in class GenericItemType
filterHardest(La<Long, ?>) - Method in class ArrayForest
filterHardest(La<Long, ?>) - Method in interface Forest
Filters this forest by excluding rows that do not pass the filter condition.
filterInaccessible(ItemIdentitySet, ApplicationUser, boolean, ItemIdentitySet) - Method in interface BulkAccessCheckingItemType
filterInaccessible(ItemIdentitySet, ApplicationUser, boolean, ItemIdentitySet) - Method in class GenericItemType
filterInvisibleProjects(LongSizedIterable, ApplicationUser, boolean, LongCollector) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Used to figure out which projects are not visible to the user.
filterIssues(Query, LongList) - Method in interface QueryContext
Given the specified issue IDs (sorted in increasing order), returns those of them that match the specified JQL.
filterIterable(Iterable<D>) - Method in class La
FilterIterator(Iterator<D>) - Constructor for class La.FilterIterator
filterSoft(La<Long, ?>) - Method in class ArrayForest
filterSoft(La<Long, ?>) - Method in interface Forest
Filters this forest by excluding rows that do not pass the filter condition.
find(Collection<X>, R) - Method in class La
findFirstWithFlags(int) - Method in class RowTree.Node
Starting with this node and going into its sub-tree, tries to find the first node that has the specified flags set.
findNext() - Method in class LongFilteringIterator
findProcesses(ApplicationUser, EffectorProcess.Status, Long) - Method in interface EffectorProcessManager
Finds effector processes by owner, status, or structure ID.
findRows(ItemIdentity) - Method in interface RowManager
Returns all rows created for the specified item.
findRows(ItemIdentity, LongConsumer) - Method in interface RowManager
Iterates through all rows created for the specified item.
findRows(ItemIdentity, LongPredicate) - Method in interface RowManager
Iterates through all rows created for the specified item.
firstChild(int) - Method in class IndexedForest
Returns the index of the first child under [idx].
firstChildError(List<AttributeValue<T>>) - Static method in class AbstractAggregateLoader
Returns the first error AttributeValue from list of children values.
fitsIntoInt(long) - Static method in class TypeUtils
FIX_VERSIONS - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs.Id
Folder - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.folder
folder(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
FOLDER - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
Folder.Builder - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.folder
FolderManager - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.folder
foldUpwards(ForestParentChildrenClosure<T, C>) - Method in class ArrayForest
foldUpwards(ForestParentChildrenClosure<T, C>) - Method in interface Forest
This is a more generic version of Forest.visitParentChildrenUpwards(com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.raw.ForestParentChildrenVisitor) that allows you to effectively process the forest bottom-up, probably saving on memory allocation and search speed.
forAttributeSpec(AttributeSpec<?>) - Static method in interface ReductionStrategy
Look for strategy type from the spec and try to return default strategy for known types.
forceRun(String) - Method in interface ScheduledJobManager
forCurrentUser() - Method in interface I18nProvider
forCurrentUser() - Static method in class JiraI18n
forCurrentUser() - Method in class JiraI18nProvider
Forest - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.raw
Forest interface provides indexed access to a data structure that stores row hierarchy (the hierarchy is a sequence of tree structures, a forest).
forest(Forest) - Method in class SyncLogger
ForestAccessCache - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.cache.access
Provides per-row, per-issue caching and functions to verify row/issue visibility to the user
ForestAccessCache.UserLookupException - Exception in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.cache.access
ForestAction - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.action
ForestAction.Add - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.action
ForestAction.Copy - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.action
ForestAction.Move - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.action
ForestAction.Remove - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.action
ForestAction.Visitor - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.action
ForestChange - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest
ForestChange represents a single change on a forest.
ForestChange.Add - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest
Represents addition to the forest.
ForestChange.Move - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest
Represents moving one or more rows from their current places in forest under the specified position.
ForestChange.Remove - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest
Represents removal of one or more rows.
ForestChange.Reorder - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest
Represents a complete reorder of the direct children of a given row.
ForestChange.Visitor - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest
The interface to use when making different actions depending on the specific type of the change.
ForestChangeEventHandler - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.raw
This interface may be used to collect additional information while forest changes are being made.
ForestIterationControl - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.raw
ForestIterationControl is an auxiliary object passed to some forest iteration methods for control of the iteration over a forest.
ForestMergeStructureException - Exception in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.raw
ForestMergeStructureException(long, long, Forest, Forest) - Constructor for exception ForestMergeStructureException
ForestParentChildrenClosure<T,C> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.raw
Implement this interface to efficiently process a forest in a bottom-up style with Forest.foldUpwards(com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.raw.ForestParentChildrenClosure<T, C>).
ForestParentChildrenListClosure<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.raw
This is a utility implementation of ForestParentChildrenClosure that collects the results of processing sub-rows into a list.
ForestParentChildrenListClosure() - Constructor for class ForestParentChildrenListClosure
ForestParentChildrenVisitor - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.raw
ForestRowValueRequest() - Constructor for class RestValueRequest.ForestRowValueRequest
ForestRowValueResponse() - Constructor for class RestValueResponse.ForestRowValueResponse
forests - Variable in class RowsToReplace
ForestScanControl - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.raw
Lets an iteratee under Forest.scanDownwards(com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.raw.ForestScanner) control the iteration and receive additional information about the current position.
ForestScanner - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.raw
ForestService - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest
ForestService manages all structured content.
ForestSource - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest
ForestSource is used to retrieve a forest and get forest updates.
ForestSourceHealthStatus - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest
ForestSpec - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest
ForestSpec is used to identify structured content.
forestSpec - Variable in class RestValueRequest.ForestRowValueRequest
Spec of the forest for which the rows are loaded.
forestSpec - Variable in class RestValueResponse.ForestRowValueResponse
ForestSpec.Builder - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest
A builder for forest spec.
ForestSpec.SQuery - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest
Represents a SQuery.
ForestSpec.Transformation - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest
Represents a transformation, which is a call to a generator with specified parameters.
ForestSpec.Visitor<T> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest
forestVersion - Variable in class RestValueResponse.ForestRowValueResponse
ForestVersion - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.structure.history
ForestVersion(Forest, HistoryEntry) - Constructor for class ForestVersion
forExternalName(String) - Static method in enum ExportFormat
forExternalName(String) - Static method in enum HistoryEntry.Operation
forgetNode(RowTree.Node) - Method in class IndexedRowTree
forgetNode(RowTree.Node) - Method in class RowTree
Called always when a node is removed (with its sub-nodes).
forId(String) - Static method in enum StructurePage
forIssue(long) - Method in interface StructureError
A shortcut to calling the same method on StructureException builder.
forIssue(long) - Method in class StructureException.Builder
forIssues(LongSet) - Static method in class BasicItemChangeFilter
forItem(ItemIdentity) - Method in interface StructureError
A shortcut to calling the same method on StructureException builder.
forItem(ItemIdentity) - Method in class StructureException.Builder
forItems(LongSet, Set<ItemIdentity>) - Static method in class BasicItemChangeFilter
FORMAT - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Param
format - Variable in class RestAttributeSpec
Format - must be one of ValueFormat IDs recognizable by the REST resource.
forRow(Long) - Method in interface StructureError
A shortcut to calling the same method on StructureException builder.
forRow(Long) - Method in class StructureException.Builder
forStrategyType(String) - Static method in interface ReductionStrategy
Try to return default strategy for known types.
forStructure(Long) - Method in interface StructureError
A shortcut to calling the same method on StructureException builder.
forStructure(Long) - Method in class StructureException.Builder
forView(Long) - Method in interface StructureError
A shortcut to calling the same method on StructureException builder.
forView(Long) - Method in class StructureException.Builder
from(User) - Static method in class JiraUsers
from(Object) - Static method in class MapObject
fromAppliedBatch(AppliedEffectBatch) - Static method in class RestEffectBatch
fromAppliedEffect(AppliedEffect) - Static method in class RestEffect
fromCode(String) - Static method in enum SourceOfTruth
fromCode(String) - Static method in enum SyncDirection
fromEncodedString(String) - Static method in class PermissionRule
Restores permission rule from its encoded String form.
fromEncodedString(String, boolean) - Static method in class PermissionRule
Restores permission rule from its encoded String form.
fromEncodedString(String) - Static method in class PermissionSubject
Creates a PermissionSubject based on the string representation.
fromEncodedString(String, boolean) - Static method in class PermissionSubject
Creates a PermissionSubject based on the string representation.
fromJson(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class JsonUtil
fromJson(String, Class<T>, ObjectMapper) - Static method in class JsonUtil
fromJson(String, TypeReference<T>) - Static method in class JsonUtil
fromJson(String, TypeReference<T>, ObjectMapper) - Static method in class JsonUtil
fromJson(String, TypeReference<T>, ObjectMapper, boolean) - Static method in class JsonUtil
fromJson(String) - Static method in class JsonUtil
fromJson(String, ObjectMapper) - Static method in class JsonUtil
fromJson(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class StructureUtil
fromJson(String, Class<T>, ObjectMapper) - Static method in class StructureUtil
fromJson(String, TypeReference<T>) - Static method in class StructureUtil
fromJson(String, TypeReference<T>, ObjectMapper) - Static method in class StructureUtil
fromJson(String) - Static method in class StructureUtil
fromJson(String, ObjectMapper) - Static method in class StructureUtil
fromMap(Map, Class<T>) - Static method in class JsonUtil
fromMap(Map, Class<T>, ObjectMapper) - Static method in class JsonUtil
fromMap(Map<? super T, ? extends R>, Class<R>) - Static method in class La
fromMap(Map, Class<T>) - Static method in class StructureUtil
fromMap(Map, Class<T>, ObjectMapper) - Static method in class StructureUtil
fromModel(DataVersion) - Static method in class RestVersion
fromRest(RestForestSpec) - Static method in class ForestSpec
This method can be used to restore a forest spec from a REST transfer object.
fromRest(RestForestSpec) - Static method in class ForestSpec.SQuery
fromRest(RestAttributeSpec) - Static method in class RestAttributeSpec
fromRestCollection(Collection<? extends RestAttributeSpec>) - Static method in class RestAttributeSpec
fromRestNotNull(RestAttributeSpec) - Static method in class RestAttributeSpec
fromSerial(int) - Static method in enum PermissionLevel
Used to look up permission level by serial number.
fromStringCode(String) - Static method in enum AutoSwitchStrategy
Full(VersionedForest, ForestSourceHealthStatus) - Constructor for class VersionedForestUpdate.Full
Full(VersionedForest) - Constructor for class VersionedForestUpdate.Full
fullForest - Variable in class ForestVersion


GenerationUtil - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator.util
generator(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
GENERATOR - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
GENERATOR_EXECUTOR_ID - Static variable in interface StructureJobManager
GeneratorManager - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
GeneratorPreset - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
GeneratorPreset(String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class GeneratorPreset
GeneratorPreset(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class GeneratorPreset
generatorRowId - Variable in class EffectPair
generatorRowId - Variable in class RestEffect
GeneratorSpec - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
GeneratorSpec(String, Map<String, Object>, Long) - Constructor for class GeneratorSpec
GeneratorUnavailableException - Exception in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
GeneratorUnavailableException(String) - Constructor for exception GeneratorUnavailableException
GeneratorUnavailableException(String, String) - Constructor for exception GeneratorUnavailableException
GenericItem - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item.generic
Class responsible for storing data related to generic item.
GenericItem.Builder - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item.generic
GenericItemManager - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item.generic
GenericItemManager is responsible for performing operations with generic items.
GenericItemResult(ErrorCollection, StructureException, ItemIdentity, GenericItem) - Constructor for class GenericItemService.GenericItemResult
GenericItemService - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item.generic
GenericItemService is responsible for performing get, create, update and delete operations with generic items.
GenericItemService.CreateValidationResult - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item.generic
GenericItemService.DeleteValidationResult - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item.generic
GenericItemService.ExceptionSupportResult - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item.generic
GenericItemService.GenericItemResult - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item.generic
GenericItemService.UpdateValidationResult - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item.generic
GenericItemType - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item.generic
GenericItemType is responsible for generic items support in Structure plugin.
GenericItemType(GenericItemService, GenericItemManager, StructurePluginHelper) - Constructor for class GenericItemType
GENERICVALUE_LONG_ID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
GENERICVALUE_STRING_ID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
get(K, AttributeSpec<T>) - Method in interface LoadedValues
Returns a value for the given row and attribute.
get(long, AttributeSpec<T>) - Method in interface RowValues
get(AttributeSpec<T>) - Method in interface ExportRow
Gets a value of an attribute for this row.
get() - Static method in class SyncLogger
Retrieves SyncLogger from the thread-local storage.
get(int) - Method in class JavaListToLongListAdapter
get(String) - Method in class MapObject
getActions() - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer.SyncRunAuditEntry.Failure
getActions() - Method in interface AbstractSynchronizer.SyncRunAuditEntry
getActions() - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer.SyncRunAuditEntry.Success
getActions() - Method in class SyncAuditLog.ActionGroup
getActions(long, long, long, long) - Method in interface SyncAuditLog
Retrieve recorded actions.
getActivity() - Method in interface ProcessInfo
getActivity() - Method in interface ProgressGauge
Returns a short description of the current activity.
getAddedForest() - Method in class ForestChange.Add
Returns the added forest.
getAddOptionDescription() - Method in interface ActionHandler.ExtenderActionHandler
getAddOptionDescription() - Method in interface ActionHandler.InserterActionHandler
getAffectedIssuesSorted() - Method in class IssueChangeEvent
getAffectedIssuesSorted() - Method in class JiraChangeEvent
getAffectedIssuesSorted() - Method in class LinkChangeEvent
getAffectedIssuesSorted() - Method in class SyncEvent.Jira
getAffectedItems() - Method in class EffectResponse
Returns the list of item IDs affected by the change.
getAffectedItems() - Method in interface EffectRecord
getAffectedItems() - Method in class ItemVersionUpdate.Empty
getAffectedItems() - Method in class ItemVersionUpdate
getAffectedItems() - Method in class ItemVersionUpdate.Total
getAffectedVersions() - Method in interface PlanningTask
getAfter() - Method in class ForestAction.Add
getAfter() - Method in class ForestAction.Copy
getAfter() - Method in class ForestAction.Move
getAfter() - Method in class ForestChange.Add
Returns the immediately preceding sibling of the first root of the added forest.
getAfter() - Method in class ForestChange.Move
Returns the new immediately preceding sibling of the first moved row, 0 if none.
getAfter() - Method in interface StructurePosition
getAfterFrom() - Method in class HistoryEntry.Change
getAfterTo() - Method in class HistoryEntry.Change
getAllFavorites() - Method in interface StructureFavoriteManager
getAllKeys(long) - Method in interface StructurePropertyService
getAllStructures(PermissionLevel) - Method in interface StructureManager
Retrieves a list of all unarchived structures that are accessible to the current user at the specified permission level.
getAllStructures(PermissionLevel, boolean) - Method in interface StructureManager
Retrieves a list of all structures that are visible to the current user at the specified permission level.
getApplicabilityChecker(Map<String, Object>, StructureGenerator.Context) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.Sorter
getApplicabilityChecker(Map<String, Object>, StructureGenerator.Context) - Method in class AbstractGenerator.Sorter
getApplicationProperties() - Static method in class JiraComponents
getApplicationProperty(String) - Static method in class DarkFeatures
getApplicationUserByName(String) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getAppliedEffects() - Method in interface ActionResult
getAppSupportInfo() - Method in interface StructureCoreExtension
getArchivedStructures(PermissionLevel) - Method in interface StructureManager
Retrieves a list of all archived structures that are visible to the current user at the specified permission level.
getArguments() - Method in class I18nText
getAssignee() - Method in interface Memo
getAssignee() - Method in interface PlanningTask
getAssociatedStructures(Long) - Method in interface StructureViewManager
Retrieves all structures that are "associated" with the specified view, i.e.
getAssociatedViews() - Method in class ViewSettings
getAttributeDependencies() - Method in interface AttributeLoader
Returns attributes that need to be loaded prior to calling this loader's loading function.
getAttributeDependencies() - Method in class InheritedValueLoader
getAttributeDependencies() - Method in class ScanningLongSumLoader
getAttributeDependencies() - Method in class ScanningNumberSumLoader
getAttributeDependencies() - Method in class SimpleDerivedAttributeLoader
getAttributeDependencies() - Method in class BaseAttributeLoader
getAttributeDependencies() - Method in class BiDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder.BuiltBiDerivedLoader
getAttributeDependencies() - Method in class CompositeAttributeLoader
getAttributeDependencies() - Method in class DelegatingAttributeLoader
getAttributeDependencies() - Method in class SingleDependencyReducingAggregateLoader
getAttributeParameter(ValueFormat<T>) - Method in class SpecParams
getAttributeParameter(String, ValueFormat<T>) - Method in class SpecParams
getAttributes() - Method in interface AttributeSubscription
Returns the attributes that are currently subscribed for.
getAttributeSensitivitySettings() - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
getAttributeService() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns the service that is used to calculate and get field values and other attributes for items.
getAttributeSpec() - Method in class AttributeErrorInfo
Returns the attribute spec of the problematic attribute
getAttributeSpec() - Method in interface AttributeLoader
Returns the spec for which this loader loads values.
getAttributeSpec() - Method in class AbstractAttributeLoader
getAttributeSpec() - Method in class BaseAttributeLoader
getAttributeSpec() - Method in class DelegatingAttributeLoader
getAttributeSubscriptionService() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns the service that is used to manage subscriptions to attributes.
getAttributeValue(K, AttributeSpec<T>) - Method in interface LoadedValues
Returns the AttributeValue loaded for the given key and attribute.
getAttributeValue(String) - Method in interface BackupReader
getAttributeValues(ForestSpec, boolean, LongList, Collection<? extends AttributeSpec<?>>, Consumer<ValuesMeta>) - Method in interface StructureAttributeService
Loads and returns attribute values as RowValues.
getAttributeValues(ForestSpec, LongList, Collection<? extends AttributeSpec<?>>) - Method in interface StructureAttributeService
Retrieves values for the given sets of attributes and rows.
getAttributeValues(Forest, LongList, Collection<? extends AttributeSpec<?>>) - Method in interface StructureAttributeService
Returns attribute values for the given matrix of Rows and Attributes.
getAttributeValues(ItemForest, LongList, Collection<? extends AttributeSpec<?>>) - Method in interface StructureAttributeService
Returns attribute values for the given matrix of Rows and Attributes.
getAttributeValuesWithUpdateChecker(ItemForest, LongList, Collection<? extends AttributeSpec<?>>, ForestSpec) - Method in interface StructureAttributeService
Loads the values for the given rows and attributes, plus provides an instance of AttributeUpdateChecker, which can be used to detect that the values may have changed and another loading is needed.
getAttributeValuesWithUpdateChecker(ForestSpec, LongList, Collection<? extends AttributeSpec<?>>) - Method in interface StructureAttributeService
Loads the values for the given rows and attributes, plus provides an instance of AttributeUpdateChecker, which can be used to detect that the values may have changed and another loading is needed.
getAuthenticationContext() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
getAutoCollapseStructurePanel() - Method in interface UISettings
Returns true if Structure panel on the issue page should automatically collapse/minimize when the displayed issue is not present in the initially selected structure.
getAutoCollapseStructurePanel() - Method in class UISettingsBean
getAutomationPermissionSubjects() - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Used to get the list of groups (possibly other permission subjects) that are allowed to configure and control automation of controlled structures.
getAutoSwitchStrategy(StructurePage) - Method in interface UISettings
Returns auto-switch strategy for the specified page.
getAutoSwitchStrategy(StructurePage) - Method in class UISettingsBean
getAvailableGroups(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Retrieves the security groups that the user is allowed to see.
getAvailableGroupsForCurrentUser() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Retrieves the security groups that the current user is allowed to see.
getAvailableRoles() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Retrieves the roles that exist in the system.
getAvatarManager() - Static method in class JiraComponents
getBackupManager() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns the component that's used to back up and restore Structure data.
getBaseLevel() - Method in class AbstractScanningLoader
getBaseStructureId() - Method in interface AttributeContext
Returns the ID of the structure for which the attribute is being calculated.
getBaseUrl() - Method in interface AttributeContext
Utility method, provides the base URL of the current instance.
getBaseUrl() - Static method in class StructureUtil
getBatchId() - Method in interface AppliedEffectBatch
getBatchId() - Method in class AppliedEffectBatchImpl
getBefore() - Method in class ForestAction.Add
getBefore() - Method in class ForestAction.Copy
getBefore() - Method in class ForestAction.Move
getBefore() - Method in interface StructurePosition
getBoolean(String) - Static method in class DarkFeatures
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Static method in class DarkFeatures
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface PropertyService
getBoolean(String) - Method in class MapObject
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class MapObject
getBooleanSystemProperty(String, boolean) - Static method in class StructureUtil
Similar to Boolean.getBoolean(String), but with ability to specify default value if no value is specified.
getButtons() - Method in class ProcessDisplayParameters
getCacheHelper() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
getCachingStrategy() - Method in interface AttributeLoader
Indicates how the values provided by this loader should be cached.
getCachingStrategy() - Method in class BaseAttributeLoader
getCachingStrategy() - Method in class BiDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder.BuiltBiDerivedLoader
getCachingStrategy() - Method in class UniDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder.BuiltDerivedLoader
getCachingStrategy() - Method in class CompositeAttributeLoader
getCachingStrategy() - Method in class DelegatingAttributeLoader
getCachingStrategy() - Method in interface MultiRowAttributeLoader
getCalendar(long) - Method in interface CalendarProvider
getCalendarInfos() - Method in interface CalendarProvider
getCaption() - Method in class ProcessButtonParameters
getCategory() - Method in interface StructureError
Returns error category.
getCategory() - Method in enum StructureErrors
getCause() - Method in class AttributeErrorInfo
If the problem caused an exception to be fired at the attributes system, returns that exception
getChanges() - Method in class HistoryEntry
getChangeType() - Method in class JiraChangeEvent
getChildren() - Method in interface AggregateAttributeContext
Returns a list of children rows of the currently loaded row.
getChildren() - Method in interface PropagateAttributeContext.Parent
Returns the list of all children of the parent row.
getChildren() - Method in class ForestChange.Reorder
Returns the new order of the child elements.
getChildren(long) - Method in class ArrayForest
getChildren(long) - Method in interface Forest
Creates an array with all direct sub-rows of the specified row.
getChildrenAtIndex(int) - Method in class ArrayForest
getChildrenAtIndex(int) - Method in interface Forest
Creates an array with all direct sub-rows of the row at the specified index.
getChildrenIndicesIterator(int) - Method in class ArrayForest
getChildrenIndicesIterator(int) - Method in interface Forest
Returns an iterator over indices of all direct sub-rows of the row at the specified index.
getClipboardSessionId() - Method in class ForestSpec
Returns session ID used to identify the clipboard if the base content is a clipboard, null otherwise.
getCode() - Method in interface StructureError
Returns error code.
getCode() - Method in enum StructureErrors
getCode() - Method in enum StructureLicenseError
getCode() - Method in enum AttributeSensitivityMode
Returns the code for the mode.
getCode() - Method in enum SourceOfTruth
getCode(SyncDirection) - Static method in enum SyncDirection
getCollator(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Returns a collator for strings in the user's locale.
getColumnDisplayMode() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
getColumnDisplayMode() - Method in class ViewSpecification
getColumnRenderer(ExportFormat, ViewSpecification.Column, ExportRequestContext) - Method in interface ExportRendererProvider
getColumns() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
getColumns() - Method in class ViewSpecification
getCommaSeparatedParameter(Map, String, Function<String, T>) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getCompareFunction(Map<String, Object>, StructureGenerator.GenerationContext) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.Sorter
getCompleteKey() - Method in interface SynchronizerDescriptor
getComponent(Class<T>) - Static method in class JiraComponents
getComponentClassManager() - Static method in class JiraComponents
getComponentOfType(Class<T>) - Static method in class JiraComponents
getComponents() - Method in interface PlanningTask
getCompositeCachingStrategy(AttributeSpec<?>, Collection<L>) - Static method in class CompositeAttributeLoader
getCompositeContextDependencies(Collection<L>) - Static method in class CompositeAttributeLoader
getCompositeDependencies(Collection<L>) - Static method in class CompositeAttributeLoader
getCompositeGlobalTrail(Collection<L>) - Static method in class CompositeAttributeLoader
getConfigDescription(Object) - Method in interface StructureSynchronizer
Creates a short one-line description of the configuration parameters, shown in a few places in the Structure interface, such as on the Manage Structure page.
getConfigDescriptionDetails(Object) - Method in interface StructureSynchronizer
Creates a list of strings that fully describe the synchronizer's configuration.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Retrieves StructureConfiguration
getConfigurationForWidget() - Method in interface StructureCoreExtension
getConfigurationScopeQuery() - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Utility method that returns a JQL query that selects all issues in the projects that are available for Structure.
getConfigurationScopeQuery() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Retrieves a query that limits scope to the projects enabled for Structure.
getConsistentAttributeValues(ForestSpec, boolean, Function<ItemForest, LongList>, Collection<? extends AttributeSpec<?>>) - Method in interface StructureAttributeService
Performs consistent loading of values for the given rows and attributes.
getConsistentAttributeValues(ForestSpec, Function<ItemForest, LongList>, Collection<? extends AttributeSpec<?>>) - Method in interface StructureAttributeService
Performs consistent loading of values for the given rows and attributes.
getConstantsManager() - Static method in class JiraComponents
getContextDependencies() - Method in interface AttributeLoader
Indicates which context values are used to calculate the value of the attribute.
getContextDependencies() - Method in class BaseAttributeLoader
getContextDependencies() - Method in class BiDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder.BuiltBiDerivedLoader
getContextDependencies() - Method in class UniDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder.BuiltDerivedLoader
getContextDependencies() - Method in class CompositeAttributeLoader
getContextDependencies() - Method in class DelegatingAttributeLoader
getCreateButtonTextKey() - Method in interface NewStructureTemplate
getCreatorId() - Method in class TransientRow
getCreatorId(StructureRow) - Static method in class TransientRow
getCreatorPermissionSubjects() - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Used to get the list of groups (possibly other permission subjects) that are allowed to create new structures.
getCsid() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column.Builder
getCsid() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column
getCurrentlyEnabledProjects() - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
getCurrentRowId() - Method in class ItemForestBuilderImpl
getCurrentVersion() - Method in interface VersionedDataSource
Returns the current version of the data without triggering data source's recalculation.
getCustomFieldManager() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
getDateCustomFieldValue(CustomField) - Method in interface PlanningTask
getDateTimeCustomFieldValue(CustomField) - Method in interface PlanningTask
getDebugIssueKey(long) - Static method in class StructureUtil
Returns issue key if possible.
getDebugIssueString(Long) - Static method in class StructureUtil
Returns a string representation of the issue that is used to write log messages.
getDebugIssueString(Issue) - Static method in class StructureUtil
Returns a string representation of the issue that is used to write log messages.
getDebugRowString(long) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getDebugRowString(StructureRow) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getDebugStructureString(long, StructureManager) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getDefaultPages() - Method in class ViewSettings.AssociatedView.Builder
getDefaultPages() - Method in class ViewSettings.AssociatedView
getDefaultStructureId(Project) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Returns the ID of the default structure for a given project.
getDefaultViewForPage(StructurePage) - Method in class ViewSettings
Retrieves a default view ID for a given page.
getDefaultViewSettings() - Method in interface StructureViewManager
Retrieves the global default view settings, which apply to all structure that don't have view settings overridden.
getDefinedValue() - Method in class AttributeValue
Returns a defined value, or throws a runtime exception if the value is not defined.
getDelegate(StructureRow) - Static method in class TransientRow
getDependencyAttributeValue(AttributeSpec<V>) - Method in interface AttributeLoaderContext
Gets the value of dependency attribute for the row being calculated.
getDependencyValue(AttributeSpec<V>) - Method in interface AttributeLoaderContext
Gets the value of dependency attribute for the row being calculated.
getDepth() - Method in interface ScanningAttributeContext
Returns the depth of the row currently being loaded.
getDepth() - Method in interface ExportRow
getDepth(int) - Method in class ArrayForest
getDepth(int) - Method in interface Forest
Gets the depth of the row at the specified position in the forest.
getDepth() - Method in interface ForestIterationControl
getDepths() - Method in class ArrayForest
getDepths() - Method in interface Forest
Returns a non-modifiable list of depths, in the order the rows appear in the forest.
getDescription() - Method in interface CalendarInfo
getDescription() - Method in class EffectResponse
Returns a human-readable description of the change, phrased as a possibility, e.g.
getDescription() - Method in interface AppliedEffect
getDescription() - Method in interface EffectProblem
getDescription() - Method in class GeneratorPreset
getDescription() - Method in class GenericItem
getDescription() - Method in interface Memo
getDescription() - Method in interface PlanningTask
getDescription() - Method in interface Structure
Returns the description of the structure, or empty string if the description has not been set.
getDescription() - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer.SyncRunAuditEntry.Failure
getDescription() - Method in interface AbstractSynchronizer.SyncRunAuditEntry
getDescription() - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer.SyncRunAuditEntry.Success
getDescription() - Method in class SyncAuditLog.ActionGroup
getDescription() - Method in interface SynchronizerDescriptor
getDescription() - Method in class ItemDisplayable
getDescription() - Method in interface StructureView
Returns the description of the view or an empty string if description was not set
getDescription() - Method in class StructureViewBean.Builder
getDescription() - Method in class StructureViewBean
getDescriptor() - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer
getDescriptor() - Method in interface StructureSynchronizer
getDestinationId() - Method in class LinkChangeEvent
getDestinationId(JiraChangeEvent) - Static method in class LinkChangeEvent
getDiagnostics() - Method in class ArrayForest
getDiagnostics(Forest) - Static method in class ArrayForest
Checks whether RowTree invariants hold.
getDirection() - Method in class HistoryEntry.Change
getDisplayName(ForestSpec) - Method in interface ForestService
Suggests a user-readable name fo the given forest spec.
getDueDate() - Method in interface Memo
getDueDate() - Method in interface PlanningTask
getDuration(long, long) - Method in interface Calendar
getEarliestHistoryEntryVersionGtEqDate(long, long) - Method in interface HistoryService
Returns the HistoryEntry.getVersion() of the earliest history entry which timestamp >= If there is no such history entry, returns 0.
getEffect() - Method in class EffectResponse
Returns the actual effect, or null if error or empty.
getEffect() - Method in class EffectResponse.Valid
getEffectivePermission() - Method in interface Structure
Calculates permission level for this structure based on the current user.
getEffectivePermission(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructureView
Calculates access level to this view for the specified user.
getEffectMessage() - Method in interface EffectRecord
getEffectorFunction(Map<String, Object>, EffectorContext) - Method in interface Effector
Returns an EffectorFunction, given the parameters.
getEffectorFunction() - Method in class EffectorFunctionResponse.Valid
getEffectorInstance(long) - Method in interface EffectorInstanceManager
Returns an effector instance by its ID.
getEffectorInstanceManager() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns a service responsible for CRUD operations on persistent effector instances
getEffectorPreview() - Method in interface EffectorProcess
Generated effects for preview, not yet applied.
getEffectorProcessManager() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns a service that manages Effector preview, effect application, and undo background processes.
getEffectProblems() - Method in interface ActionResult
getEffectRecords(long) - Method in interface EffectorProcessManager
Retrieves the list of effect records that describe the changes made by the given effector process or the errors that occurred while applying effects.
getEffects() - Method in interface AppliedEffectBatch
getEffects() - Method in class AppliedEffectBatchImpl
getElementText() - Method in interface BackupReader
getEnabledPermissionSubjects() - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Used to get the list of groups (possibly other permission subjects) that the app is enabled for.
getEntryCount(long) - Method in interface HistoryService
getEntryCountGtEqDate(long, long) - Method in interface HistoryService
getEnvironment() - Method in interface PlanningTask
getError() - Method in class EffectResponse.Error
getError() - Method in class EffectResponse
Describes why this effect cannot be applied, e.g.
getError() - Method in exception StructureException
Returns the error value associated with the exception.
getError() - Method in exception LicenseException
getErrors() - Method in class EffectorFunctionResponse.Errors
getErrors() - Method in interface EffectorPreview
Returns a list of errors that prevent effector from applying.
getErrors() - Method in interface NewStructureTemplateContext
getErrorsContainer() - Method in interface RestoreOperation
getEvent() - Method in class SyncEvent.Jira
getEventManager() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
getException() - Method in class GenericItemService.ExceptionSupportResult
getExpirationTimestamp() - Method in class LicenseData.Disabled
getExpirationTimestamp() - Method in interface LicenseData
getExplanation() - Method in class InteractionParameterValue
getExtenderFunction(Map<String, Object>, StructureGenerator.GenerationContext) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.Extender
getExternalName() - Method in enum ExportFormat
getExternalName() - Method in enum HistoryEntry.Operation
getFailureDescription(String, Throwable) - Static method in class SyncAuditLogHelper
getFavoriteManager() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns the component that's used to access and manage "favorite" relations between users and structures.
getFavorites(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructureFavoriteManager
Returns a list of unarchived structures that are the user's favorite and that the user is allowed to see.
getFavorites(ApplicationUser, boolean) - Method in interface StructureFavoriteManager
Returns a list of structures that are the user's favorite and that the user is allowed to see.
getFeedback(Long) - Method in interface ProcessHandleManager
getFilterFunction(Map<String, Object>, StructureGenerator.GenerationContext) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.Filter
getFinalFile() - Method in interface BackupOperation
getFinishTime() - Method in interface EffectorProcess
getFirstChild() - Method in class RowTree.Node
getFixVersions() - Method in interface PlanningTask
getFolder(long) - Method in interface FolderManager
getFolderManager() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns a service responsible for storing and retrieving folders.
getForest() - Method in class ConsistentRowValues
Returns the forest that was used to calculate the consistent values.
getForest() - Method in interface AttributeSubscription
Returns the forest spec currently set in this subscription.
getForest() - Method in class ImmutableItemForest
getForest() - Method in interface ItemForest
getForest() - Method in class ManagerBackedItemForest
getForest() - Method in interface ForestIterationControl
getForest() - Method in class VersionedForest
Returns the forest.
getForest() - Method in interface QueryContext
Returns the forest being searched.
getForest() - Method in class HistoryEntry.Change
getForest() - Method in class IndexedForest
getForestCacheSequence() - Method in interface ValuesMeta
Returns the version of the forest-based value cache at which the values were loaded, or DataVersion.ZERO if the forest was not versioned.
getForestService() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns a service that lets you retrieve ForestSource for a structure or a given ForestSpec.
getForestSource(ForestSpec) - Method in interface ForestService
Creates a forest source based on the forest spec.
getForestSpec() - Method in interface EffectorContext
Returns the forest spec processed by the current effector invocation.
getForestSpec() - Method in interface ExportRequestContext
Returns the forest spec being exported.
getForestSpec() - Method in interface StructureGenerator.GenerationContext
Returns the forest spec of the forest being generated.
getForestSpecBeingTransformed() - Method in interface StructureGenerator.GenerationContext
getForestVersion() - Method in class ConsistentRowValues
Returns the version of forest that was used to calculate the values.
getForestVersion() - Method in interface ValuesMeta
Returns the version of the forest that was used to load the values.
getForestVersion(long, int) - Method in interface HistoryService
getFormat() - Method in class AttributeSpec
Returns the attribute's format.
getFormatId() - Method in class ValueFormat
Returns the unique ID of the value format.
getFragment() - Method in class ForestAction.Add
getFragment() - Method in class ForestAction.Copy
getFromVersion() - Method in class ItemVersionUpdate.Empty
getFromVersion() - Method in class ItemVersionUpdate
getFromVersion() - Method in class ItemVersionUpdate.Total
getFullUpdate(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface AttributeSubscription
A convenience method that calls AttributeSubscription.loadValues(), waits for the specified amount of time for the loading to complete, and then provides the loaded value.
getFullUpdate() - Method in interface AttributeSubscription
A convenience method that loads all the values, waiting for them for an unspecified amount of time.
getFuture(Long) - Method in interface StructureJobManager
getGenerationTimes() - Method in interface ForestSourceHealthStatus
getGenerator(long) - Method in interface GeneratorManager
getGeneratorManager() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns the service responsible for storing and retrieving generator instances.
getGeneratorRowId() - Method in interface AppliedEffect
getGeneratorRowId() - Method in interface EffectProblem
getGenericItem() - Method in class GenericItemService.CreateValidationResult
getGenericItem() - Method in class GenericItemService.GenericItemResult
getGenericItem() - Method in class GenericItemService.UpdateValidationResult
getGlobalPermissionManager() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
getGlobalPermissionManager() - Static method in class JiraComponents
getGlobalTrail() - Method in interface AttributeLoader
Returns global trail.
getGlobalTrail() - Method in class BaseAttributeLoader
getGlobalTrail() - Method in class BiDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder.BuiltBiDerivedLoader
getGlobalTrail() - Method in class UniDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder.BuiltDerivedLoader
getGlobalTrail() - Method in class CompositeAttributeLoader
getGlobalTrail() - Method in class DelegatingAttributeLoader
getGroupManager() - Static method in class JiraComponents
getGroupName() - Method in class PermissionSubject.JiraGroup
getGroupName(Group) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getGroups(StructureRow) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.Grouper.GrouperFunction
getHeaderCell() - Method in interface ExportColumn
getHealth() - Method in interface ForestSource
getHealth() - Method in class VersionedForestUpdate
getHistoryEntries(long, int, int, HistoryConsumer) - Method in interface HistoryService
getHistoryEntries(long, int, int) - Method in interface HistoryService
Returns history entries for the specified structure that have versions in the specified range.
getHistoryEntriesWithoutChanges(long, int, int) - Method in interface HistoryService
Lightweight version of HistoryService.getHistoryEntries(long, int, int) which does not fetch changes, works much faster.
getHistoryEntry() - Method in class SyncEvent.Structure
getHitLimits() - Method in interface ForestSourceHealthStatus
getI18n() - Method in interface AttributeContext
getI18n(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Retrieves i18n helper for a concrete user.
getI18n() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Retrieves i18n helper for the current user.
getI18nBean() - Method in interface SynchronizerDescriptor
getI18nHelper() - Method in interface AttributeContext
Provides i18n helper.
getI18nKey() - Method in class I18nText
getIconHtml() - Method in class InteractionParameterValue
getId() - Method in interface Sprint
getId() - Method in class AttributeSpec
Returns the attribute's ID.
getId() - Method in interface CalendarInfo
getId() - Method in interface EffectorInstance
getId() - Method in interface EffectorProcess
getId() - Method in interface ProcessHandle
getId() - Method in enum StructurePage
getId() - Method in interface Structure
Returns the ID of the structure, or 0 if the structure has no ID (when it's new and hasn't been saved yet).
getId() - Method in interface SyncInstance
Returns the ID of this synchronizer instance.
getId() - Method in interface StructureView
Returns the ID of the view, or 0 if the view has no ID (when it's new and hasn't been saved yet).
getId() - Method in class StructureViewBean.Builder
getId() - Method in class StructureViewBean
getInaccessibleRows() - Method in interface AttributeSubscription
Returns the last known list of rows that are not accessible by the owner of the subscription.
getIndex() - Method in interface PropagateAttributeContext
Returns the index of the currently calculated row in the list of the parent's children.
getIndex() - Method in interface ForestIterationControl
getInfo(Long) - Method in interface ProcessHandleManager
getInitialStep() - Method in class EmptyTemplate
getInitialStep() - Method in interface NewStructureTemplate
getInstalledSynchronizer(Long) - Method in interface StructureSyncManager
Retrieves an instance of installed synchronizer.
getInstalledSynchronizersForStructure(Long) - Method in interface StructureSyncManager
Retrieves all synchronizer instances installed for the given structure.
getInt(String) - Method in class MapObject
getInt(String, int) - Method in class MapObject
getInteger(String, int) - Static method in class DarkFeatures
getInteraction() - Method in exception StructureInteractionException
getIntList(String) - Method in class MapObject
getInvalidHistoryItems() - Method in interface ErrorsContainer
getInvalidIssueMessages() - Method in interface ErrorsContainer
getInvalidItemMessages() - Method in interface ErrorsContainer
getInvalidStructureItems() - Method in interface ErrorsContainer
getInvalidStructures() - Method in interface ErrorsContainer
getInvalidStructureSynchronizers() - Method in interface ErrorsContainer
getInvalidSynchronizerMessages() - Method in interface ErrorsContainer
getInvisibleItems(Set<ItemIdentity>, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface ForestAccessCache
getInvisibleRows(LongIterable, String) - Method in interface ForestAccessCache
Calculates/retrieves the set of row IDs (among the passed rows), which contain items not visible to the specified user.
getInvisibleRows(LongIterable, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface ForestAccessCache
getIssue(long) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Retrieves an instance of Issue.
getIssue(String) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Retrieves an instance of issue by issue key.
getIssue(long) - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer
Retrieves an instance of Issue.
getIssue(String) - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer
Retrieves an instance of issue by issue key.
getIssueByRowId(long) - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer
getIssueError(Long, boolean, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks user access to the issue for viewing or editing.
getIssueError(Long, boolean) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Convenience method to check issue access for the current user.
getIssueError(Issue, boolean, boolean, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks user access to the issue for viewing or editing.
getIssueError(Issue, boolean) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Convenience method to check issue access for the current user.
getIssueError(Issue, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Convenience method to check issue access for the current user.
getIssueEventBridge() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns the component that's used to listen and report issue events.
getIssueId() - Method in class IssueChangeEvent
getIssueId(JiraChangeEvent) - Static method in class IssueChangeEvent
getIssueIdByRow(StructureRow) - Static method in class AbstractSynchronizer
getIssueIdByRowId(long) - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer
getIssueManager() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
getIssueManager() - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer
getIssueManager() - Static method in class JiraComponents
getIssueType() - Method in interface PlanningTask
getItem(Class<I>) - Method in interface ItemAttributeContext
Returns the object representing the loaded item.
getItem() - Method in class TrailItemSet.OneItem
getItem() - Method in exception StructureException
Returns related item, or null if no item is related.
getItem(ItemIdentity) - Method in interface GenericItemManager
getItem(ItemIdentity) - Method in interface GenericItemService
getItem(Class<I>) - Method in class DummyRow
getItem(Class<I>) - Method in class ShallowRow
getItem(Class<I>) - Method in class SimpleRow
getItem(Class<I>) - Method in interface StructureRow
Tries to resolve the item based on its ID, that is, get an object that represents this item.
getItem(Class<I>) - Method in class StructureRow.ZeroRow
getItem(Class<I>) - Method in class SuperRootRow
getItem(Class<I>) - Method in class TransientRow
getItemCacheSequence() - Method in interface ValuesMeta
Returns the version of the item-based value cache at which the values were loaded.
getItemDescription(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getItemDisplayable(ItemIdentity, StructureAttributeService) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getItemDisplayable(StructureRow, StructureAttributeService) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getItemDisplayable(Collection<ItemIdentity>, StructureAttributeService) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getItemId() - Method in class AttributeErrorInfo
If the problem happened when loading a particular item, returns that item ID
getItemId() - Method in interface ItemAttributeContext
getItemId() - Method in class GenericItemService.DeleteValidationResult
getItemId() - Method in class GenericItemService.GenericItemResult
getItemId() - Method in class GenericItemService.UpdateValidationResult
getItemId() - Method in class DummyRow
getItemId() - Method in class ShallowRow
getItemId() - Method in class SimpleRow
getItemId() - Method in interface StructureRow
Returns item ID for the item shown in this row.
getItemId() - Method in class StructureRow.ZeroRow
getItemId() - Method in class SuperRootRow
getItemId() - Method in class TransientRow
getItemIds() - Method in interface MigrationMapping
Returns non-issue item IDs (folders, memos, generators, etc) mapping.
getItemResolver() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns a service that resolves ItemIdentity into an object that represents that item.
getItems() - Method in class TrailItemSet.Collector
getItems() - Method in class TrailItemSet.SpecificItems
getItemsVersion() - Method in class ConsistentRowValues
Returns the version of the item update stream that was current when the values were loaded.
getItemsVersion() - Method in interface ValuesMeta
Returns the version of the item change stream at a moment before all the values were loaded.
getItemTracker() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns a service that tracks item updates throughout the system and also allows reporting updates.
getItemType() - Method in class TrailItemSet.OneType
getItemType() - Method in class GenericItemService.CreateValidationResult
getItemType() - Method in class ItemIdentity
Returns item type.
getItemTypes() - Method in class ItemIdentitySet
getItemValues(Collection<ItemIdentity>, Collection<? extends AttributeSpec<?>>) - Method in interface StructureAttributeService
Loads item-based values for the given items.
getJiraAuthenticationContext() - Static method in class JiraComponents
getJiraChangedIssuesSorted(JiraChangeType...) - Method in interface IncrementalSyncData
Returns a sorted unique list of IDs of issues that have been changed in JIRA (edited, linked, etc.)
getJiraDefaultLocale() - Static method in class StructureUtil
getJiraEvent() - Method in class IssueChangeEvent
getJiraEvents() - Method in interface IncrementalSyncData
Returns a detailed list of events that happened in JIRA, in the order of happening.
getJob(Long) - Method in interface StructureJobManager
Retrieves the job by its ID.
getJobManager() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns the component that's used to run asynchronous jobs.
getJqlOperandResolver() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
getJqlQueryParser() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
getJqlStringSupport() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
getKeepStructureWhileNavigating() - Method in interface UISettings
Returns true if the structure selection should be kept when the user clicks on an issue in the Structure widget.
getKeepStructureWhileNavigating() - Method in class UISettingsBean
getKey() - Method in enum LicenseSource
getKey() - Method in enum StructureLicenseHosting
getKey() - Method in enum StructureLicenseType
getKey() - Method in class StructureAppPermission
Returns a string key that uniquely identifies this permission.
getKey() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column.Builder
getKey() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column
getKeyFor(User) - Static method in class JiraUsers
getKeyFor(ApplicationUser) - Static method in class JiraUsers
getLabel() - Method in class GeneratorPreset
getLabel() - Method in interface SynchronizerDescriptor
getLabels() - Method in interface PlanningTask
getLabelsCustomFieldValue(CustomField) - Method in interface PlanningTask
getLastChild(long) - Method in class ArrayForest
getLastChild(long) - Method in interface Forest
Gets the last direct sub-row of the specified parent row.
getLastChild() - Method in class RowTree.Node
getLastChildByIndex(int) - Method in class ArrayForest
getLastChildByIndex(int) - Method in interface Forest
Gets the last direct sub-row of the specified parent row.
getLastRunTime(String) - Method in interface ScheduledJobManager
getLastTransformation() - Method in class ForestSpec
Returns the last transformation used by this forest spec.
getLastTransformedSpec() - Method in class ForestSpec
For a forest spec with transformations, returns the forest spec without the last used transformation.
getLatest() - Method in interface ForestSource
Returns a snapshot of the current state.
getLatest() - Method in class VersionedForestUpdate
Returns the full forest.
getLatestHistoryEntryVersion(long) - Method in interface HistoryService
Returns the version of the latest history entry for the specified structure.
getLevel() - Method in class PermissionRule.SetLevel
getLevelsSorted() - Method in class AbstractScanningLoader
getLicense() - Method in interface AppSupportInfo
getLicensedServers() - Method in class LicenseData.Disabled
getLicensedServers() - Method in interface LicenseData
getLicensee() - Method in class LicenseData.Disabled
getLicensee() - Method in interface LicenseData
getLicenseError() - Method in class LicenseData.Disabled
getLicenseError() - Method in interface LicenseData
getLicenseHosting() - Method in interface LicenseData
getLicenseSource() - Method in class LicenseData.Disabled
getLicenseSource() - Method in interface LicenseData
getLicenseType() - Method in class LicenseData.Disabled
getLicenseType() - Method in interface LicenseData
getLinkTypeId() - Method in class LinkChangeEvent
getLinkTypeId(JiraChangeEvent) - Static method in class LinkChangeEvent
getList(String, BiFunction<JSONArray, Integer, T>) - Method in class MapObject
getLoadedValue(K, AttributeSpec<T>) - Method in interface LoadedValues
Returns the value loaded for the given key and attribute.
getLoaderClass() - Method in enum LoaderType
getLoaderClasses(AttributeLoader<?>) - Static method in class CompositeAttributeLoader
getLoaderData(Class<D>) - Method in class AttributeValue
Returns the loader data if it matches the provided type.
getLoaderWeight() - Method in enum LoaderType
getLoadingErrors() - Method in interface ValuesMeta
Returns the errors encountered during loading the values.
getLoadTimeMillis() - Method in interface AttributeContext
Returns the current wall time at the moment when calculation or export has started.
getLoadTimeNanos() - Method in interface AttributeContext
Returns the current system timer value (from System.nanoTime()) at the moment when calculation or export has started.
getLocale() - Method in interface AttributeContext
Returns the current user's locale.
getLocale() - Method in interface I18n
getLocale() - Method in class JiraI18n
getLocale() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Returns the current user's locale.
getLocalizedMessage() - Method in exception EffectorUnavailableException
getLocalizedMessage() - Method in exception StructureException
Gets the localized message about the problem in the current user's locale.
getLocalizedMessage(ApplicationUser) - Method in exception StructureException
Gets the localized message about the problem in the given user's locale.
getLocalizedMessage() - Method in exception GeneratorUnavailableException
getLogger() - Method in class SyncLogger
getLogs() - Method in interface PerformanceLogProvider
getLong(String, long) - Static method in class DarkFeatures
getLong(String, long) - Method in interface PropertyService
getLong(long, String, long) - Method in interface StructurePropertyService
getLong(String) - Method in class MapObject
getLong(String, long) - Method in class MapObject
getLongId() - Method in class ItemIdentity
Gets the long ID from a long-based ItemIdentity.
getLongId() - Method in class ItemIdentity.LongIdentity
getLongList(String) - Method in class MapObject
getLongProperty(ApplicationProperties, String) - Static method in class StructureUtil
Reads a value previously stored in properties using setLongValue
getMaintenanceExpirationDate() - Method in class LicenseData.Disabled
getMaintenanceExpirationDate() - Method in interface LicenseData
getMap() - Method in class RowMapper.Mapping
getMappedRows() - Method in class RowMapper.Mapping
getMaximumNumberOfUsers() - Method in class LicenseData.Disabled
getMaximumNumberOfUsers() - Method in interface LicenseData
getMemo(long) - Method in interface MemoManager
getMemos(Collection<Long>) - Method in interface MemoManager
getMenuItems(Long, StructurePage) - Method in interface StructureViewManager
This method retrieves a list of entries for the "Views" drop-down menu on the specified page, for the specified structure.
getMenuPages() - Method in class ViewSettings.AssociatedView.Builder
getMenuPages() - Method in class ViewSettings.AssociatedView
getMergePoint() - Method in exception ForestMergeStructureException
getMergePointFatherFromForest() - Method in exception ForestMergeStructureException
getMergePointFatherRoot() - Method in exception ForestMergeStructureException
getMessage() - Method in class InteractionParameter
getMessageWithCauseChain(Throwable) - Static method in class LoggingUtils
getMessageWithCauseChain(Throwable) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getModule() - Method in class ForestSpec.Transformation
Returns the complete module key of the generator.
getModuleKey() - Method in class StoredEffect
The complete module key of the EffectProvider responsible for converting this effect description to an actual Effect.
getModuleKey() - Method in interface EffectorInstance
getModuleKey() - Method in class GeneratorSpec
getMovedRows() - Method in class ForestChange.Move
Returns the moved rows.
getMoveOptionDescription() - Method in interface ActionHandler.ExtenderActionHandler
getMoveOptionDescription() - Method in interface ActionHandler.InserterActionHandler
getMultiParameter(Map, String) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getMultiParameterLong(Map, String) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getMultiVersionCustomFieldValue(CustomField) - Method in interface PlanningTask
getName() - Method in interface CalendarInfo
getName() - Method in class Folder
getName() - Method in class GenericItem
getName() - Method in class ProcessDisplayParameters
getName() - Method in interface Structure
Returns the name of the structure or empty string if the name has not been yet set.
getName() - Method in interface StructureView
Returns the name of the view or an empty string if the view name has not been set yet
getName() - Method in class StructureViewBean.Builder
getName() - Method in class StructureViewBean
getName() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column.Builder
getName() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column
getNextSibling(long) - Method in class ArrayForest
getNextSibling(long) - Method in interface Forest
Gets the row that immediately follows the specified row in the list of children of the specified row's parent.
getNextSibling() - Method in class RowTree.Node
getNextSiblingForIndex(int) - Method in class ArrayForest
getNextSiblingForIndex(int) - Method in interface Forest
Gets the row that immediately follows the one with the given index in the list of children of its parent.
getNextSiblingIndex(int) - Method in class ArrayForest
getNextSiblingIndex(int) - Method in interface Forest
Gets the index of the row that immediately follows the row at the given index in the list of children of its parent.
getNextStep(Map<String, Object>, NewStructureTemplateStep.Direction, NewStructureTemplateContext) - Method in interface NewStructureTemplateStep
getNodes() - Method in class NodeInfo.Branch
getNodes() - Method in class NodeInfo
getNodeWithRowId(long) - Method in class IndexedRowTree
Quickly retrieves a node with the given row ID.
getNonSensitiveAttributes() - Method in interface AttributeSensitivitySettings
Returns attributes that were explicitly set to be non-sensitive, regardless of the default mode.
getNonSensitiveAttributes() - Method in class ImmutableAttributeSensitivitySettingsBean
getNumberCustomFieldValue(CustomField) - Method in interface PlanningTask
getObject(Object) - Method in interface AttributeContext
Retrieves the value associated with a key.
getObject(Object) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.GenerationContext
Retrieves the object previously associated with the given forest by this generator.
getObject(Object) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.HandlingContext
getObject(String) - Method in class MapObject
getObject(String) - Method in class SpecParams
getObjectList(String) - Method in class MapObject
getOperation() - Method in class HistoryEntry.Change
getOptionsManager() - Static method in class JiraComponents
getOrCreateTypeId(String) - Method in interface ItemTypeRegistry
Retrieves a numeric ID for a given item type key.
getOrder() - Method in class TotalOrder.ValueWrapper
getOriginalEstimate() - Method in interface Memo
getOriginalEstimate() - Method in interface PlanningTask
getOriginalId() - Method in class TransientRow
getOriginalId(StructureRow) - Static method in class TransientRow
getOriginalRows() - Method in class ForestAction.Copy
getOriginalRows() - Method in class HistoryEntry.Change
getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(Class<T>) - Static method in class JiraComponents
getOtherProblems() - Method in interface ErrorsContainer
getOwnedItem(ItemIdentity, long, boolean) - Method in interface GenericItemManager
getOwnedItem(ItemIdentity, long, boolean) - Method in class GenericItemType
getOwnedItem(ItemIdentity, long, boolean) - Method in interface StructureOwnedItemType
Associate an item with a structure, or create a copy of the given item and associate the copy with the structure.
getOwner() - Method in interface Structure
Returns the owner of the structure.
getOwner() - Method in interface StructureView
Returns the owner of the view, or null if the view has no owner.
getOwner() - Method in class StructureViewBean.Builder
getOwner() - Method in class StructureViewBean
getOwnerUserKey() - Method in interface Structure
Returns the user key of the owner of the structure.
getOwningStructure() - Method in interface EffectorInstance
getOwningStructure() - Method in class Folder
getOwningStructure() - Method in class GeneratorSpec
getOwningStructure() - Method in class GenericItem
getParameterId() - Method in class InteractionParameter
getParameters() - Method in class StoredEffect
Provider-specific parameters, e.g.
getParameters() - Method in interface EffectorInstance
getParameters() - Method in interface Interaction
getParameters() - Method in class GeneratorPreset
getParameters() - Method in class GeneratorSpec
getParameters() - Method in class GenericItem
getParameters() - Method in interface ProcessInfo
getParameters() - Method in interface SyncInstance
Synchronizer parameters.
getParameters() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column.Builder
getParameters() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column
getParametersFormHtml(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface SynchronizerDescriptor
getParams() - Method in class AttributeSpec
Returns the same as AttributeSpec.getParamsMap(), but wrapped into accessor object.
getParams() - Method in class ForestSpec.Transformation
Returns optional parameters for the generator.
getParamsMap() - Method in class AttributeSpec
Returns the attribute's parameters as a read-only map.
getParent() - Method in interface PropagateAttributeContext.Parent
Returns the current parent row, which children are about to be calculated.
getParent(long) - Method in class ArrayForest
getParent(long) - Method in interface Forest
Gets the parent row of the specified row.
getParent() - Method in interface ForestScanControl
getParent(long) - Method in class HierarchyHelper
getParent() - Method in class RowTree.Node
getParentIndex(int) - Method in class ArrayForest
getParentIndex(int) - Method in interface Forest
Searches the forest for the index of a "parent row".
getParentIndex() - Method in interface ForestScanControl
getParentPathForIndex(int) - Method in class ArrayForest
getParentPathForIndex(int) - Method in interface Forest
Returns the path to the specified row without the row itself.
getParentPathIndexes() - Method in interface ForestScanControl
getPath(long) - Method in class ArrayForest
getPath(long) - Method in interface Forest
Returns the path to the specified row - a sequence of rows that starts with a root row, ends with the specified row, and where element[i] is the parent row of element[i+1].
getPathForIndex(int) - Method in class ArrayForest
getPathForIndex(int) - Method in interface Forest
Similar to Forest.getPath(long), returns the path to the row specified by index.
getPathFrom() - Method in class HistoryEntry.Change
getPathIndexAtDepth(int, int) - Method in class ArrayForest
getPathIndexAtDepth(int, int) - Method in interface Forest
Given row at the specified index, traverses its "path" upwards - that is, looks for all parent rows up to the topmost root parent, and returns an index of the parent that has the specified depth.
getPathTo() - Method in class HistoryEntry.Change
getPayload() - Method in class TotalOrder.PayloadWrapper
getPercentComplete() - Method in interface ProcessInfo
getPercentComplete() - Method in interface ProgressGauge
Returns process completion percentage, 0 to 100, or -1 if progress is unknown/indeterminate.
getPermissionManager() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
getPermissionManager() - Static method in class JiraComponents
getPermissions() - Method in interface Structure
Returns a list of permissions for this structure.
getPermissions() - Method in interface StructureView
Used to get permissions rules that are used to calculate user's access level.
getPermissions() - Method in class StructureViewBean.Builder
getPermissions() - Method in class StructureViewBean
getPermissionSubjects(StructureAppPermission) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Returns the list of groups (possibly other permission subjects) that are granted the given Structure app permission.
getPickedProjectIds() - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
This method returns a list of IDs of projects picked by the administrator for the Structure app.
getPickedProjects() - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
This method returns a list of projects picked by the administrator for the Structure app.
getPins() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
getPins() - Method in class ViewSpecification
getPlanningTask(long) - Method in interface PlanningTaskManager
getPlanningTasks(Collection<Long>) - Method in interface PlanningTaskManager
getPluginAccessor() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
getPluginAccessor() - Static method in class JiraComponents
getPopularity(Long) - Method in interface StructureFavoriteManager
Returns the number of users for whom the structure is favorite.
getPossibleResyncEffects(Object) - Method in interface StructureSynchronizer
Creates a list of strings that describe possible changes that might happen during resync
getPrecedingRow() - Method in interface ScanningAttributeContext
Returns the row that immediately precedes this row in the forest.
getPrecedingRowDepth() - Method in interface ScanningAttributeContext
Returns the depth of the row that immediately precedes this row in the forest.
getPrecedingSibling(long) - Method in class ArrayForest
getPrecedingSibling(long) - Method in interface Forest
Gets the row that immediately precedes the specified row in the list of children of the specified row's parent.
getPrecedingSiblingForIndex(int) - Method in class ArrayForest
getPrecedingSiblingForIndex(int) - Method in interface Forest
Gets the row that immediately precedes the one with the given index in the list of children of its parent.
getPrecedingSiblingIndex(int) - Method in class ArrayForest
getPrecedingSiblingIndex(int) - Method in interface Forest
Gets the index of the row that immediately precedes the row at the given index in the list of children of its parent.
getPrecedingSiblings(long) - Method in class ArrayForest
getPrecedingSiblings(long) - Method in interface Forest
Returns the array of all rows that come before the given row in the list of children of its parent, in the same order as they appear in the forest.
getPrecedingSiblingsForIndex(int) - Method in class ArrayForest
getPrecedingSiblingsForIndex(int) - Method in interface Forest
Returns the array of all rows that come before the given row in the list of children of its parent, in the same order as they appear in the forest.
getPrefix() - Method in class SyncLogger
getPresets() - Method in interface ConfigurableGenerator
getPresets() - Method in class AbstractGenerator
getPreviewEffects() - Method in interface EffectorPreview
Returns a list of effects that will be applied in case of the user confirmation.
getPreviewIndex() - Method in interface EffectRecord
getPreviousParentRowsSorted() - Method in interface IncrementalSyncData
Returns sorted list of row IDs of all parents of the rows affected by this change in Structure (or those used to be parents before the change).
getPrevSibling() - Method in class RowTree.Node
getPrevVersion() - Method in class HistoryEntry
getPriority() - Method in interface PlanningTask
getProblemDetails() - Method in exception StructureException
Returns the part of Throwable.getMessage() that corresponds to the original description of the problem.
getProcess(long) - Method in interface EffectorProcessManager
Retrieves the current state of the process.
getProcessHandleId() - Method in interface EffectorProcess
Returns the ID of this process' ProcessHandle.
getProcessHandleManager() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns component that tracks long-running background processes and shows progress to the user.
getProcessId() - Method in interface EffectRecord
getProductIconUrl() - Method in interface StructureIntegrationDetails
getProductKey() - Method in interface AppSupportInfo
getProductVersion() - Method in interface AppSupportInfo
getProgressGauge() - Method in interface RestoreOperation
getProject() - Method in interface PlanningTask
getProjectComponentManager() - Static method in class JiraComponents
getProjectCustomFieldValue(CustomField) - Method in interface PlanningTask
getProjectId() - Method in class PermissionSubject.ProjectRole
getProjectManager() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
getProjectManager() - Static method in class JiraComponents
getProjectRoleManager() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
getProjectsForCurrentUser() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Retrieves the list of projects that are visible to the current user.
getProperty(String) - Static method in class DarkFeatures
getProperty(String, String) - Static method in class DarkFeatures
getQualifier() - Method in class SimpleRow
getQuery() - Method in class ForestSpec.SQuery
Returns the query text.
getQueryString() - Method in class StructureQuery
getRawObjectList(String) - Method in class MapObject
getRemainingEstimate() - Method in interface Memo
getRemainingEstimate() - Method in interface PlanningTask
getRemovedRows() - Method in class ForestChange.Remove
Returns the removed rows.
getReorderOptionDescription() - Method in interface ActionHandler.ExtenderActionHandler
getReporter() - Method in interface PlanningTask
getRequestedAttributes() - Method in class ConsistentRowValues
getRequestedRows() - Method in class ConsistentRowValues
getRequestedRows() - Method in class RowMapper.Mapping
getRestResponseData(Object) - Method in interface StructureCoreExtension
getRevertedProcessId() - Method in interface EffectorProcess
getRoleId() - Method in class PermissionSubject.ProjectRole
getRoots() - Method in class ArrayForest
getRoots() - Method in interface Forest
Returns an array of all root rows in the forest (those that have depth of 0).
getRow() - Method in interface RowAttributeContext
Returns the row currently being loaded.
getRow() - Method in exception StructureException
Returns related row, or 0 if no row is related.
getRow() - Method in interface ExportRow
Returns the current StructureRow instance.
getRow(long, ItemAccessMode) - Method in class ImmutableItemForest
getRow(long, ItemAccessMode) - Method in class ManagerBackedItemForest
getRow(int) - Method in class ArrayForest
getRow(int) - Method in interface Forest
Gets the ID of the row at the specified position in the forest.
getRow(long) - Method in interface RowRetriever
Retrieves information about a structure row by its ID.
getRow(long, ItemAccessMode) - Method in interface RowRetriever
Retrieves StructureRow with additional information about how the calling code is going to use method StructureRow.getItem(java.lang.Class<I>).
getRowDisplayMode() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
getRowDisplayMode() - Method in class ViewSpecification
getRowId() - Method in class AttributeErrorInfo
If the problem happened when loading a particular row, returns that row ID
getRowId() - Method in interface ExportRow
getRowId() - Method in class InteractionParameter
getRowId() - Method in class DummyRow
getRowId() - Method in exception MissingRowException
getRowId() - Method in class ShallowRow
getRowId() - Method in class SimpleRow
getRowId() - Method in interface StructureRow
Returns row ID, a positive number.
getRowId() - Method in class StructureRow.ZeroRow
getRowId() - Method in class SuperRootRow
getRowId() - Method in class TransientRow
getRowId() - Method in class RowTree.Node
getRowIdReplacements() - Method in interface ActionResult
getRowIds() - Method in class ForestAction.Move
getRowIds() - Method in class ForestAction.Remove
getRowManager() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns row manager, which is responsible for managing a mapping between numeric row IDs and item IDs.
getRows() - Method in interface AttributeSubscription
Returns the rows that are currently subscribed for.
getRows() - Method in class ArrayForest
getRows() - Method in interface Forest
Returns a non-modifiable list of rows, in the order they appear in the forest.
getRowValue(RowAttributeContext) - Method in class AbstractNaiveDistinctAggregateLoader
getRowValues() - Method in class RowValuesWithUpdateChecker
Returns the row values.
getRules() - Method in interface SynchronizerDescriptor
getRunningProcessesForUser(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface EffectorProcessManager
Finds all effector processes for the given user, except finished processes for which the "acknowledged" flag is set.
getSanitizedQueryString() - Method in class StructureQuery
Returns a string representation of this query, with all the potential "information leaks" removed, with regards to the current user.
getScheduledJobManager() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns the component that is used to schedule recurring asynchronous jobs.
getSearchRequestManager() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
getSearchService() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
getSelfValue(AggregateAttributeContext) - Method in class ReducingAggregateLoader
getSelfValue(AggregateAttributeContext) - Method in class SingleDependencyReducingAggregateLoader
getSemanticLabel(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.Grouper
getSemantics() - Method in class DummyRow
getSemantics() - Method in class ShallowRow
getSemantics() - Method in class SimpleRow
getSemantics() - Method in interface StructureRow
Returns row's semantics.
getSemantics() - Method in class StructureRow.ZeroRow
getSemantics() - Method in class SuperRootRow
getSemantics() - Method in class TransientRow
getSensitivityMode() - Method in interface AttributeSensitivitySettings
Returns the default sensitivity mode.
getSensitivityMode() - Method in class ImmutableAttributeSensitivitySettingsBean
getSerial() - Method in class LicenseData.Disabled
getSerial() - Method in interface LicenseData
getSerial() - Method in enum PermissionLevel
getSerialNumber() - Method in class LicenseData.Disabled
getSerialNumber() - Method in interface LicenseData
getSignature() - Method in class DataVersion
Signature defines the identity of the version sequence.
getSingleParameter(Map, String) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getSingleParameterBoolean(Map, String) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getSingleParameterInteger(Map, String) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getSingleParameterLong(Map, String) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getSingleString(Object) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getSingleUserCustomFieldValue(CustomField) - Method in interface PlanningTask
getSingleVersionCustomFieldValue(CustomField) - Method in interface PlanningTask
getSingleViewableStructureId() - Method in interface StructureManager
Convenience method that returns the ID of a single structure that the current user can see.
getSourceForestString() - Method in exception ForestMergeStructureException
getSourceId() - Method in class LinkChangeEvent
getSourceId(JiraChangeEvent) - Static method in class LinkChangeEvent
getSourceItemId() - Method in class StructureItemConvertedEvent
getSpecification() - Method in interface StructureView
Returns the view specification, which defines the visual configuration of the widget
getSpecification() - Method in class StructureViewBean.Builder
getSpecification() - Method in class StructureViewBean
getSprint() - Method in interface PlanningTask
getSprintName() - Method in interface Sprint
getSQuery() - Method in class ForestSpec
Returns ForestSpec.SQuery if the base content is a SQuery, null otherwise.
getStandardFormat(String) - Static method in class ValueFormat
Returns a standard format (declared in this class) given its format ID.
getStartTime() - Method in interface EffectorProcess
getState() - Method in class AbstractStructureJob
getState() - Method in interface StructureJob
getStatistics() - Method in interface StatisticSource
getStatus() - Method in interface EffectorProcess
getStatus() - Method in interface ProcessInfo
getStrategyType(AttributeSpec<?>) - Static method in interface ReductionStrategy
Look for known strategy type from the spec and return default (SUBTREE) value if not found.
getString(String, String) - Method in interface PropertyService
getString(long, String, String) - Method in interface StructurePropertyService
getString(String) - Method in class MapObject
getStringCode() - Method in enum AutoSwitchStrategy
getStringId() - Method in class ItemIdentity
Gets the string ID from a string-based ItemIdentity.
getStringId() - Method in class ItemIdentity.StringIdentity
getStringList(String) - Method in class MapObject
getStringList(Object) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getStructure() - Method in exception StructureException
Returns related structure, or 0 if no structure is related.
getStructure() - Method in class HistoryEntry
getStructure(Long, PermissionLevel) - Method in interface StructureManager
Retrieves a structure given structure ID.
getStructureChangedIssuesSorted() - Method in interface IncrementalSyncData
Returns sorted list of IDs of issues that have been changed in structure: all issues that were added or copied in the structure, all moved issues (note: if an issue is moved, its subtree is also moved, but it is not reported here), all deleted issues (note: if an issue is removed, its whole subtree is also removed, and it is reported here).
getStructureChangedRowsSorted() - Method in interface IncrementalSyncData
Returns sorted unique list of IDs of rows that have been changed in structure: all rows that were added or copied in the structure, all moved rows (note: if a row is moved, its subtree is also moved, but it is not reported here), all deleted rows (note: if a row is removed, its whole subtree is also removed, and it is reported here).
getStructureComparator(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Returns comparator for sorting structures by name, according to the given user's locale.
getStructureConfiguration() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns the component that's used to manage Structure add-on configuration.
getStructureEvents() - Method in interface IncrementalSyncData
Returns a detailed list of events that happened in the synchronized structure, in the order of happening.
getStructureFieldResolutionProblems() - Method in interface ErrorsContainer
getStructureId() - Method in class StructureDeletedEvent
getStructureId() - Method in class StructureItemConvertedEvent
getStructureId() - Method in class ForestSpec
Returns structure ID if the base content is a structure or a structure version, null otherwise.
getStructureId() - Method in class PermissionRule.ApplyStructure
getStructureId() - Method in class SyncAuditLog.ActionGroup
getStructureId() - Method in interface SyncInstance
Returns the ID of the structure this sync instance is acting on.
getStructureIds() - Method in interface MigrationMapping
Returns structure IDs mapping.
getStructureManager() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns the component that's used to manage structures.
getStructureNames() - Method in interface RestoreOperation
Call this method after RestoreOperation.restore() has completed to get names of all restored structures.
getStructureOtherProblems() - Method in interface ErrorsContainer
getStructurePermission(Long) - Method in interface StructureManager
Calculates access level to a structure for the current user.
getStructurePermission(Long, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructureManager
Calculates access level to a structure for the specified user.
getStructureProjectsForCurrentUser() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Retrieves the list of projects that are enabled for structure and visible to the current user.
getStructurePropertyService() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns a service that lets you associate arbitrary properties with a structure.
getStructureQueryBuilderFactory() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns the component that is used to create new instances of Structure query builders.
getStructureQueryParser() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns the component that is used to create Structure queries by parsing them from a String.
getStructuresByName(String, PermissionLevel) - Method in interface StructureManager
Convenience method to search for unarchived structures with the specified name.
getStructuresByName(String, PermissionLevel, boolean) - Method in interface StructureManager
Convenience method that searches for structures with the specified name.
getStructuresOwnedBy(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructureManager
Retrieves a list of all structures visible to the current user, for which the specified user is the owner.
getSubject() - Method in class PermissionRule.SetLevel
getSubscription(Long) - Method in interface AttributeSubscriptionService
Retrieves a previously created subscription.
getSubscriptionId() - Method in interface AttributeSubscription
Returns the ID of the subscription.
getSubtreeEnd(int) - Method in class ArrayForest
getSubtreeEnd(int) - Method in interface Forest
The method looks for the end of a subtree rooted at the specified index.
getSubtreeRows() - Method in interface ForestScanControl
getSuccessMessage() - Method in class EffectResponse
Returns a human-readable description of the change, as if it already happened, e.g.
getSuccessMessage() - Method in class EffectResponse.Valid
getSummary() - Method in interface Memo
getSummary() - Method in interface PlanningTask
getSuperRoot() - Method in class RowTree
getSyncAuditLog() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns the component that synchronizers use to store audit information about their execution and actions they've taken.
getSynchronizationPermissionSubjects() - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Used to get the list of groups (possibly other permission subjects) that are allowed to configure and control synchronizers of controlled structures.
getSynchronizer() - Method in class HistoryEntry
getSynchronizer() - Method in interface SyncInstance
Returns the synchronizer for this sync instance.
getSynchronizerModuleKey() - Method in interface SyncInstance
Returns module key of the synchronizer for this sync instance.
getSyncInstanceId() - Method in class SyncAuditLog.ActionGroup
getSyncInstanceId() - Method in class SyncEvent
getSyncManager() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns the component that's used to create and update synchronizers.
getSyncModuleKey() - Method in class SyncAuditLog.ActionGroup
getTargetForestString() - Method in exception ForestMergeStructureException
getTargetItemId() - Method in class StructureItemConvertedEvent
getTempObject(Object) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.GenerationContext
Retrieves the object previously associated with this context by this generator.
getText(String, Object...) - Method in interface I18n
getText(String, Object...) - Method in class JiraI18n
getText(String, Object...) - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer
Looks up i18n text using the i18n bean from the module's plugin and the current user's locale.
getText(String) - Method in interface NewStructureTemplateContext
getText(String, String...) - Method in interface NewStructureTemplateContext
getText(Locale, ApplicationUser, String, Object...) - Static method in class StructureUtil
Formats the text taken from the i18n bundle with the specified parameters in the locale that is selected as follows: If locale is not null, it is used. Otherwise, if user is not null, the user locale (set up in the user preferences) is used. If both locale and user are null, JIRA default locale is used.
getTextCustomFieldValue(CustomField) - Method in interface PlanningTask
getTextInCurrentUserLocale(String, Object...) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getTextInCurrentUserLocale(I18nText) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getTimeSpent() - Method in interface Memo
getTimestamp() - Method in class EffectBatch
getTimestamp() - Method in interface EffectRecord
getTimestamp() - Method in class HistoryEntry
getTimestamp() - Method in class SyncAuditLog.ActionGroup
getTimestamp() - Method in class SyncEvent
getTimeTrackingConfiguration() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
getTimeZone() - Method in interface AttributeContext
Returns the current user's time zone.
getTitle() - Method in class NodeInfo
getTitleI18nKey() - Method in interface NewStructureTemplateStep
getTransformations() - Method in class ForestSpec
Returns the list of transformations applied to the base forest.
getType(AttributeLoader<?>) - Static method in enum LoaderType
getType(Class<?>) - Static method in enum LoaderType
getType() - Method in class ForestSpec.SQuery
Returns the query type.
getTypeKey(int) - Method in interface ItemTypeRegistry
Retrieves the key of an item type, based on its ID.
getTypes() - Method in class TrailItemSet.Collector
getTypes() - Method in class TrailItemSet.SpecificTypes
getUIController(Long) - Method in interface ProcessHandleManager
getUISettings(ApplicationUser, Project) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Retrieves user interface settings for the specified user and project.
getUnder() - Method in class ForestAction.Add
getUnder() - Method in class ForestAction.Copy
getUnder() - Method in class ForestAction.Move
getUnder() - Method in class ForestChange.Add
Returns the parent of the (roots of the) added forest, 0 if top level.
getUnder() - Method in class ForestChange.Move
Returns the new parent of the moved row, 0 if top level.
getUnder() - Method in class ForestChange.Reorder
Returns the parent of the reordered rows, 0 if top-level rows are reordered.
getUnder() - Method in interface StructurePosition
getUndoEffect() - Method in interface EffectRecord
getUnsecured() - Method in class ForestSpec
Returns the same forest spec, but with secured flag turned off.
getUntransformedSpec() - Method in class ForestSpec
Returns the same forest spec but without transformations.
getUpdate(DataVersion) - Method in interface AttributeSubscription
A quick, non-blocking retrieval of the updated values.
getUpdate(DataVersion) - Method in interface ItemTracker
Provides an update on the tracked items, based on the previously seen signature and version.
getUpdate(DataVersion) - Method in interface VersionedDataSource
Returns an update based on the version of the data that the client has.
getUpdateBuilder(long) - Method in interface MemoManager
getUpdateBuilder(long) - Method in interface PlanningTaskManager
getUpdateChecker() - Method in class RowValuesWithUpdateChecker
Returns the update checker.
getUpdates() - Method in class VersionedForestUpdate.Incremental
getUrl() - Method in class ProcessButtonParameters
getUrl() - Method in class ItemDisplayable
getUser() - Method in interface AttributeContext
Returns the user performing the calculation or export.
getUser() - Method in class AuthContext.Custom
getUser() - Method in interface AuthContext
getUser() - Static method in class StructureAuth
Returns the current user.
getUser() - Method in interface StructureJob
getUser() - Method in class SystemStructureJob
getUser() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Retrieves the current user.
getUserByKey(String) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getUserCount() - Method in interface AppSupportInfo
getUserKey() - Static method in class StructureAuth
Returns user key of the current user.
getUserKey() - Method in class EffectBatch
getUserKey() - Method in interface EffectorProcess
getUserKey() - Method in class ForestSpec
Returns user key that is used to run transformations and to secure the forest, if corresponding options are present.
getUserKey() - Method in class PermissionSubject.JiraUser
getUserKey() - Method in class HistoryEntry
getUserKey() - Method in interface SyncInstance
Returns user key of the user account that is used to run synchronizer jobs with this sync instance.
getUserKey(ApplicationUser) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getUserManager() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
getUserManager() - Static method in class JiraComponents
getUserName() - Method in class PermissionSubject.JiraUser
getUserName(ApplicationUser) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getUserNameByKey(String) - Static method in class StructureUtil
getUserPreferencesManager() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
getUserUtil() - Static method in class JiraComponents
getValue() - Method in class AttributeValue
Returns the value or null if this value is undefined.
getValue() - Method in interface LoadedValue
Returns the loaded attribute value.
getValue(T, ItemAttributeContext) - Method in class ItemClassAttributeLoader
getValue(D, DerivedAttributeContext) - Method in class SimpleDerivedAttributeLoader
getValue(X, Y, DerivedAttributeContext) - Method in class BiDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder.BuiltBiDerivedLoader
getValue(D, DerivedAttributeContext) - Method in class UniDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder.BuiltDerivedLoader
getValue(K) - Method in interface ValueColumn
Returns the value for the given key.
getValue() - Method in class InteractionParameterValue
getValue() - Method in enum ProcessStatus
getValue() - Method in class TotalOrder.ValueWrapper
getValueClass() - Method in class ValueFormat
Returns the Java class of the values in this format.
getValueClass() - Method in class TotalOrder.ValueWrapper
getValues() - Method in class ConsistentRowValues
Returns the values for the requested rows and attributes.
getValues() - Method in class AttributeSubscriptionUpdate
getValues() - Method in interface ExportRenderContext
Returns the RowValues that contains the values of all attributes previously required by calling ExportRequestContext.requireAttribute(AttributeSpec) for all rows associated with the current request.
getValues() - Method in class InteractionParameter
getValuesFromSubjectForest(StructureGenerator.GenerationContext, AttributeSpec<?>, LongList, StructureAttributeService) - Static method in class GenerationUtil
getValuesFromSubjectForest(StructureGenerator.GenerationContext, Collection<? extends AttributeSpec<?>>, LongList, StructureAttributeService) - Static method in class GenerationUtil
getVersion() - Method in class ForestSpec
Returns version if the base content is a structure version, null otherwise.
getVersion() - Method in class VersionedForest
Returns the version.
getVersion() - Method in class DataVersion
Returns the version within one sequence, identified by signature
getVersion() - Method in class VersionedDataUpdate
Returns the version associated with this update.
getVersion() - Method in class HistoryEntry
getVersionManager() - Static method in class JiraComponents
getView() - Method in exception StructureException
Returns related view, or 0 if no view is related.
getView(Long, PermissionLevel) - Method in interface StructureViewManager
Retrieves a view specified by the numeric view ID and checks if the current user has the specified access level for that view.
getView() - Method in class StructureViewMenuItem
getViewableStructuresWithIssue(Long) - Method in interface StructureManager
Retrieves all structures that contain the specified issue.
getViewId() - Method in class ViewSettings.AssociatedView.Builder
getViewId() - Method in class ViewSettings.AssociatedView
getViewManager() - Method in interface StructureComponents
Returns the component that's used to work with Structure views.
getViewPermission(Long, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructureViewManager
Calculates the access level that the specified user has to the specified view.
getViews(PermissionLevel) - Method in interface StructureViewManager
Retrieves a list of all views that the current user has the specified access level to.
getViews() - Method in class ViewSettings.Builder
getViewSettings(Long) - Method in interface StructureViewManager
Retrieves view settings for the specified structure.
GLOBAL_PERMISSION_TYPE - Static variable in class AuxiliaryIdentities
globalPermission(String) - Static method in class AuxiliaryIdentities
globalTrail(TrailItemSet) - Method in class AttributeLoaderBuilder
globalTrail(ItemIdentity) - Method in class AttributeLoaderBuilder
group(String) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
group(Group) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
GROUP - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
GROUP - Static variable in interface CoreSemantics
GROUP_NAME - Static variable in class JiraFunc
Grouper() - Constructor for class AbstractGenerator.Grouper
GROUPER_AGILE_EPIC - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
GROUPER_AGILE_SPRINT - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
GROUPER_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
GROUPER_FIELD - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
GROUPER_LEVEL_INCLUDE_GROUPS - Static variable in class CoreGeneratorParameters
Parameter to enable including other groups when counting the level.
GROUPER_LINKS - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
GROUPER_PORTFOLIO_PARENT - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
GROUPER_TEMPO_ACCOUNT - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
GROUPER_TEXT - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
GROUPER_VERSION_NAME - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
guessCachingStrategy(AttributeSpec<?>) - Static method in enum AttributeCachingStrategy
Guessing if the value is cacheable, based on the value format.
guessContextDependencies(AttributeSpec<?>) - Static method in enum AttributeContextDependency


has(String) - Method in class MapObject
hasCustomField(CustomField) - Static method in class JiraFunc
hasCustomFinalStep() - Method in interface NewStructureTemplate
hasExpiration() - Method in class LicenseData.Disabled
hasExpiration() - Method in interface LicenseData
hasFlags(int) - Method in class RowTree.Node
Bitwise flag check.
hashCode() - Method in class AttributeSpec
hashCode() - Method in class AttributeSpecBuilder
hashCode() - Method in class AttributeSpecBuilder.ParamsBuilder
hashCode() - Method in class TrailItemSet.Collector
hashCode() - Method in class TrailItemSet
hashCode() - Method in class ValueFormat
hashCode() - Method in class StoredEffect
hashCode() - Method in class ForestChange.Add
hashCode() - Method in class ForestChange.Move
hashCode() - Method in class ForestChange.Remove
hashCode() - Method in class ForestChange.Reorder
hashCode() - Method in class ForestSpec
hashCode() - Method in class ForestSpec.SQuery
hashCode() - Method in class ForestSpec.Transformation
hashCode() - Method in class ArrayForest
hashCode() - Method in class VersionedForest
hashCode() - Method in class GenericItem
hashCode() - Method in class ItemIdentity.LongIdentity
hashCode() - Method in class ItemIdentity.StringIdentity
hashCode() - Method in class PermissionRule.ApplyStructure
hashCode() - Method in class PermissionRule.SetLevel
hashCode() - Method in class PermissionSubject.Anyone
hashCode() - Method in class PermissionSubject.JiraGroup
hashCode() - Method in class PermissionSubject.JiraUser
hashCode() - Method in class PermissionSubject.ProjectRole
hashCode() - Method in class StructureAppPermission
hashCode() - Method in class ProcessButtonParameters
hashCode() - Method in class ProcessDisplayParameters
hashCode() - Method in class DataVersion
hashCode() - Method in class RestForestSpec
hashCode() - Method in class RestSQuery
hashCode() - Method in class RestTransformSpec
hashCode() - Method in class HistoryEntry.Change
hashCode() - Method in class HistoryEntry
hashCode() - Method in class ComparableTuple
hashCode() - Method in class I18nText
hashCode() - Method in class MapObject
hashCode() - Method in class StructureViewBean
hashCode() - Method in class ViewSettings.AssociatedView
hashCode() - Method in class ViewSettings
hashCode() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column
hashCode() - Method in class ViewSpecification
hashMap(Collection<C>) - Method in class La
hashMap(Collection<C>, La<? super C, V>) - Method in class La
hashSet(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class La
hasMaintenanceExpiration() - Method in class LicenseData.Disabled
hasMaintenanceExpiration() - Method in interface LicenseData
hasNext() - Method in class La.FilterIterator
hasNext() - Method in class La.TransformIterator
hasNonArchivedStructuresForUser() - Method in interface StructureManager
Convenience method that checks whether the current user can see at least one unarchived structure.
hasOwner() - Method in class StructureViewBean.Builder
hasPermission(GlobalPermissionKey, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks if the given user has the given global permission.
hasPermission(ProjectPermissionKey, Issue, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks if the given user has the given project-level permission on an issue's project.
hasPermission(ProjectPermissionKey, Project, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks if the given user has the given project-level permission on a project.
hasPermissions() - Method in class StructureViewBean.Builder
hasRow(long) - Method in class IndexedRowTree
hasTitle() - Method in class ForestSpec
Returns true if forest spec has title option on.
hasUpdate(LongList) - Method in interface AttributeUpdateChecker
Checks if there may be an update for the given rows.
hasUpdate(ForestSpec, LongList, Collection<? extends AttributeSpec<?>>, ValuesMeta) - Method in interface StructureAttributeService
This method checks if there may have been updates in the system since some previous loading of the given attributes.
hasUpdate(DataVersion) - Method in interface ForestSource
This method allows to quickly check if the caller has the last version of the forest.
hasUpdate() - Method in interface UpdateChecker
Checks if there is any change that affects a generated forest fragment.
hasUpdate() - Method in class RecordingAttributeUpdateChecker
hasUpdate() - Method in class TimedUpdateChecker
hasView(Long) - Method in class ViewSettings
Checks if the view settings contain a record for the specified view ID - that is, if the view is associated with the structure that is represented by this view settings instance.
Head(StructureQueryBuilder.StartStep<StructureQueryBuilder.Head>, StructureQueryBuilder.StartStep<StructureQueryBuilder.Head>) - Constructor for class StructureQueryBuilder.Head
HEALTHY - Static variable in interface ForestSourceHealthStatus
HierarchyHelper - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync.util
HierarchyHelper(LongListHashIndex, IndexedForest) - Constructor for class HierarchyHelper
HistoryConsumer - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.structure.history
HistoryEntry - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.structure.history
HistoryEntry(long, int, int, long, String, Long, List<HistoryEntry.Change>) - Constructor for class HistoryEntry
HistoryEntry.Change - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.structure.history
HistoryEntry.Operation - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.structure.history
HistoryQuery - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.structure.history
HistoryQuery(Iterable<HistoryEntry.Operation>, LongList, LongList, LongList, LongList, Iterable<String>, Iterable<String>, LongList, LongList, LongList, LongList, Set<ItemIdentity>, Set<ItemIdentity>, Date, Date, Long) - Constructor for class HistoryQuery
HistoryQuery(long, Long) - Constructor for class HistoryQuery
HistoryService - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.structure.history
HTML - Static variable in class ValueFormat
HTML values can be shown on a web page.
htmlEncode(String) - Method in interface NewStructureTemplateContext


I18n - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.i18n
i18nFolder(String) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
I18nProvider - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.i18n
I18nText - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
Representing i18n parameters: template key and arguments
I18nText(String, Object...) - Constructor for class I18nText
Message arguments: [String|Number|null]
I18nText() - Constructor for class I18nText
ICON - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs
A HTML that represents an icon of this item like '<img src="..."/>', or any other HTML.
ICON - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Id
ID - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs
Id() - Constructor for class SharedAttributeSpecs.Id
ID - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Param
ID - Static variable in class ValueFormat
ID is a special format for values that represent entities.
id - Variable in class RestAttributeSpec
Universal attribute ID
ID_COMPONENT - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ID_ISSUETYPE - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ID_OPTION - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ID_PRIORITY - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ID_PROJECT - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ID_RESOLUTION - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ID_STATUS - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ID_VERSION - Static variable in class JiraFunc
identical(LongList) - Static method in class RowMapper.Mapping
idLoader(AttributeSpec<T>, AttributeSpec<T>) - Static method in class SimpleDerivedAttributeLoader
ifPresent(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class AttributeValue
Supplies the value to the consumer, if the value is defined.
IGNORE_ADD_AFTER_ROW_PROBLEMS - Static variable in class ActionParameters
IGNORE_ADD_AFTER_ROW_PROBLEMS_MAP - Static variable in class ActionParameters
IGNORE_MISSING_ROWS - Static variable in interface RowRetriever
Use this to indicate that missing rows should not result in throwing MissingRowException.
IGNORE_MOVED_ROW_MISSING - Static variable in class ActionParameters
IGNORE_MOVED_ROW_MISSING_MAP - Static variable in class ActionParameters
IGNORE_REMOVED_ROW_MISSING - Static variable in class ActionParameters
IGNORE_REMOVED_ROW_MISSING_MAP - Static variable in class ActionParameters
image(Collection<T>) - Method in class La
ImmutableAttributeSensitivitySettingsBean - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.settings
ImmutableAttributeSensitivitySettingsBean(AttributeSensitivityMode, Collection<? extends AttributeSpec<?>>) - Constructor for class ImmutableAttributeSensitivitySettingsBean
ImmutableItemForest - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.item
in - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.OpStep
inaccessible() - Static method in class AttributeValue
Returns an "inaccessible" undefined value, which means the row is not accessible to the user and the real value is not available.
inaccessibleRows - Variable in class RestValueResponse.ForestRowValueResponse
includes(PermissionLevel) - Method in enum PermissionLevel
Used to check whether effective permission is enough to do something: if (permission.includes(PermissionLevel.EDIT))
inCollection(Collection<T>) - Static method in class La
increment(int) - Method in interface ProgressSink
increment() - Method in interface ProgressSink
increment() - Method in class DataVersion
Creates a new DataVersion with version incremented by 1.
increment(int) - Method in class DataVersion
Creates a new DataVersion with version incremented by the specified amount.
Incremental(VersionedForest, List<ForestChange>, ForestSourceHealthStatus) - Constructor for class VersionedForestUpdate.Incremental
Incremental(VersionedForest, List<ForestChange>) - Constructor for class VersionedForestUpdate.Incremental
IncrementalSyncData - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
This is a temporary object that's passed to a synchronizer and tells what's been changed in structure and in JIRA or in the external system.
IndexedForest - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
Forest-based indexes for common operations like getting parents, children, subtree or siblings.
IndexedForest(Forest) - Constructor for class IndexedForest
IndexedRowTree - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
A RowTree with an index from rowId to its RowTree.Node.
IndexedRowTree(int) - Constructor for class IndexedRowTree
IndexedRowTree() - Constructor for class IndexedRowTree
indexOf(long) - Method in class ArrayForest
indexOf(long) - Method in interface Forest
Searches for the position of a specific row in the forest.
indexOf(List<? extends T>, R) - Method in class La
indexOf(long) - Method in class LongListHashIndex
info(Object...) - Method in class SyncLogger
info(String, String) - Method in class ConsiderateLogger
info(String, String, Throwable) - Method in class ConsiderateLogger
infoException(Throwable, Object...) - Method in class SyncLogger
InheritedValueLoader<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.basic
InheritedValueLoader(AttributeSpec<T>, AttributeSpec<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class InheritedValueLoader
init(ModuleDescriptor) - Method in class GenericItemType
init(SynchronizerDescriptor) - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer
Called by the module descriptor on initialization.
initialize(int) - Method in interface ProgressSink
inputForest() - Method in interface StructureGenerator.GenerationContext
Returns the forest fragment generated before current generator call.
INSERTED - Static variable in interface CoreSemantics
Inserter() - Constructor for class AbstractGenerator.Inserter
INSERTER_CQL - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
INSERTER_JQL - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
INSERTER_LIMIT - Static variable in class CoreGeneratorParameters
Parameter to set the maximum number of rows inserted.
INSERTER_RECENT_ISSUES - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
INSERTER_RECENT_PAGES - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
INSERTER_SUBSTRUCTURE - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
INSERTER_TEXT - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
insertNode(long, int, RowTree.Node, RowTree.Node) - Method in class RowTree
Adds a node to the tree at the specified position.
INSIGHT_OBJECT - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
insightObject(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
installSynchronizer(StructureSynchronizer, Long, Object, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructureSyncManager
Installs a new synchronizer for a structure.
installSynchronizerOffline(String, String, Long, String, boolean) - Method in interface StructureSyncManager
Installs synchronizer based on the serialized data.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class IssueApplicabilityChecker
instanceOf(Class<? extends T>) - Static method in class La
instantiate(Class<T>) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Creates a new instance of the given class, injecting all dependencies into the constructor.
INT_ITERATOR_TO_INT - Static variable in class StructureUtil
IntegersUtil - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
Interaction - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.action
InteractionParameter - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.action
InteractionParameter(long, String, String, List<InteractionParameterValue>) - Constructor for class InteractionParameter
InteractionParameterValue - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.action
InteractionParameterValue(Object, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class InteractionParameterValue
intList(Collection<T>, La<? super T, Integer>) - Static method in class La
invalidate(String) - Method in interface PropertyService
Invalidates the value cache, so the next get() will reload the value from the database.
invComp - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.RelationStepHelper
invCompNeg - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.RelationStepHelper
inverse - Variable in class EffectPair
invoke(long) - Method in class RowsToReplace
is(String) - Method in class AttributeSpec
Checks if this attribute specification is for the given attribute ID.
is(ValueFormat<?>) - Method in class AttributeSpec
Checks if this attribute specification contains the given format.
is(String, ValueFormat<?>) - Method in class AttributeSpec
Checks if this attribute specification is for the given ID and format.
is(AttributeLoader<?>) - Method in enum LoaderType
is(StructureErrorCategory) - Method in interface StructureError
Checks if the error is of the given category.
is - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.OpStep
isAboveBaseLevel(ScanningAttributeContext) - Method in class AbstractScanningLoader
isAbsent() - Method in class AttributeValue
Checks if this is a special "absent" value.
isAccessible(Long, PermissionLevel) - Method in interface StructureManager
Checks that the specified structure exists and the current user has access to it with the required permission level.
isAccessible(Long, PermissionLevel) - Method in interface StructureViewManager
Checks if the specified view exists and the current user has the given access level to it.
isAcknowledged() - Method in interface EffectorProcess
isActionable() - Method in interface ForestSource
Checks if the forest source supports actions in principle.
isActionGroupRecorded(List<MapObject>) - Method in interface SyncAuditLog
Checks if the synchronizer audit log that contains the specified actions is going to be actually recorded.
isAdmin(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks if the given user is a Jira administrator (but not necessarily "System Administrator"!).
isAdmin() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks if the current user is a Jira administrator (but not necessarily "System Administrator"!).
isAll() - Method in class TrailItemSet.Collector
isAllowed(StructureAppPermission, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Checks if the user is granted the given Structure app permission.
isAllowed(StructureAppPermission, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks if the given user allowed to perform the action guarded by the given permission.
isAllowedForAnyone(StructureAppPermission) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Checks if the given Structure app permission is granted to all users.
isAncestors - Variable in class HistoryQuery
isAnythingSet() - Method in interface UISettings
Utility method that is used to check whether this instance does not have any settings set at all.
isAnythingSet() - Method in class UISettingsBean
isApplicableTo(StructureRow) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.ApplicabilityChecker
isApplicableTo(StructureRow) - Method in class IssueApplicabilityChecker
isArchived() - Method in interface Structure
Returns true if structure is archived.
isArtificialTask(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isAttachment(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isAuthenticated() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks if the current user has authenticated in the system.
isAuthors - Variable in class HistoryQuery
isAutomation(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isAutomation(StructureRow) - Static method in class StructureRows
isAutomationAccessAllowed(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Checks if the user is allowed to configure and use automation.
isAutomationAccessAllowed(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks if the given user is allowed to create and run generators.
isAutomationEnabledForAnyone() - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
isAutoSync() - Method in class SyncLogger
isAutosyncEnabled(Long) - Method in interface StructureSyncManager
Checks if incremental synchronization is enabled for the specified synchronizer
isAutosyncSupported() - Method in interface StructureSynchronizer
Checks if synchronizer supports automatic incremental synchronization.
isAvailable() - Method in interface Effector
Checks if this effector is currently available in the Automation menu on UI.
isAvailable() - Method in interface StructureGenerator
Checks if this generator is currently available in the Automation menu on UI.
isAvailable() - Method in class AbstractGenerator
isAvailable() - Method in interface StructureSynchronizer
Checks if this type of synchronizer is currently available.
isBack() - Method in enum NewStructureTemplateStep.Direction
isBefore(DataVersion) - Method in class DataVersion
Returns true if this version is "before" the given version, that is, it has the same signature and lower version.
isBranch() - Method in class NodeInfo.Branch
isBranch() - Method in class NodeInfo
isCancelled() - Method in interface AttributeValuesReceiver
Used to check if the attribute loading should be cancelled.
isCancelled() - Method in interface ProcessFeedback
isCancelled() - Method in interface ProgressSink
isChangeHistoryGroup(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isChangeHistoryItem(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isComment(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isComparable(DataVersion) - Method in class DataVersion
Returns true if this version can be compared to the specified version (that is possible only if their signatures match)
isComparable() - Method in class TotalOrder.ValueWrapper
isComponent(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isCreateEnabledForAnyone() - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
isCreateStructureAllowed(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks if the given user is allowed to create new structures.
isDataCenterCompatible() - Method in interface LicenseData
isDebug() - Static method in class SyncLogger
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class SyncLogger
isDefault(StructurePage) - Method in class ViewSettings.AssociatedView
Checks if the view is the default on the specified page.
isDefaultStructureSetForProject(Project) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Used to check whether a specific project has system-level default structure overridden with project-level default structure.
isDefined() - Method in class AttributeValue
Checks if the value is defined.
isDefined() - Method in class ViewSettings.Builder
isDefined() - Method in class ViewSettings
isDevMode() - Static method in class StructureUtil
isEditRequiresParentIssuePermission() - Method in interface Structure
Returns true if modification of the forest requires that the user has Edit Issue permission to the parent issue of the items being moved, added or deleted.
isEffector(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isEffector(StructureRow) - Static method in class StructureRows
isEffectorConfigurationAllowed(Long, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructureManager
Checks that the specified user has the CONFIGURE_EFFECTORS app permission and has at least AUTOMATE access level to the specified structure.
isEffectorExecutionAllowed(Long, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructureManager
Checks that the specified user has the EXECUTE_EFFECTORS app permission and has at least VIEW access level to the specified structure.
isEmpty() - Method in class TrailItemSet
Returns true if this set will not match any item.
isEmpty() - Method in class AttributeSubscriptionUpdate
isEmpty() - Method in class EffectResponse.Empty
isEmpty() - Method in class EffectResponse
Returns whether this response is empty, which means that there are no errors, but no change is needed, for example, because the item is already in the required state.
isEmpty() - Method in class ArrayForest
isEmpty() - Method in interface Forest
Used to check if the forest does not contain any rows.
isEmpty() - Method in class VersionedForestUpdate.Incremental
isEmpty() - Method in class ItemVersionUpdate.Empty
isEmpty() - Method in class VersionedDataUpdate
Returns true if the update is "empty", that is, the caller may keep the state, because it is up-to-date.
isEmpty() - Method in class MapObject
isEnabled() - Method in class EmptyTemplate
isEnabled() - Method in interface NewStructureTemplate
isEnabledForAllProjects() - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
isEnabledForAnyone() - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
isEqual(T) - Static method in class La
isError() - Method in class AttributeValue
Checks if this is a special "error" value.
isError() - Method in class EffectResponse.Error
isError() - Method in class EffectResponse
Returns whether this response is an error, which means this change cannot be applied.
isError() - Method in interface EffectRecord
isExclusiveGroup(ItemIdentity) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.Grouper.GrouperFunction
isExpanded() - Method in interface ExportRow
isExternal() - Method in interface AppliedEffect
isFailed(MapObject) - Static method in class SyncAuditLogHelper
isFavorite(Long, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructureFavoriteManager
Tells whether the structure is among user's favorite structures.
isFolder(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isFull() - Method in class AttributeSubscriptionUpdate
isFull() - Method in class VersionedForestUpdate.Full
isFull() - Method in class ItemVersionUpdate.Total
isFull() - Method in class VersionedDataUpdate
Returns true if the update is "full", that is, the caller may drop the current state and replace it fully with the state from this update.
isGenerator(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isGenerator(StructureRow) - Static method in class StructureRows
isGeneratorConfigurationAllowed(Long, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructureManager
Checks that the specified user has the CONFIGURE_GENERATORS app permission and has at least AUTOMATE access level to the specified structure.
isGroup(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isImmutable() - Method in class ArrayForest
isImmutable() - Method in interface Forest
Returns true if the forest is immutable.
isImmutable() - Method in class ItemIdentitySet
isInaccessible() - Method in class AttributeValue
Checks if this is a special "inaccessible" value.
isIncremental() - Method in class VersionedDataUpdate
Returns true if the update is "incremental", that is, the caller may get the up-to-date state by applying a diff, contained in this update, to the previous state they have.
isInfo() - Static method in class SyncLogger
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class SyncLogger
isInSubtree(long, long) - Method in class HierarchyHelper
isIssue(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isIssue(int) - Method in interface QueryContext
Returns true if the row at the specified index into the forest being searched represents an issue.
isIssueEditable(Issue, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks if the issue can be edited by the given user.
isIssueInStructureNoAccessCheck(Long, Long) - Method in interface StructureManager
Checks if a specific issue (not row!) belongs to a specific structure.
isIssueLink(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isIssueLinkType(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isIssuesSorted - Variable in class HistoryQuery
isIssueType(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isItemAttribute(AttributeSpec<?>) - Method in interface AttributeProviderContext
Checks if the attribute is based only on items, which means the value will not depend on a particular position of the item in the forest.
isItemAttribute(AttributeSpec<?>) - Method in interface StructureAttributeService
Checks if the attribute is based only on items, which means the value will not depend on a particular position of the item in the forest.
isItemType(StructureRow, String) - Static method in class StructureRows
isItemTypeSupported(String) - Method in class ItemTypeAttributeLoader
isItemTypeSupported(String) - Method in class BaseItemAttributeLoader
isItemTypeSupported(String) - Method in class DelegatingItemAttributeLoader
isItemTypeSupported(String) - Method in interface ItemAttributeLoader
Lets the loader declare if it can handle items of a given type.
isItemVisibleForSure(StructureRow) - Static method in class StructureRows
isLabel(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isLeaf() - Method in interface ExportRow
isLevelSkipped(ScanningAttributeContext) - Method in class AbstractScanningLoader
isLicenseBlocked(String) - Method in interface AppSupportStoreReader
isLoadingRoots() - Method in interface PropagateAttributeContext.Parent
Returns true if the current parent is the super-root and the children are forest roots.
isLoadingSuperRoot() - Method in class DelegatingPropagateAttributeLoader
isLoadingSuperRoot() - Method in interface PropagateAttributeContext.Parent
Returns true if the current parent is nothing and the child to be loaded is the super-root.
isLoadingSuperRoot() - Method in interface PropagateAttributeLoader
Determines if this loader can provide a value for the super-root row.
isLoadingValues() - Method in interface AttributeSubscription
This method can be used to check if the attribute loading is currently taking place for this subscription.
isLocalized() - Method in exception StructureException
Checks if there's a i18n message.
isLongId() - Method in class ItemIdentity
Returns true if this ID is long-based.
isLongId() - Method in class ItemIdentity.LongIdentity
isLoopMarker(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isLoopMarker(StructureRow) - Static method in class StructureRows
isManageGlobalSavedColumnsAllowed(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks if the given user is allowed to manage global saved columns.
isMapped() - Method in class RowMapper.Mapping
isMarketplaceLicense() - Method in class LicenseData.Disabled
isMarketplaceLicense() - Method in interface LicenseData
isMemo(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isMemoChangeHistoryGroup(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isMutuallyExclusive(LongList, LongList) - Static method in class IntegersUtil
isMutuallyExclusive(LongSet, LongSet) - Static method in class IntegersUtil
isMutuallyExclusive(LongList, LongList) - Static method in class StructureUtil
isMutuallyExclusive(LongSet, LongSet) - Static method in class StructureUtil
isNot - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.OpStep
isOneOf(StructureErrorCategory...) - Method in interface StructureError
Checks if the error belongs to one of the given categories.
isOneOf(StructureError...) - Method in interface StructureError
Checks if the error is actually one of the provided variants.
isOneTimeSync() - Method in class SyncLogger
isOnMenu(StructurePage) - Method in class ViewSettings.AssociatedView
Checks if the view should be displayed in the menu on the specified page.
isOption(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isOutdated() - Method in interface LoadedValue
Returns true if this value has been outdated.
isOutdated(K, AttributeSpec<?>) - Method in interface LoadedValues
Checks if the value for the given key and attribute is outdated (up for recalculation).
isPlanningTask(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isPossible() - Method in class InteractionParameterValue
isPreferred() - Method in class StructureViewMenuItem
isPriority(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isProject(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isProjectEnabled(Project) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Checks if a given project is enabled for Structure
isProjectsSorted - Variable in class HistoryQuery
isProjectStructuredForCurrentUser(Project) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks if the project is enabled for Structure and the current user can see it.
isPublic() - Method in interface StructureView
Checks if the view is "public", that is, everyone has at least VIEW access to it.
isResolution(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isReversible() - Method in interface AppliedEffect
isRowSkipped(AttributeValue<T>, ScanningAttributeContext) - Method in class AbstractScanningLoader
isSecured() - Method in class ForestSpec
Returns true if the result will be secured, that is, the items in the forest will be checked for being accessible to the user and fully inaccessible sub-trees will be removed.
isSecurityOverridden() - Method in class AuthContext.Custom
isSecurityOverridden() - Method in interface AuthContext
isSecurityOverridden() - Static method in class StructureAuth
Returns true if permission checks shouldn't be carried out in this context.
isServerLocked() - Method in class LicenseData.Disabled
isServerLocked() - Method in interface LicenseData
isShared() - Method in interface StructureView
Checks if the view is "shared", that is, the permission rules give at least VIEW access to someone.
isShowRecent() - Method in class ForestSpec.SQuery
Returns true if the query can be treated as "show all recent items".
isSkeleton() - Method in class ForestSpec
Returns true if forest spec produces a base forest without running generators.
isSprint(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isStatus(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isStopped() - Method in interface ForestSourceHealthStatus
isStopped() - Method in interface StructureGenerator.GenerationContext
Checks if current generation process is stopped
isStringId() - Method in class ItemIdentity
Returns true if this ID is string-based.
isStringId() - Method in class ItemIdentity.StringIdentity
isStructure(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isStructureAvailable(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Checks if Structure is available for the specified user.
isStructureAvailableToCurrentUser() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks if the current user is allowed to work with Structure add-on.
isStructureAvailableToUser(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks if the given user is allowed to work with Structure add-on.
isStructureCreationAllowed(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Checks if the user is allowed to create new structures.
isStructureLocked() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Returns true when Structure cannot be used because it is locked, either for full restore or for system startup.
isStructuresSorted - Variable in class HistoryQuery
isSubMap(Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class MapUtils
isSubMap(Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class StructureUtil
issue(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
issue(Issue) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
ISSUE - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
issue - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.RelationConstraintStartStep
This is a relation of an issue to itself - same as StructureQueryBuilder.RelationConstraintStartStep.self, but it matches only issues.
issue - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.StartStepHelper
issue(Long) - Method in class SyncLogger
Retrieves debug information about an issue by ID.
issue(Issue) - Method in class SyncLogger
ISSUE_AFFECTED_VERSIONS - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_ASSIGNEE - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_ASSIGNEEID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_CREATED - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_CREATOR - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_CREATORID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_DUE_DATE - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_ENVIRONMENT - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_FIX_VERSIONS - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_ID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_INFO - Static variable in class SyncAuditLogHelper
ISSUE_ISSUETYPE - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_ISSUETYPEID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_KEY - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_LABELS - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_LINK - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
ISSUE_LINK_TYPE - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
ISSUE_ORIGINAL_ESTIMATE - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_PRIORITY - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_PRIORITYID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_PROJECT - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_PROJECTID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_REMAINING_ESTIMATE - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_REPORTER - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_REPORTERID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_RESOLUTION - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_RESOLUTION_DATE - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_RESOLUTIONID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_STATUS - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_STATUSID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_SUMMARY - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_TIME_SPENT - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_TOTAL_TIME - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_UPDATED - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_VOTES - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_WATCHES - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUE_WORK_RATIO - Static variable in class JiraFunc
IssueApplicabilityChecker - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator.util
IssueApplicabilityChecker() - Constructor for class IssueApplicabilityChecker
IssueAttributeLoader<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.basic
IssueAttributeLoader(AttributeSpec<T>) - Constructor for class IssueAttributeLoader
IssueChangeEvent - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.event
IssueChangeEvent represents an event that has happened with a specific issue.
IssueChangeEvent(JiraChangeType, long, IssueEvent) - Constructor for class IssueChangeEvent
IssueChangeEvent(JiraChangeType, long) - Constructor for class IssueChangeEvent
IssueChangeEvent(JiraChangeType, IssueEvent) - Constructor for class IssueChangeEvent
ISSUECONSTANT_ID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUECONSTANT_NAME - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUECONSTANT_NAME_LOCAL - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUECONSTANT_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class JiraFunc
issueConstantInfo(IssueConstant) - Static method in class SyncAuditLogHelper
IssueEventBridge - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.event
IssueEventBridge is a simple hub that allows to listen to issue changes and report issue changes.
issueId(int) - Method in interface QueryContext
If the row at the specified index into the forest being searched represents an issue, returns that issues' ID; otherwise, returns 0.
issueId(long) - Method in interface StructureQueryBuilder.BasicConstraintStep
issueIds(LongList) - Method in interface StructureQueryBuilder.BasicConstraintStep
issueIds(long...) - Method in interface StructureQueryBuilder.BasicConstraintStep
issueInfo(Issue) - Static method in class SyncAuditLogHelper
issueInfo(long) - Static method in class SyncAuditLogHelper
issueInfo(long, String) - Static method in class SyncAuditLogHelper
issueKey(String) - Method in interface StructureQueryBuilder.BasicConstraintStep
issueKeyOrId(Issue, Long) - Static method in class StructureUtil
issueKeys(Iterable<String>) - Method in interface StructureQueryBuilder.BasicConstraintStep
issueKeys(String...) - Method in interface StructureQueryBuilder.BasicConstraintStep
issueLink(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
issueLink(IssueLink) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
issueLinkType(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
issueLinkType(IssueLinkType) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
IssueListener - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.event
IssueListener is a simple interface that receives notifications that an issue has changed.
issueLoader(AttributeSpec<T>) - Static method in class AttributeLoaders
issues(Iterable<String>, LongList) - Method in interface StructureQueryBuilder.BasicConstraintStep
Matches the specified issues.
issues(Iterable<? extends Issue>) - Method in class SyncLogger
issues(LongIterable) - Method in class SyncLogger
ISSUETYPE - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs.Format
ISSUETYPE - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs
ISSUETYPE - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Id
issueType(String) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
issueType(IssueType) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
ISSUETYPE - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
ISSUETYPE_ID - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs
ISSUETYPE_ID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUETYPE_NAME - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ISSUETYPE_SUBTASK - Static variable in class JiraFunc
isSuperRoot(long) - Static method in class StructureRows
isSuperRoot(StructureRow) - Static method in class StructureRows
isSynchronizationAllowed(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Checks if the user is allowed to configure and control synchronizers.
isSynchronizationAllowed(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks if the given user is allowed to create and run synchronizers.
isSynchronizationEnabledForAnyone() - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
isSynchronizersSorted - Variable in class HistoryQuery
isSystemAdmin(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks if the given user is a Jira system administrator.
isSystemAdmin() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks if the current user is a Jira system administrator.
isTempoAccount(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isTemporary(long) - Static method in class StructureRows
isTimeZoneDependant() - Method in interface Calendar
isTransformed() - Method in class ForestSpec
Returns true if this forest spec contains transformation.
isUnlimitedNumberOfUsers() - Method in class LicenseData.Disabled
isUnlimitedNumberOfUsers() - Method in interface LicenseData
isUser(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isValid() - Method in class LicenseData.Disabled
isValid() - Method in interface LicenseData
isValid() - Method in class GenericItemService.ExceptionSupportResult
isValid(int) - Static method in class ColumnDisplayMode
isValid(int) - Static method in class RowDisplayMode
isValid() - Method in class StructureViewBean.Builder
isValid() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column.Builder
isValidExceptId() - Method in class StructureViewBean.Builder
isVersion(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isVersionName(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
isViewCreationAllowed(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks if the given user can create new views.
isViewSharingAllowed(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks if the given user can share views.
isVisible(GenericItem, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface GenericItemManager
isVisible(GenericItem, ApplicationUser) - Method in class GenericItemType
isVisible(T, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructureItemType
isVisibleTo(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface ProcessInfo
isWholeForestDependent() - Method in class BaseSingleRowAttributeLoader
isWholeForestDependent() - Method in class DelegatingRowAttributeLoader
isWholeForestDependent() - Method in interface RowAttributeLoader
Allows the loader to declare dependency on the whole forest.
isWorklog(ItemIdentity) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
ITEM - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs.Id
ITEM - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs
ITEM_ZERO - Static variable in class ItemIdentity
Represents non-existing item.
ItemAccessMode - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.row
These values may be used to optimize the access to StructureRow, based on whether the client code is going to use the StructureRow.getItem(java.lang.Class<I>) method or not, and whether it is important that the current user has access to that item.
ItemAttributeContext - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
The context interface for item attribute loaders.
ItemAttributeLoader<T> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
Item loaders calculate attribute value for a particular item, based on ItemIdentity.
ItemAttributeLoaderBuilder<T,I> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.builder
ItemAttributeLoaderBuilder() - Constructor for class ItemAttributeLoaderBuilder
ItemChangeFilter - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
An implementor of this interfaces checks if any of changed items may affect a built forest fragment.
itemClass(Class<C>) - Method in class ItemAttributeLoaderBuilder
ItemClassAttributeLoader<T,A> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.basic
ItemClassAttributeLoader(AttributeSpec<A>, Class<T>, String...) - Constructor for class ItemClassAttributeLoader
ItemDisplayable - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
ItemDisplayable(String, String) - Constructor for class ItemDisplayable
ItemForest - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.item
itemForest(ItemForest) - Method in class SyncLogger
ItemForestBuilder<B extends ItemForestBuilder<B>> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.item
ItemForestBuilderImpl - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.item
Fat builder - uses memory-hungry but fast RowTree.
ItemForestBuilderImpl() - Constructor for class ItemForestBuilderImpl
ItemIdentity - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
ItemIdentity represents an item, a core concept in Structure's architecture.
ItemIdentity.LongIdentity - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
Represents long-based ID.
ItemIdentity.StringIdentity - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
Represents string-based ID.
ItemIdentitySet - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
An implementation of a Set of ItemIdentity, optimized for memory consumption and objects count.
ItemIdentitySet() - Constructor for class ItemIdentitySet
ItemIdentitySet(ItemIdentity...) - Constructor for class ItemIdentitySet
ItemIdentitySet(Collection<? extends ItemIdentity>) - Constructor for class ItemIdentitySet
ItemListBuilder<B extends ItemListBuilder<B>> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.item
itemLoader(AttributeSpec<T>) - Static method in class SharedAttributeLoaders
ItemResolver - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
itemsUpdate() - Method in interface StructureGenerator.GenerationContext
Returns the item version update since the last time the current forest was generated.
itemsUpdate(DataVersion) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.GenerationContext
Returns the item version update since the given version.
itemsVersion - Variable in class RestValueResponse
ItemTracker - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
ItemTracker service provides means to track and report changes to items.
itemTrail(Function<I, ItemIdentity>) - Method in class ItemAttributeLoaderBuilder
itemType(String...) - Method in class ItemAttributeLoaderBuilder
ItemTypeAttributeLoader<A> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.basic
ItemTypeAttributeLoader(AttributeSpec<A>, String...) - Constructor for class ItemTypeAttributeLoader
ItemTypeNotFoundException - Exception in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
This exception is thrown if the application code expects an Item Type with a specific ID to be present, but it isn't registered in the system.
ItemTypeNotFoundException(int) - Constructor for exception ItemTypeNotFoundException
ItemTypeRegistry - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
ItemTypeRegistry is an internal service that provides mapping of all known item type keys (module keys) to int values (primary keys in a db table).
itemTypes - Variable in class RestValueResponse
ItemValues - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
ItemVersionUpdate - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
ItemVersionUpdate(DataVersion) - Constructor for class ItemVersionUpdate
ItemVersionUpdate.Empty - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
ItemVersionUpdate.Total - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
iterable(Iterable<? extends T>) - Method in class La
IterationControl - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
iterator() - Method in class ArrayForest
iterator() - Method in class ItemIdentitySet
iterator(Iterable<? extends T>) - Method in class La
iv(String, int) - Static method in class StructureUtil
iv(String, int) - Static method in class TypeUtils
ivn(String) - Static method in class StructureUtil
ivn(String) - Static method in class TypeUtils


JavaListToLongListAdapter<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
JavaListToLongListAdapter(List<T>, ToLongFunction<T>) - Constructor for class JavaListToLongListAdapter
Jira(long, Long, JiraChangeEvent) - Constructor for class SyncEvent.Jira
JIRA_EVENT_TO_MAP - Static variable in class SyncEvents
JiraChangeEvent - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.event
IssueChangeEvent represents the details of a single issue change.
JiraChangeEvent(JiraChangeType) - Constructor for class JiraChangeEvent
JiraChangeType - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.event
A listing of possible types of events.
JiraComponents - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
JiraComponents() - Constructor for class JiraComponents
JiraFunc - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
JiraFunc contains Jira-related functions.
JiraFunc() - Constructor for class JiraFunc
JiraGroup() - Constructor for class PermissionSubject.JiraGroup
JiraGroup(String) - Constructor for class PermissionSubject.JiraGroup
JiraGroup(Group) - Constructor for class PermissionSubject.JiraGroup
JiraI18n - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.i18n
JiraI18n(I18nHelper) - Constructor for class JiraI18n
JiraI18nProvider - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.i18n
JiraI18nProvider() - Constructor for class JiraI18nProvider
JiraUser() - Constructor for class PermissionSubject.JiraUser
JiraUser(String) - Constructor for class PermissionSubject.JiraUser
JiraUser(ApplicationUser) - Constructor for class PermissionSubject.JiraUser
JiraUsers - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
Workaround for
JiraUsers() - Constructor for class JiraUsers
job() - Method in class AbstractStructureJob
job() - Method in interface StructureJob
Runs the job in background.
jobId - Variable in class RestJobId
JQL - Static variable in class CoreEffectorParameters
JQL - Static variable in class CoreGeneratorParameters
Defines JQL for the generator.
jql(Query) - Method in interface StructureQueryBuilder.BasicConstraintStep
Matches issues that satisfy the specified JQL query.
JSON_ARRAY - Static variable in class ValueFormat
JSON_ARRAY values are Java lists, ready to be converted to a JSON array.
JSON_MAP - Static variable in class JsonUtil
JSON_OBJECT - Static variable in class ValueFormat
JSON_OBJECT values are Java maps, ready to be converted to a JSON object.
JsonMapUtil - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
Utility methods for working with JSON maps.
JsonMapUtil() - Constructor for class JsonMapUtil
jsonToList(JSONArray) - Static method in class JsonMapUtil
jsonToMap(JSONObject) - Static method in class JsonMapUtil
JsonUtil - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
JsonUtil() - Constructor for class JsonUtil


KEY - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Id
KEY - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs
key - Variable in class RestTransformSpec
KEY_PROJECT - Static variable in class JiraFunc
keys() - Method in class MapObject


La<T,R> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
La is a utility generic-purpose class for functional expressions.
La() - Constructor for class La
La(Class<R>) - Constructor for class La
Use this constructor to have class-aware instance, which is needed only for few methods like La.array(java.util.Collection<? extends T>).
la(T) - Method in class La
la(A1, A2) - Method in class La2
la(A1) - Method in class La2
la(A1, A2, A3) - Method in class La3
la(A1) - Method in class La3
La.ComparableComparator<B extends Comparable<B>> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
La.FilterIterator<D extends T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
La.LaComparator<A,B> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
La.TransformIterator<D extends T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
La2<A1,A2,R> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
La2() - Constructor for class La2
La2.Binder2<A2,R> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
La2.Const<R> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
La3<A1,A2,A3,R> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
La3() - Constructor for class La3
La3.Binder12<A1,A2,R> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
label(String) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
label(Label) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
LABEL - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
LABEL_LABEL - Static variable in class JiraFunc
LABELS - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs.Id
LaComparator(La<A, B>, Comparator<? super B>) - Constructor for class La.LaComparator
lastIndexOf(List<? extends T>, R) - Method in class La
lastOrZero(LongList) - Static method in class StructureUtil
Returns the last element of the given list if it's not empty, 0 otherwise.
leaf(String) - Static method in class NodeInfo
leaf() - Method in interface StructureQueryBuilder.BasicConstraintStep
Matches rows at the bottom level of the hierarchy.
LEAVES - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Param
LeavesReductionStrategy() - Constructor for class ReductionStrategy.LeavesReductionStrategy
LEVEL - Static variable in class CoreGeneratorParameters
Parameter to apply generator on one specific level.
LEVEL_FROM - Static variable in class CoreGeneratorParameters
Parameters to select a range of levels to apply the generator.
LEVEL_TO - Static variable in class CoreGeneratorParameters
LEVELS - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Param
LicenseData - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.extension.license
LicenseData.Disabled - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.extension.license
LicenseException - Exception in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.extension.license
LicenseException(StructureLicenseError) - Constructor for exception LicenseException
LicenseException(StructureLicenseError, Throwable) - Constructor for exception LicenseException
LicenseSource - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.extension.license
liftToList() - Method in class La
LimitedHistoryConsumer - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.structure.history
Same principle as HistoryConsumer.
Limits - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
LINK_ID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
LINK_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class JiraFunc
LinkChangeEvent - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.event
This event is dispatched when an operation on links is detected - creation of a new link, or removal of existing link.
LinkChangeEvent(JiraChangeType, long, long, long) - Constructor for class LinkChangeEvent
linkedHashMap(Collection<C>, La<? super C, V>) - Method in class La
linkedHashSet(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class La
LINKTYPE_ID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
listsEqual(LongList, LongList) - Static method in class StructureUtil
Tests whether the given lists are equal (contain the same numbers in the same order).
listType() - Static method in class StructureUtil
listType() - Static method in class TypeUtils
loadAttributeValues(ForestSpec, boolean, LongList, Collection<? extends AttributeSpec<?>>, AttributeValuesReceiver) - Method in interface StructureAttributeService
This method loads values for the given sets of attributes and rows.
loadAttributeValues(ForestSpec, LongList, Collection<? extends AttributeSpec<?>>, AttributeValuesReceiver) - Method in interface StructureAttributeService
Loads values for the given sets of attributes and rows.
loadAttributeValues(ItemForest, LongList, Collection<? extends AttributeSpec<?>>, AttributeValuesReceiver) - Method in interface StructureAttributeService
This method loads values for the given sets of attributes and rows.
loadAttributeValues(Forest, LongList, Collection<? extends AttributeSpec<?>>, AttributeValuesReceiver) - Method in interface StructureAttributeService
This method loads values for the given sets of attributes and rows.
loadBatch(long) - Method in interface EffectService
loadChildren(AttributeValue<T>, PropagateAttributeContext.Parent) - Method in class InheritedValueLoader
loadChildren(AttributeValue<T>, PropagateAttributeContext.Parent) - Method in class DelegatingPropagateAttributeLoader
loadChildren(AttributeValue<T>, PropagateAttributeContext.Parent) - Method in interface PropagateAttributeLoader
Provider of a loading function for the children of the given parent row.
LoadedValue<T> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
Represents a value loaded from the attribute system.
LoadedValues<K> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
An interface that allows access to attribute values, loaded via the attribute system.
LoaderType - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.composition
loadItems(Set<ItemIdentity>, BiConsumer<ItemIdentity, GenericItem>) - Method in interface GenericItemManager
loadValue(List<AttributeValue<T>>, AggregateAttributeContext) - Method in interface AggregateAttributeLoader
Performs aggregate loading.
loadValue(List<AttributeValue<T>>, AggregateAttributeContext) - Method in class AbstractNaiveDistinctAggregateLoader
loadValue(AttributeValue<T>, ScanningAttributeContext) - Method in class AbstractScanningLoader
loadValue(ItemIdentity, ItemAttributeContext) - Method in class ItemClassAttributeLoader
loadValue(DerivedAttributeContext) - Method in class SimpleDerivedAttributeLoader
loadValue(DerivedAttributeContext) - Method in class BaseDerivedAttributeLoader
loadValue(ItemIdentity, ItemAttributeContext) - Method in class BaseItemAttributeLoader
loadValue(StructureRow, SingleRowAttributeContext) - Method in class BaseSingleRowAttributeLoader
loadValue(DerivedAttributeContext) - Method in class BiDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder.BuiltBiDerivedLoader
loadValue(List<AttributeValue<T>>, AggregateAttributeContext) - Method in class DelegatingAggregateAttributeLoader
loadValue(DerivedAttributeContext) - Method in class DelegatingDerivedAttributeLoader
loadValue(ItemIdentity, ItemAttributeContext) - Method in class DelegatingItemAttributeLoader
loadValue(AttributeValue<T>, ScanningAttributeContext) - Method in class DelegatingScanningAttributeLoader
loadValue(DerivedAttributeContext) - Method in interface DerivedAttributeLoader
Performs the loading.
loadValue(ItemIdentity, ItemAttributeContext) - Method in interface ItemAttributeLoader
The loading function.
loadValue(List<AttributeValue<T>>, AggregateAttributeContext) - Method in class ReducingAggregateLoader
loadValue(AttributeValue<T>, ScanningAttributeContext) - Method in interface ScanningAttributeLoader
Performs scanning loading.
loadValue(StructureRow, SingleRowAttributeContext) - Method in interface SingleRowAttributeLoader
The loading function.
loadValueForPassingRow(T, ScanningAttributeContext) - Method in class AbstractScanningLoader
loadValueForPassingRow(Long, ScanningAttributeContext) - Method in class ScanningLongSumLoader
loadValueForPassingRow(Number, ScanningAttributeContext) - Method in class ScanningNumberSumLoader
loadValues() - Method in interface AttributeSubscription
Requests that the subscription performs attribute loading.
LoggingUtils - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
LONG_ITERATOR_TO_LONG - Static variable in class StructureUtil
longAddOrNull(Number, Number) - Static method in class NumericFunctions
Appends two numbers as long's with tracking of nulls Axioms: null + a == a, a + null == a, a + b == a + b, null + null == null
longAddOrNull(long, Long) - Static method in class NumericFunctions
LongFilteringIterator - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
LongFilteringIterator(LongIterator, La<Long, ?>) - Constructor for class LongFilteringIterator
LongFilteringIterator(LongIterator, LongPredicate) - Constructor for class LongFilteringIterator
longId(String, long) - Static method in class ItemIdentity
Creates a new long-based ID.
longIds(String) - Method in class ItemIdentitySet
longList(Collection<T>, La<? super T, Long>) - Static method in class La
LongListHashIndex - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
todo why don't we add this to ArrayForest? We could have a method indexOfCached() which would consult the cache; todo | the cache would be invalidated on any forest update; also could be "smart" (invalidate only indices after the point of change) todo Or: merge with IndexedForest
LongListHashIndex(LongList) - Constructor for class LongListHashIndex
LongListHashIndex(Map<Long, Integer>) - Constructor for class LongListHashIndex
longOrNull(Number) - Static method in class NumericFunctions
longOrNull(T, Function<? super T, ? extends Number>) - Static method in class NumericFunctions
longOrZero(Number) - Static method in class NumericFunctions
longOrZero(T, Function<? super T, ? extends Number>) - Static method in class NumericFunctions
LongSumLoader - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.basic
LongSumLoader(AttributeSpec<Long>, AttributeSpec<Long>) - Constructor for class LongSumLoader
LOOP_MARKER - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
loopMarker(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
lv(String, long) - Static method in class StructureUtil
lv(String, long) - Static method in class TypeUtils
lvn(String) - Static method in class StructureUtil
lvn(String) - Static method in class TypeUtils


makeDefaultForStructure(Long, Long, StructurePage) - Method in interface StructureViewManager
Makes the specified view default for the given structure on the given page
makeDefined() - Method in class ViewSettings.Builder
Makes this view settings instance defined, by making sure the views list is not null.
makeImmutable() - Method in class ArrayForest
Makes this instance non-modifiable
makeImmutable() - Method in class ItemIdentitySet
makePublic() - Method in interface StructureView
Convenience method that modifies the view's permission rules, making it viewable by anyone.
makeShallow(StructureRow) - Static method in class StructureRows
makeUnchecked(StructureRow) - Static method in class StructureRows
MANAGE_GLOBAL_SAVED_COLUMNS - Static variable in interface CoreAppPermissions
Permission to manage global saved columns: edit, remove, add new.
ManagerBackedItemForest - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.item
ManagerBackedItemForest(Forest, RowManager) - Constructor for class ManagerBackedItemForest
ManagerBackedItemForest(Forest, RowManager, ItemAccessMode) - Constructor for class ManagerBackedItemForest
map(LongList) - Method in interface RowMapper
MAP_OBJECT_ARRAY_EXTRACTOR - Static variable in class MapObject
mapInto(Collection<? extends T>, Map<R, T>) - Method in class La
mapInto(Collection<C>, Map<R, V>, La<? super C, ? extends V>) - Method in class La
MapObject - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
A wrapper for a Map-based structure.
MapObject(JSONObject) - Constructor for class MapObject
MapObject(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class MapObject
mapOf(String, Object) - Static method in class AbstractGenerator
mapOf(String, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class AbstractGenerator
mapped(LongList, LongList, LongLongHppcOpenHashMap) - Static method in class RowMapper.Mapping
mapRow(long) - Method in interface RowMapper
mapType() - Static method in class StructureUtil
mapType() - Static method in class TypeUtils
MapUtils - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
matches(StructureRow) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.Filter.FilterFunction
matches(ApplicationUser) - Method in class PermissionSubject.Anyone
matches(ApplicationUser) - Method in class PermissionSubject.JiraGroup
matches(ApplicationUser) - Method in class PermissionSubject.JiraUser
matches(ApplicationUser) - Method in class PermissionSubject
matches(ApplicationUser) - Method in class PermissionSubject.ProjectRole
matches(int) - Method in class StructureQueryConstraint.SimpleFilter
Returns true if the row at the specified index matches the criteria.
matchIssues(LongList, Query, boolean, LongCollector) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Passes the issues through JIRA search engine and lets the caller collect either all matching or non-matching issues.
matchIssuesSorted(LongList, Query, boolean, LongCollector) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Passes the issues, sorted by their IDs, through JIRA search engine to collect matching or non-matching issues.
matchIssuesSorted(LongList, Query, boolean, ApplicationUser, boolean, LongCollector) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
A variation of StructurePluginHelper.matchIssuesSorted(LongList, Query, boolean, LongCollector) that lets you specify the user and override security checks.
MAX_ITEM_STRING_ID_LENGTH - Static variable in class Limits
MAX_MODULE_KEY_LENGTH - Static variable in class Limits
MAX_NAME_LENGTH - Static variable in class Limits
MAX_PATH_LENGTH - Static variable in class Limits
MAX_PROPERTY_LENGTH - Static variable in class StructureUtil
MAX_SPEC_ID_LENGTH - Static variable in class Limits
MAX_USER_KEY_LENGTH - Static variable in class Limits
maxDate - Variable in class HistoryQuery
memo(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
MEMO - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
Memo - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.memo
MEMO_CHANGE_HISTORY_GROUP - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
memoChangeHistoryGroup(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
memoize() - Method in class La
memoize(Supplier<T>) - Static method in class StructureUtil
Not thread safe
memoizeConcurrent() - Method in class La
MemoManager - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.memo
MemoUpdateBuilder - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.memo
merge(Supplier<Number>, Supplier<Number>) - Method in class NumberSumLoader
merge(Supplier<Number>, List<Number>) - Method in class NumberSumLoader
merge(Supplier<T>, Supplier<T>) - Method in interface ValueReducer
Calculates reduction of tree node where self is value of the current row, and reduced is result of flat reduction.
merge(Supplier<T>, List<T>) - Method in interface ValueReducer
Calculates reduction of tree node where self is value of the current row and list represents values passed from children (it may be or be not values of children rows depending on strategy type).
mergeForest(Forest, long, long) - Method in class ArrayForest
Convenience method to call ArrayForest.mergeForest(Forest, long, long, ForestChangeEventHandler) without event handler.
mergeForest(Forest, long, long, ForestChangeEventHandler) - Method in class ArrayForest
Merges another forest into this forest.
mergeParameters(boolean, boolean, Map<?, ?>...) - Static method in class JsonMapUtil
migrate(BackupReader, Map<Long, Long>, ErrorsReporter) - Method in interface StructureBackupProvider
since Structure 7.5
migrate(BackupReader, MigrationMapping, ErrorsReporter) - Method in interface StructureBackupProvider
Called during Migrate Structure procedure.
migrateParameters(byte[]) - Method in interface Structure2xBackwardCompatibleSynchronizer
migrateUserNameToUserKey(String) - Static method in class StructureUtil
MigrationMapping - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.backup
Stores mappings from entity ID in the backup file to restored entity ID.
MIN_PING_TIME - Static variable in interface Pinger
minDate - Variable in class HistoryQuery
MISSING - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
MISSING_ITEM - Static variable in class CoreIdentities
MissingRowException - Exception in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.row
This exception is thrown by RowManager if the code requests a non-existent row.
MissingRowException(long) - Constructor for exception MissingRowException
MissingRowException(long, String) - Constructor for exception MissingRowException
module - Variable in class RestTransformSpec
MODULE_COMPLETE_KEY - Static variable in class JiraFunc
Move(LongList, long, long, long) - Constructor for class ForestAction.Move
move(long, long, LongList) - Static method in class ForestChange
Creates a "move" forest change.
Move(LongList, long, long) - Constructor for class ForestChange.Move
movedRows - Variable in class EffectBatch
moveExtension(StructureRow, StructurePosition, StructurePosition, StructureGenerator.HandlingContext) - Method in interface ActionHandler.ExtenderActionHandler
moveGroupedItem(StructureRow, StructureRow, StructureRow, StructureGenerator.HandlingContext) - Method in interface ActionHandler.GrouperActionHandler
moveNode(RowTree.Node, RowTree.Node, RowTree.Node) - Method in class RowTree
Moves node within a tree
moveRow(StructureRow, StructurePosition, StructureGenerator.HandlingContext) - Method in interface ActionHandler.InserterActionHandler
moveSubtree(long, long, long) - Method in class ArrayForest
Convenience method to call ArrayForest.moveSubtree(long, long, long, ForestChangeEventHandler) without event handler.
moveSubtree(long, long, long, ForestChangeEventHandler) - Method in class ArrayForest
Moves sub-tree rooted at the specified row to a position specified by (under, after) coordinates.
moveSubtreeAtIndex(int, long, long, ForestChangeEventHandler) - Method in class ArrayForest
Moves sub-tree rooted at the specified index to a position specified by (under, after) coordinates.
MultiRowAttributeLoader<T> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
A multi-row loader provide a value for a single row, but also considering the previously calculated value of the same attribute for some other rows in the forest.
mustNotCacheLoader() - Method in interface AttributeProviderContext
Tells the system to avoid caching the loader produced by the provider.
myAttributeSpec - Variable in class AttributeLoaderBuilder
myAuditLog - Variable in class AbstractSynchronizer
myBulkSize - Variable in class StructureQueryConstraint.BulkFilter
myCachingStrategy - Variable in class AttributeLoaderBuilder
myDependency - Variable in class SimpleDerivedAttributeLoader
myDependency - Variable in class SingleDependencyReducingAggregateLoader
myGenericItemManager - Variable in class GenericItemType
myGenericItemService - Variable in class GenericItemType
myGlobalTrail - Variable in class AttributeLoaderBuilder
myHelper - Variable in class GenericItemType
myHelper - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.RelationConstraintStartStep
myItemId - Variable in class SimpleRow
myItemTypes - Variable in class ItemTypeAttributeLoader
myLock - Variable in class AbstractStructureJob
myMapView - Variable in class MapObject
myObject - Variable in class MapObject
myResolver - Variable in class SimpleRow
myRowId - Variable in class SimpleRow
myRowManager - Variable in class AbstractSynchronizer
mySemantics - Variable in class SimpleRow
mySpec - Variable in class AbstractAttributeLoader
myStructureComponents - Variable in class AbstractSynchronizer
myStructureManager - Variable in class AbstractSynchronizer
myTitle - Variable in class NodeInfo


name() - Method in interface StructureError
Returns error name.
NAME_PARAM - Static variable in class CoreEffectorParameters
named(String) - Static method in class Folder
named(String) - Static method in class GenericItem
NEGATED_ISSUECONSTANT_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class JiraFunc
NEW_EFFECTOR - Static variable in class CoreIdentities
NEW_FOLDER - Static variable in class CoreIdentities
NEW_GENERATOR - Static variable in class CoreIdentities
NEW_ISSUE - Static variable in class CoreIdentities
NEW_ITEM_ID - Static variable in class GenericItemType
NewStructureTemplate - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.template
NewStructureTemplateContext - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.template
NewStructureTemplateStep - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.template
NewStructureTemplateStep.Direction - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.template
next() - Method in class La.FilterIterator
next() - Method in class La.TransformIterator
nextFragment(ItemForest) - Method in interface ItemForestBuilder
nextFragment(ItemForest) - Method in class ItemForestBuilderImpl
nextLevel() - Method in interface ItemForestBuilder
nextLevel() - Method in class ItemForestBuilderImpl
nextRow(ItemIdentity) - Method in class ItemForestBuilderImpl
nextRow(ItemIdentity, long) - Method in class ItemForestBuilderImpl
nextRow(ItemIdentity) - Method in interface ItemListBuilder
Appends a new row with the given item identity.
nextRow(ItemIdentity, long) - Method in interface ItemListBuilder
Appends a new row with the given item identity and semantics.
nextSibling - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.RelationConstraintStartStep
Row is a next (following) sibling of another row in a forest.
nextSibling - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.StartStepHelper
nextSibling(int) - Method in class IndexedForest
NIL - Static variable in class ComparableTuple
nn(Long, long) - Static method in class StructureUtil
nn(Integer, int) - Static method in class StructureUtil
nn(String) - Static method in class StructureUtil
nn(Long, long) - Static method in class TypeUtils
nn(Integer, int) - Static method in class TypeUtils
nn(String) - Static method in class TypeUtils
nni(Integer) - Static method in class StructureUtil
nni(Integer) - Static method in class TypeUtils
nnl(Long) - Static method in class StructureUtil
nnl(Long) - Static method in class TypeUtils
nnv(T, T) - Static method in class StructureUtil
nnv(T, T) - Static method in class TypeUtils
NO_PAGES - Static variable in class ViewSettings
NoCarry() - Constructor for class PermissionSubject.Visitor.NoCarry
noContextDependencies() - Method in class AttributeLoaderBuilder
Used to override default context dependencies.
NODEID_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class Limits
NodeInfo - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.perfstats
NodeInfo(String) - Constructor for class NodeInfo
NodeInfo.Branch - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.perfstats
nonBlank(String) - Static method in class StructureUtil
None() - Constructor for class TrailItemSet.None
NONE - Static variable in class TrailItemSet.None
An empty set
NONE - Static variable in interface CoreSemantics
nonNegativeDouble(Number) - Static method in class NumericFunctions
nonNegativeDouble(T, Function<? super T, ? extends Number>) - Static method in class NumericFunctions
nonNegativeDoubleAddOrNull(Number, Number) - Static method in class NumericFunctions
Appends two numbers as double's with tracking of nulls and clipping to zero.
nonNegativeLong(Number) - Static method in class NumericFunctions
nonNegativeLong(T, Function<? super T, ? extends Number>) - Static method in class NumericFunctions
NonSensitiveInStandardMode - Annotation Type in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
The annotation is used to mark a custom value format as non-sensitive in standard mode.
noParams() - Method in class AttributeSpec
Returns a new attribute spec with all parameters removed.
normalizeParams(String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class AttributeSpecNormalization
Does normalization based on the rules at See also AttributeSpecNormalization.js
not() - Method in class StructureQueryBuilder.StartStep
Negates the whole constraint, whether it is basic or relation-based.
not() - Method in class StructureQueryBuilder.StartStepHelper
not() - Method in class La
notAncestors - Variable in class HistoryQuery
notAuthors - Variable in class HistoryQuery
NotConfigurable - Annotation Type in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
notEquals - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.OpStep
notIn - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.OpStep
notIssuesSorted - Variable in class HistoryQuery
notNull(R, String) - Static method in class AttributeLoaderBuilder
notNull() - Static method in class La
notNull(La<A, B>, B) - Static method in class La
notProjectsSorted - Variable in class HistoryQuery
notStructuresSorted - Variable in class HistoryQuery
notSynchronizersSorted - Variable in class HistoryQuery
nullableCollectionOfNonNulls(R, String) - Static method in class AttributeLoaderBuilder
NUMBER - Static variable in class ValueFormat
NUMBER values are numeric and usually are either Long or Double.
NumberAccumulator - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.basic
NumberAccumulator() - Constructor for class NumberAccumulator
NumberSumLoader - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.basic
NumberSumLoader(AttributeSpec<Number>, AttributeSpec<Number>) - Constructor for class NumberSumLoader
NumericFunctions - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
Helper methods for using numeric functions.
NumericFunctions() - Constructor for class NumericFunctions


object(String) - Method in class AttributeSpecBuilder.ParamsBuilder
Creates a new builder for creating an object inside the current builder's parameter space.
objectsToLeaves(Collection<T>) - Static method in interface PerformanceLogProvider
of(T) - Static method in class AttributeValue
Creates an instance for the given value.
of(AttributeValue<T>) - Static method in interface LoadedValue
Creates an instance of LoadedValue based on attribute value.
of(T) - Static method in interface LoadedValue
Creates an instance of LoadedValue based on a value itself.
of(ItemIdentity...) - Static method in class TrailItemSet
Constructs a set for specific item IDs.
of(Collection<ItemIdentity>) - Static method in class TrailItemSet
Constructs a set for specific item IDs.
of(Forest, Map<Long, StructureRow>) - Static method in class ImmutableItemForest
of(StructureRow) - Static method in class ImmutableItemForest
of(String, long[]) - Static method in class ItemIdentitySet
of(String, LongIterable) - Static method in class ItemIdentitySet
of(String, Iterable<String>) - Static method in class ItemIdentitySet
of - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.OpStep
of(long) - Static method in class ComparableTuple
of(double) - Static method in class ComparableTuple
of(String) - Static method in class ComparableTuple
of(String, String) - Static method in class ComparableTuple
of(long, long) - Static method in class ComparableTuple
of(String[]) - Static method in class ComparableTuple
of(Long[]) - Static method in class ComparableTuple
of(String, long) - Static method in class ComparableTuple
of(String, long, String) - Static method in class ComparableTuple
of(List<?>) - Static method in class ComparableTuple
ofNullable(T) - Static method in class AttributeValue
Creates an instance for the given value.
ofTypes(Collection<String>) - Static method in class TrailItemSet
Constructs a set for specific item types.
onAnyone(PermissionSubject.Anyone) - Method in class PermissionSubject.Visitor.NoCarry
onAnyone(PermissionSubject.Anyone, Void) - Method in class PermissionSubject.Visitor.NoCarry
onAnyone(PermissionSubject.Anyone, T) - Method in interface PermissionSubject.Visitor
ONE_LINE - Static variable in class RowDisplayMode
Fixed height rows that only show one line.
onGroup(PermissionSubject.JiraGroup) - Method in class PermissionSubject.Visitor.NoCarry
onGroup(PermissionSubject.JiraGroup, Void) - Method in class PermissionSubject.Visitor.NoCarry
onGroup(PermissionSubject.JiraGroup, T) - Method in interface PermissionSubject.Visitor
onInsert(long, LongIterable) - Method in interface SyncChangeListener
onIssueChanged(JiraChangeEvent) - Method in interface IssueListener
Process the event.
onlyOneIsTrue(boolean...) - Static method in class StructureUtil
onMove(long, long) - Method in interface SyncChangeListener
onProjectRole(PermissionSubject.ProjectRole) - Method in class PermissionSubject.Visitor.NoCarry
onProjectRole(PermissionSubject.ProjectRole, Void) - Method in class PermissionSubject.Visitor.NoCarry
onProjectRole(PermissionSubject.ProjectRole, T) - Method in interface PermissionSubject.Visitor
onStructuresChanged(LongObjMap<HistoryEntry>) - Method in interface StructureListener
Called after a related group of changes has been written to the database.
onUser(PermissionSubject.JiraUser) - Method in class PermissionSubject.Visitor.NoCarry
onUser(PermissionSubject.JiraUser, Void) - Method in class PermissionSubject.Visitor.NoCarry
onUser(PermissionSubject.JiraUser, T) - Method in interface PermissionSubject.Visitor
operations - Variable in class HistoryQuery
OpStep(StructureQueryBuilder.RelationStepHelper<B>) - Constructor for class StructureQueryBuilder.OpStep
optimize(List<StoredEffect>) - Method in interface EffectProvider
Attempts to reduce effect application time by optimizing the given effects collection.
option(Option) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
option(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
OPTION_ID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
OPTION_NAME - Static variable in class JiraFunc
OPTION_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class JiraFunc
or() - Method in class StructureQueryBuilder.OpStep
Use this method to combine several relations into one for use in a relational constraint.
or - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder
Starts a new constraint, connected to the previous one with OR.
or() - Method in class StructureQueryBuilder.RelationStepHelper
ORDER - Static variable in class ValueFormat
ORDER values are special values that can be used to sort by this attributes.
ORIGINAL_ESTIMATE - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs


PAGES_WITH_DEFAULT_VIEW - Static variable in class ViewSettings
Param() - Constructor for class SharedAttributeSpecs.Param
parameters() - Method in interface StructureGenerator.HandlingContext
parametersAsMapObject(Object) - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer
Returns a MapObject wrapper around the parameters map.
parametersAsNNMapObject(Object) - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer
params() - Method in class AttributeSpecBuilder
Provides access to AttributeSpecBuilder.ParamsBuilder, which is used to build parameter map.
PARAMS - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Param
params - Variable in class RestAttributeSpec
(Optional) Arbitrary parameters, interpreted by the attribute provider (any JSON)
params - Variable in class RestTransformSpec
parent(int) - Method in interface QueryContext
Behaves as getForest().getParentIndex(idx), but for many calls the amortized time is much less because of caching; for O(N) calls the amortized time is O(N) with N = size().
parent - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.RelationConstraintStartStep
Row is a parent of another row in a forest.
parent - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.StartStepHelper
parent(int) - Method in class IndexedForest
parse(String) - Static method in class ItemIdentity
Parses canonical string representation of the item ID, which can be retrieved with toString() method.
parse(String) - Method in interface StructureQueryParser
Parses query and returns the corresponding StructureQuery.
PASS - Static variable in class ActionParameters
PayloadWrapper(Object, T) - Constructor for class TotalOrder.PayloadWrapper
PercentageStyle - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export.printable
Percentage display style.
PerformanceLogProvider - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.perfstats
PermissionLevel - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.permissions
This enumeration lists possible values for the access levels.
PermissionRule - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.permissions
A list of PermissionRules is used to define a PermissionLevel for a given user.
PermissionRule() - Constructor for class PermissionRule
PermissionRule.ApplyStructure - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.permissions
This rules applies a list of rules taken from a Structure, identified by the structure ID.
PermissionRule.SetLevel - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.permissions
This rule sets the permission level to a specific value in case the user matches PermissionSubject.
PermissionSubject - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.permissions
PermissionSubject is an abstraction used to specify which users a particular permission is applicable to.
PermissionSubject() - Constructor for class PermissionSubject
PermissionSubject.Anyone - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.permissions
Represents "anyone", a subject that would match all users, even anonymous.
PermissionSubject.JiraGroup - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.permissions
Represents a specific group in JIRA, matching only the users that belong to that group.
PermissionSubject.JiraUser - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.permissions
Represents a specific user in JIRA, matching only that user.
PermissionSubject.ProjectRole - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.permissions
Represents a specific project role in a specific project, matching the users that belong to that project role in that project.
PermissionSubject.Visitor<T> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.permissions
Used to visit specific subtypes of PermissionSubject.
PermissionSubject.Visitor.NoCarry - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.permissions
ping(Pinger.Pingable, long) - Method in interface Pinger
ping(long) - Method in interface Pinger.Pingable
Pinger - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.pinger
Pinger.Pingable - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.pinger
Implement to be pinged
PLANNING_TASK - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
planningTask(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
PlanningTask - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.planningtask
PlanningTaskManager - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.planningtask
PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.planningtask
PLUGIN_DEFAULT_AUTOSWITCH_STRATEGY - Static variable in enum AutoSwitchStrategy
Defines system default auto-switch strategy for an issue page.
popPrefix() - Method in class SyncLogger
PRECEDING - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Param
preload(Collection<ItemIdentity>, AttributeContext) - Method in class BaseItemAttributeLoader
preload(LongSet, ItemForest, AttributeContext) - Method in class BaseSingleRowAttributeLoader
preload(BiConsumer<Collection<ItemIdentity>, AttributeContext>) - Method in class ItemAttributeLoaderBuilder
preload(LongSet, ItemForest, AttributeContext) - Method in interface RowPreloadFunction
preload(RowPreloadFunction) - Method in class SingleRowAttributeLoaderBuilder
preload(Collection<ItemIdentity>, AttributeContext) - Method in class DelegatingItemAttributeLoader
preload(LongSet, ItemForest, AttributeContext) - Method in class DelegatingRowAttributeLoader
preload(Collection<ItemIdentity>, AttributeContext) - Method in interface ItemAttributeLoader
Optional method to perform any bulk actions on a set of items before ItemAttributeLoader.loadValue(com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item.ItemIdentity, com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.ItemAttributeContext) method is called for each item in the collection.
preload(LongSet, ItemForest, AttributeContext) - Method in interface RowAttributeLoader
Optional method to perform any bulk actions on a set of rows before the loading function is called for each row.
prepare(ExportRequestContext) - Method in interface ExportRenderer
Allows the renderer to do one-time preparations before rendering a forest.
prepareNewStructureUrl(Structure) - Method in interface NewStructureTemplate
previewForest() - Method in interface StructureGenerator.GenerationContext
Returns the forest fragment currently processed by the generator.
prevLevel() - Method in interface ItemForestBuilder
prevLevel() - Method in class ItemForestBuilderImpl
prevSibling - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.RelationConstraintStartStep
Row is a previous (preceding) sibling of another row in a forest.
prevSibling - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.StartStepHelper
PRIMARY_GENERATOR - Static variable in class ActionParameters
PRINCIPAL_NAME - Static variable in class JiraFunc
PrintableCell - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export.printable
PrintableCell is a specialization of ExportCell for exporting to the printable HTML format.
PrintableColumn - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.export.printable
PrintableColumn is a specialization of ExportColumn for exporting to the printable HTML format.
PRIORITY - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs.Format
PRIORITY - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs
PRIORITY - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Id
priority(String) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
priority(Priority) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
PRIORITY - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
ProcessButtonParameters - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.process
ProcessButtonParameters(I18nText, String) - Constructor for class ProcessButtonParameters
ProcessButtonParameters() - Constructor for class ProcessButtonParameters
ProcessDisplayParameters - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.process
ProcessDisplayParameters() - Constructor for class ProcessDisplayParameters
ProcessDisplayParameters(ProcessDisplayParameters) - Constructor for class ProcessDisplayParameters
ProcessDisplayParameters.Builder - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.process
ProcessFeedback - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.process
ProcessFeedback allows communication between process owner and process itself.
ProcessHandle - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.process
ProcessHandle allows accessing process state for reading and for modifications
ProcessHandleManager - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.process
ProcessHandleManager allows to create new processes and access existing ones
ProcessInfo - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.process
ProcessInfo allows communication between process owner and process itself.
ProcessStatus - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.process
ProcessUIController - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.process
ProcessUIController allows configure UI for the process status page.
produceEffects(ItemForest, RowValues, EffectCollector, ProgressSink) - Method in interface EffectorFunction
The main method in the Effector SPI, which processes an item forest and produces effect descriptions.
PROGRESS - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Id
ProgressGauge - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.process
A ProgressGauge allows you to communicate with a background process.
ProgressSink - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.process
PROJECT - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs.Format
PROJECT - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs
PROJECT - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Id
project(Project) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
project(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
PROJECT - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
PROJECT_CATEGORY - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
PROJECT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class JiraFunc
PROJECT_ID - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs
PROJECT_ID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
PROJECT_KEY - Static variable in class JiraFunc
PROJECT_NAME - Static variable in class JiraFunc
PROJECT_PERMISSION_TYPE - Static variable in class AuxiliaryIdentities
projectCategory(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
projectCategory(ProjectCategory) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
PROJECTCONSTANT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class JiraFunc
PROJECTCONSTANT_ID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
PROJECTCONSTANT_NAME - Static variable in class JiraFunc
PROJECTCONSTANT_PROJECTID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
projectPermission(String) - Static method in class AuxiliaryIdentities
ProjectRole() - Constructor for class PermissionSubject.ProjectRole
ProjectRole(long, long) - Constructor for class PermissionSubject.ProjectRole
PROJECTROLE_ID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
ProjectScopeCache - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.cache.scope
PropagateAttributeContext - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
The context interface for propagate attribute loaders.
PropagateAttributeContext.Parent - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
The context interface for preparing children loading function by a propagate.
PropagateAttributeLoader<T> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
Propagate attributes have values calculated down through the hierarchy.
PropertyService - Interface in
pushPrefix(String) - Method in class SyncLogger
putObject(Object, Object) - Method in interface AttributeContext
Associates an arbitrary value with the given request.
putObject(Object, Object) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.GenerationContext
Associate an object with the current forest.
putObject(Object, Object) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.HandlingContext
putTempObject(Object, Object) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.GenerationContext
Associate an object with this context.


query(StructureQuery) - Method in interface StructureQueryBuilder.BasicConstraintStep
Matches all rows that match the specified Structure query.
query - Variable in class RestSQuery
queryActivity(HistoryQuery, int, HistoryConsumer) - Method in interface HistoryService
'Streams' results of history query to consumer.
queryActivity(HistoryQuery, int, int, LimitedHistoryConsumer) - Method in interface HistoryService
'Streams' results of history query to consumer while limiting the total amount of changes that are loaded per entry.
QueryContext - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query
This interface represents the environment of the StructureQuery being executed.


readElement(String) - Method in interface BackupReader.ElementReader
readItemValues(GenericItem.Builder, Map<String, Object>, GenericItem, ErrorCollection) - Method in class GenericItemType
readSection(BackupReader.ElementReader) - Method in interface BackupReader
Reads a section of the current element.
rearrangeItemForest(ItemForest, Forest) - Static method in class ImmutableItemForest
Returns an ItemForest based on newForest, with rows taken from source.
receiveInaccessibleRows(LongSet) - Method in interface AttributeValuesReceiver
Notifies the receiver that some of the requested rows were not available for loading by the requested user.
receiveMeta(ValuesMeta) - Method in interface AttributeValuesReceiver
Provides the receiver with the metadata about the loading process.
receiveValues(AttributeSpec<T>, ValueColumn<Long, T>) - Method in interface AttributeValuesReceiver
Offers the receiver to retrieve the values for the specified attribute.
record(StructureRow) - Method in class RecordingAttributeUpdateChecker
record(long) - Method in class RecordingAttributeUpdateChecker
recordActions(SyncInstance, MapObject, List<MapObject>) - Method in interface SyncAuditLog
Adds records to the audit log for a logical group of actions taken by one synchronizer in the course of one run.
recordActions(long, String, long, MapObject, List<MapObject>) - Method in interface SyncAuditLog
Like SyncAuditLog.recordActions(SyncInstance, MapObject, List), but doesn't require a SyncInstance.
recordBatch(EffectBatch) - Method in interface EffectService
recordChange(ItemIdentity) - Method in interface ItemTracker
recordChanges(Iterable<ItemIdentity>) - Method in interface ItemTracker
Records changes of the specified items.
RecordingAttributeUpdateChecker - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator.util
RecordingAttributeUpdateChecker(AttributeUpdateChecker) - Constructor for class RecordingAttributeUpdateChecker
RecordingItemChangeFilter - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator.util
RecordingItemChangeFilter.EmptyFilter - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator.util
recordItem(StructureRow) - Method in class BasicItemChangeFilter
recordItem(ItemIdentity) - Method in class BasicItemChangeFilter
recordItem(StructureRow) - Method in class RecordingItemChangeFilter.EmptyFilter
recordItem(ItemIdentity) - Method in class RecordingItemChangeFilter.EmptyFilter
recordItem(StructureRow) - Method in interface RecordingItemChangeFilter
recordItem(ItemIdentity) - Method in interface RecordingItemChangeFilter
recordMove(long, long) - Method in class HierarchyHelper
redoReplace - Variable in class EffectBatch
reduce(List<Long>) - Method in class LongSumLoader
reduce(List<Number>) - Method in class NumberSumLoader
reduce(List<T>) - Method in interface ValueReducer
Reduces the list of values to one value.
reduceOverRows(LongIterable, T, BiFunction<StructureRow, T, T>) - Method in interface RowRetriever
Performs a reduction over a collection of rows, identified by their IDs.
ReducingAggregateLoader<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.reduce
A base class for aggregate loaders that calculate values using only the specified part of subtree.
ReducingAggregateLoader(AttributeSpec<T>) - Constructor for class ReducingAggregateLoader
ReductionStrategy<T> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.reduce
Describes a part of subtree to be used for calculating aggregate values.
ReductionStrategy.AbstractReductionStrategy<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.reduce
ReductionStrategy.ChildrenReductionStrategy<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.reduce
Main value: the aggregation based only on children.
ReductionStrategy.LeavesReductionStrategy<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.reduce
Main value: the aggregation based only on leaves.
ReductionStrategy.StrictReductionStrategy<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.reduce
Main value: the aggregation based on the whole subtree without self row.
ReductionStrategy.SubtreeReductionStrategy<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.reduce
Main value: the aggregation based only on all children.
Ref<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
A simple value holder, used to provide outgoing parameters.
Ref() - Constructor for class Ref
Ref(T) - Constructor for class Ref
registerCompositeLoader(AttributeSpec<T>, AttributeLoader<T>...) - Method in class SimpleAttributeProvider
registerLoader(AttributeLoader<?>) - Method in class SimpleAttributeProvider
RelationConstraintStartStep(StructureQueryBuilder.StartStepHelper<B>) - Constructor for class StructureQueryBuilder.RelationConstraintStartStep
RelationStepHelper() - Constructor for class StructureQueryBuilder.RelationStepHelper
REMAINING_ESTIMATE - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs
REMOTE_ISSUE_LINK_TYPE - Static variable in class AuxiliaryIdentities
remove(String) - Method in class AttributeSpecBuilder.ParamsBuilder
Removes the given parameter.
remove(Number) - Method in class NumberAccumulator
Remove(LongList) - Constructor for class ForestAction.Remove
remove(LongList) - Static method in class ForestChange
Creates a "remove" forest change.
Remove(LongList) - Constructor for class ForestChange.Remove
Constructs "remove" change of the given rows.
remove(Object) - Method in class ItemIdentitySet
remove(String) - Method in interface PropertyService
remove() - Method in class La.FilterIterator
remove() - Method in class La.TransformIterator
remove(RowTree.Node) - Method in class RowTree
Removes node and its sub-tree from the tree.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ItemIdentitySet
removeAllProperties(long) - Method in interface StructurePropertyService
removeAttribute(AttributeSpec<?>) - Method in interface AttributeSubscriptionPatch
removeColumn(String) - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
Removes a column identified by csid.
removeCustomFieldGroups(Issue, CustomField, Collection<Group>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would remove the given groups from a multi group custom field.
removeCustomFieldLabels(Issue, CustomField, Collection<String>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would remove the given labels from a labels custom field.
removeCustomFieldOptions(Issue, CustomField, Collection<Option>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would remove the given options from a multi select custom field.
removeCustomFieldUsers(Issue, CustomField, Collection<ApplicationUser>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would remove the given users from a multi user custom field.
removeCustomFieldVersions(Issue, CustomField, Collection<Version>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would remove the given versions from a multi version custom field.
removeIssueAffectedVersions(Issue, Collection<Version>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would remove affected versions from the issue.
removeIssueComponents(Issue, Collection<ProjectComponent>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would remove components from the issue.
removeIssueFixVersions(Issue, Collection<Version>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would remove fix versions from the issue.
removeIssueLabels(Issue, Collection<String>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would remove labels from the issue.
removeJob(String) - Method in interface ScheduledJobManager
removeListener(IssueListener) - Method in interface IssueEventBridge
Removes the listener from the component
removeListener(StructureListener) - Method in interface StructureManager
Removes the listener previously added via StructureManager.addListener(StructureListener).
removeMultiply(Number, int) - Method in class NumberAccumulator
removeParameter(String) - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column.Builder
Removes a parameter from parameter map.
removeRow(StructureRow, StructureGenerator.HandlingContext) - Method in interface ActionHandler.InserterActionHandler
removeRows(LongList) - Method in interface AttributeSubscriptionPatch
removeStatisticSource(StatisticSource) - Method in interface StructureStatisticsRecorder
Removes statistic source which was previously registered
removeSubtree(long, ForestChangeEventHandler) - Method in class ArrayForest
Removes a subtree from this forest.
removeSubtree(long) - Method in class ArrayForest
Convenience method to call ArrayForest.removeSubtree(long, ForestChangeEventHandler) without event handler.
removeSubtreeAtIndex(int, ForestChangeEventHandler) - Method in class ArrayForest
Removes a sub-tree with rooted at the specified index from this forest.
renderCell(C, ExportRow, ExportRenderContext) - Method in interface ExportRenderer
Render the cell, i.e.
reorder(long, LongList) - Static method in class ForestChange
Creates a "reorder" forest change.
Reorder(long, LongList) - Constructor for class ForestChange.Reorder
Creates a "reorder" change.
reorder(long, LongList) - Method in class ArrayForest
reorderExtension(StructureRow, StructurePosition, StructurePosition, StructureGenerator.HandlingContext) - Method in interface ActionHandler.ExtenderActionHandler
reorderGroup(StructureRow, StructurePosition, StructurePosition, StructureGenerator.HandlingContext) - Method in interface ActionHandler.GrouperActionHandler
reorderItem(StructureRow, StructurePosition, StructurePosition, StructureGenerator.HandlingContext) - Method in interface ActionHandler.SorterActionHandler
replaceDelegate(StructureRow, Function<StructureRow, StructureRow>) - Static method in class TransientRow
Replaces delegate in the transient row chain.
replacements - Variable in class RowsToReplace
replaceParams(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class AttributeSpec
Returns a new attribute spec with parameters replaced with a new map.
replaceSubtrees(long, Forest) - Method in class ArrayForest
Removes everything from under given row and inserts forest as sub-forest of rowId.
replaceSubtreesMutuallyExclusive(long, Forest) - Method in class ArrayForest
replaceSubtreesMutuallyExclusiveAtIndex(int, Forest) - Method in class ArrayForest
Removes everything from under row with given index and inserts forest as sub-forest of the same row
replacingGenerator - Variable in class RowsToReplace
replacingGenerators - Variable in class RowsToReplace
reportChanges(LongList, JiraChangeType) - Method in interface IssueEventBridge
This method is used to notify the bridge that the listed issues have changed or that the listeners must receive the notification anyway, probably to recount something.
REPORTER - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs
REPORTER - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Id
reportEvent(JiraChangeEvent) - Method in interface IssueEventBridge
This method is used to notify the bridge about a specifically constructed event object, which gets rebroadcast to the listeners.
reportProblem(String) - Method in interface ErrorsReporter
REQUEST_TYPE - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
requests - Variable in class RestValueRequest
requireAttribute(AttributeSpec<?>) - Method in interface EffectorContext
Allows the effector to require an attribute that it needs in order to produce effects.
requireAttribute(AttributeSpec<?>) - Method in interface ExportRequestContext
Require an attribute to be calculated for this request.
requireIssueDetailsResources() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Loads resources needed for the issue details layout.
requireIssueShortcuts() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Loads resources needed for standard JIRA keyboard shortcuts.
requireLocalizedResource(String) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Requires a resource that may be localized.
requireQuickEditResources() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Loads resources needed for "quick edit" code to work (dialog with editing / creating an issue).
requireResource(String) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Marks resource as needed for loading.
requireResourceIfPresent(String) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Marks resource as needed for loading, if the resource exists.
requireResourcesForContext(String) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Loads resources associated with a context
requireWidgetResource() - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Requires all resources needed to render Structure Widget.
reset() - Method in interface ItemTracker
Resets ItemTracker.
reset() - Method in class AbstractStructureJob
reset() - Method in interface StructureJob
Reset the state of the job so that it becomes StructureJob.State.PENDING.
reset() - Method in class ConsiderateLogger
resolution(String) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
resolution(Resolution) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
RESOLUTION - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
resolve(StoredEffect) - Method in interface EffectProvider
Converts an effect description to an actual effect implementation, if possible.
resolve() - Method in class SimpleRow
resolveIssueIdToRows(long) - Method in interface QueryContext
Returns row IDs for rows in the forest being searched that represent issue with the specified ID.
resolveIssueKeyToRows(String) - Method in interface QueryContext
Returns row IDs for rows in the forest being searched that represent issues with the specified issue key.
resolveItem(ItemIdentity, Class<T>) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.ItemChangeFilterContext
resolveItem(ItemIdentity, Class<T>) - Method in interface ItemResolver
resolveItems(Collection<ItemIdentity>, Class<T>, BiConsumer<ItemIdentity, T>) - Method in interface ItemResolver
Resolves all the items from the given id collection and passes them to consumer.
resolveItemsUnchecked(Collection<ItemIdentity>, BiConsumer<ItemIdentity, Object>) - Method in interface ItemResolver
Resolves all the items from the given id collection and passes them to consumer.
resolveRowIdsToIssues(LongIterator, boolean, LongLongProcedure) - Method in interface QueryContext
Looks up the specified rows, and for each issue among them calls rowIssueCollector with row ID and issue ID, respectively.
resolveUnchecked(ItemIdentity) - Method in interface ItemResolver
responses - Variable in class RestValueResponse
RestAttributeSpec - Class in
RestAttributeSpec() - Constructor for class RestAttributeSpec
RestEffect - Class in
RestEffect() - Constructor for class RestEffect
RestEffectBatch - Class in
RestEffectBatch() - Constructor for class RestEffectBatch
RestForestSpec - Class in
RestForestSpec() - Constructor for class RestForestSpec
RestJobId - Class in
RestJobId() - Constructor for class RestJobId
restore() - Method in interface RestoreOperation
Performs the restore from backup synchronously.
restore() - Method in interface StructureBackupManager
Creates an instance of restore operation.
restore(BackupReader, ErrorsReporter) - Method in interface StructureBackupProvider
Called during Structure Restore procedure.
RestoreOperation - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.backup
Restore operation reads a backup file and loads it into the Structure database.
restoreParameters(String) - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer
restoreParameters(String) - Method in interface StructureSynchronizer
Deserializes a string previously created StructureSynchronizer.storeParameters(Object) into this synchronizer's parameters object.
restoreStructure2xParameters(byte[], Class<P>) - Static method in class Structure2xBackwardCompatibleSynchronizer.SyncMigrationUtil
RestSQuery - Class in
RestSQuery() - Constructor for class RestSQuery
RestTransformSpec - Class in
RestTransformSpec() - Constructor for class RestTransformSpec
RestValueRequest - Class in
RestValueRequest() - Constructor for class RestValueRequest
RestValueRequest.ForestRowValueRequest - Class in
RestValueResponse - Class in
RestValueResponse() - Constructor for class RestValueResponse
RestValueResponse.AttributeResponseData - Class in
RestValueResponse.ForestRowValueResponse - Class in
RestVersion - Class in
RestVersion() - Constructor for class RestVersion
resumeInterrupted(long) - Method in interface EffectorProcessManager
Moves an interrupted process back to the apply queue to resume applying previously calculated effects in its preview.
resync(SyncInstance, ForestSource) - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer
resync(SyncInstance, ForestSource) - Method in interface StructureSynchronizer
Perform full resync.
resync(Long, boolean, Long) - Method in interface StructureSyncManager
Starts full synchronization in the specified direction.
resyncOnce(StructureSynchronizer, Object, Long, ApplicationUser, Long) - Method in interface StructureSyncManager
Runs full resync without installing the synchronizer.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class ItemIdentitySet
reversible - Variable in class RestEffect
root() - Method in interface StructureQueryBuilder.BasicConstraintStep
Matches rows at the top level of the hierarchy.
root(int) - Method in class IndexedForest
roots() - Method in class IndexedForest
row(int) - Method in interface QueryContext
Returns a row object at the specified index in the forest being searched.
row(long) - Method in class SyncLogger
row(int) - Method in class IndexedForest
ROW_ZERO - Static variable in interface StructureRow
RowAttributeContext - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
The base context interface for all row-based attribute loaders.
RowAttributeLoader<T> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
Common base interface for all row-based attribute loaders.
RowDisplayMode - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.view
RowDisplayMode stores constants representing supported row display modes.
rowId(int) - Method in interface QueryContext
Returns row ID at the specified index in the forest being searched.
RowManager - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.row
RowManager is responsible for maintaining row database and row properties.
RowMapper - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.row
RowMapper helps track the original row IDs for copied row.
RowMapper.Mapping - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.row
RowPreloadFunction - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.builder
RowRetriever - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.row
RowRetriever is an abstraction of an object that can provide an instance of StructureRow by its numeric ID.
rows(IntIterator) - Method in interface QueryContext
Given indices into the forest being searched, returns the corresponding rows.
rows - Variable in class RestValueRequest.ForestRowValueRequest
Rows requested
rows - Variable in class RestValueResponse.ForestRowValueResponse
rows(LongIterable) - Method in class SyncLogger
rows(IntIterator) - Method in class IndexedForest
RowsToReplace - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effectbatch
RowsToReplace(Forest, long, LongLongHppcOpenHashMap, long, LongLongHppcOpenHashMap) - Constructor for class RowsToReplace
RowsToReplace(LongObjMap<Forest>, LongLongHppcOpenHashMap, long, LongLongHppcOpenHashMap) - Constructor for class RowsToReplace
RowTree - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
RowTree is another representation of the Forest concept.
RowTree() - Constructor for class RowTree
RowTree.Node - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
Represents a single node or a RowTree.
RowValues - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
An object that implements RowValues interface is supplied as a result of attributes calculation by StructureAttributeService.
RowValuesWithUpdateChecker - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
This class contains row values and the update checker that can be used to see if these row values may have been outdated.
RowValuesWithUpdateChecker(RowValues, AttributeUpdateChecker) - Constructor for class RowValuesWithUpdateChecker
Creates an instance of the class.
run() - Method in interface ScheduledJob
run() - Method in interface RunnableE
RunnableE<E extends Exception> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util


saveChanges() - Method in interface Structure
Call this method to save the changes made with set... methods and update the database.
saveChanges() - Method in interface StructureView
Call this method to save the changes made with set... methods and update the database.
scanAllExistingRows(LongIterable, boolean, ItemAccessMode, Consumer<StructureRow>) - Method in interface RowRetriever
scanAllExistingRows(LongIterable, boolean, Consumer<StructureRow>) - Method in interface RowRetriever
scanAllExistingRows(LongIterable, Consumer<StructureRow>) - Method in interface RowRetriever
A convenience variation of RowRetriever.scanRows(com.almworks.integers.LongIterable, boolean, com.almworks.jira.structure.api.row.ItemAccessMode, com.almworks.integers.LongCollector, java.util.function.Predicate<com.almworks.jira.structure.api.row.StructureRow>) that always goes through all of the row IDs with a normal access mode, ignores any missing rows, and assumes that the row ID stream may be not sorted.
scanAllRows(LongIterable, boolean, ItemAccessMode, LongCollector, Consumer<StructureRow>) - Method in interface RowRetriever
scanAllRows(LongIterable, boolean, LongCollector, Consumer<StructureRow>) - Method in interface RowRetriever
scanAllRows(LongIterable, LongCollector, Consumer<StructureRow>) - Method in interface RowRetriever
scanAllRows(LongIterable, Consumer<StructureRow>) - Method in interface RowRetriever
A convenience variation of RowRetriever.scanRows(com.almworks.integers.LongIterable, boolean, com.almworks.jira.structure.api.row.ItemAccessMode, com.almworks.integers.LongCollector, java.util.function.Predicate<com.almworks.jira.structure.api.row.StructureRow>) that always goes through all of the row IDs, uses normal access mode, assumes that row ID stream may be not sorted, and does not provide a missing collector.
scanDownwards(ForestScanner) - Method in class ArrayForest
scanDownwards(ForestScanner) - Method in interface Forest
Iterates through each row from top to the bottom.
ScanningAttributeContext - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
The context interface for scanning attribute loaders.
ScanningAttributeLoader<T> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
Scanning attributes are used to process and aggregate values across all the forest, from top to bottom (depth-first traversal).
ScanningLongSumLoader - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.basic
ScanningLongSumLoader(AttributeSpec<Long>, AttributeSpec<Long>) - Constructor for class ScanningLongSumLoader
ScanningNumberSumLoader - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.basic
ScanningNumberSumLoader(AttributeSpec<Number>, AttributeSpec<Number>) - Constructor for class ScanningNumberSumLoader
scanRows(LongIterable, boolean, ItemAccessMode, LongCollector, Predicate<StructureRow>) - Method in class ManagerBackedItemForest
scanRows(LongIterable, boolean, ItemAccessMode, LongCollector, Predicate<StructureRow>) - Method in interface RowRetriever
Loads multiple rows by their IDs and calls iteratee with a StructureRow for each row ID in the input.
scanRows(LongIterable, boolean, LongCollector, Predicate<StructureRow>) - Method in interface RowRetriever
A convenience method that calls RowRetriever.scanRows(LongIterable, boolean, ItemAccessMode, LongCollector, Predicate) with the normal access mode.
scanRows(LongIterable, LongCollector, Predicate<StructureRow>) - Method in interface RowRetriever
A convenience method that calls RowRetriever.scanRows(LongIterable, boolean, ItemAccessMode, LongCollector, Predicate) with the normal access mode, and when the rows stream is not guaranteed to be sorted.
scanRows(LongIterable, Predicate<StructureRow>) - Method in interface RowRetriever
A convenience method that calls RowRetriever.scanRows(LongIterable, boolean, ItemAccessMode, LongCollector, Predicate) with the normal access mode, when the rows stream is not guaranteed to be sorted, and without a missing row collector.
schedule(long, long, StructureJob) - Method in interface StructureJobManager
Schedule the job to run periodically, or once after delay.
ScheduledJob - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.job
ScheduledJobManager - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.job
SCROLLABLE - Static variable in class ColumnDisplayMode
If columns no longer fit within the panel, a horizontal scroll bar will appear
sdRequestType(int) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
searchAndSortQuery(String) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Runs JQL search with sorting.
searchAndSortQuery(Query) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Runs search with sorting.
searchAndSortQuery(Query, int) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Runs search with sorting and result count limit.
searchQuery(String) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Runs JQL search.
searchQuery(Query) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Runs search.
secure(String) - Method in class ForestSpec
Creates a new ForestSpec that is secured for the specified user.
SECURITY_LEVEL_ID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
SECURITY_LEVEL_NAME - Static variable in class JiraFunc
selectBySyncMode(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class SyncLogger
selectIntegratedStructures(LongSet) - Method in interface StructureIntegrationDetails
self() - Method in class AttributeLoaderBuilder
self - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.RelationConstraintStartStep
This is a relation of a row to itself.
self - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.StartStepHelper
self() - Static method in class La
SEND_NOTIFICATIONS - Static variable in class CoreEffectorParameters
SEP - Static variable in class ToString
set(String, Object) - Method in class AttributeSpecBuilder.ParamsBuilder
Sets the parameter.
set(WritableLongList, WritableIntList, boolean) - Method in class ArrayForest
Replaces the contents of this forest with the values passed in the parameters.
set(LongList, IntList) - Method in class ArrayForest
Replaces the contents of this forest with the values passed in the parameters.
set(String, String) - Method in interface PropertyService
set(String, boolean) - Method in interface PropertyService
set(String, long) - Method in interface PropertyService
set(SyncLogger) - Static method in class SyncLogger
This is internal method that is used by the synchronization subsystem.
setActivity(String, Object...) - Method in interface ProgressSink
setAffectedVersions(List<Version>) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setAllowedForAnyone(StructureAppPermission, boolean) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Grant the given Structure app permission to anyone.
setArchived(boolean) - Method in interface Structure
Changes the archived flag.
setArguments(Object[]) - Method in class I18nText
setAssignee(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface MemoUpdateBuilder
setAssignee(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setAttribute(AttributeSpec<?>) - Method in class AttributeSpecBuilder.ParamsBuilder
Special method to set the parameter "attribute" to the given attribute spec.
setAttribute(String, AttributeSpec<?>) - Method in class AttributeSpecBuilder.ParamsBuilder
Special method to set a parameter to the given attribute spec.
setAttributes(Collection<? extends AttributeSpec<?>>) - Method in interface AttributeSubscriptionPatch
setAttributeSensitivitySettings(AttributeSensitivitySettings) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
setAutoCollapseStructurePanel(Boolean) - Method in class UISettingsBean
setAutomationEnabledForAnyone(boolean) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Changes whether the automation is available for all users.
setAutomationPermissionSubjectsEncoded(String) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Changes the list of the users / groups that are allowed to configure and control automation in controlled structures.
setAutoSwitchStrategy(StructurePage, AutoSwitchStrategy) - Method in class UISettingsBean
Changes auto-switch strategy for the given page.
setAutosyncEnabled(Long, boolean) - Method in interface StructureSyncManager
Enables or disables the incremental synchronization for the specified synchronizer.
setBackupAppConfiguration(boolean) - Method in interface BackupOperation
Controls whether Structure's app-level configuration and settings are backed up.
setBackupExtensions(Set<String>) - Method in interface BackupOperation
Sets the extension keys to back up.
setBackupFavorites(boolean) - Method in interface BackupOperation
Controls whether users' favorite structures are backed up.
setBackupGenericItemHistory(boolean) - Method in interface BackupOperation
Sets the backupGenericItemHistory flag.
setBackupHistory(boolean) - Method in interface BackupOperation
Sets the backupHistory flag.
setBackupPerspectives(boolean) - Method in interface BackupOperation
Controls whether perspectives are backed up.
setBackupSavedColumns(boolean) - Method in interface BackupOperation
Controls whether saved columns are backed up.
setBackupStructureIds(LongIterable) - Method in interface BackupOperation
Sets the structure IDs to back up.
setBackupViewIds(LongIterable) - Method in interface BackupOperation
Sets the view IDs to back up.
setButtons(List<ProcessButtonParameters>) - Method in class ProcessDisplayParameters
setCaption(I18nText) - Method in class ProcessButtonParameters
setCascadeCustomField(Issue, CustomField, Option) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would set a cascading select custom field to the given option.
setClipboardSessionId(String) - Method in class ForestSpec.Builder
setColumnDisplayMode(int) - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
Set column display mode
setColumns(List<ViewSpecification.Column.Builder>) - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
Changes the current column builders to the passed list.
setComponents(List<ProjectComponent>) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setCreateEnabledForAnyone(boolean) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Changes whether the creation of new structures is available for all users.
setCreatorPermissionSubjectsEncoded(String) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Changes the list of the users / groups that are allowed to create new structures.
setCsid(String) - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column.Builder
setCurrentUserKey() - Method in class ForestSpec.Builder
setCustomFieldGroups(Issue, CustomField, Collection<Group>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would set a multi group custom field to the given groups.
setCustomFieldLabels(Issue, CustomField, Collection<String>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would set a labels custom field to the given labels.
setCustomFieldOptions(Issue, CustomField, Collection<Option>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would set a multi select custom field to the given options.
setCustomFieldUsers(Issue, CustomField, Collection<ApplicationUser>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would set a multi user custom field to the given users.
setCustomFieldVersions(Issue, CustomField, Collection<Version>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would set a multi version custom field to the given versions.
setDate(Date) - Method in interface ExportCell
Set a date as the cell value.
setDateCustomField(Issue, CustomField, Date) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would set a date custom field to the given value.
setDateCustomFieldValue(LocalDate, CustomField) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setDatetime(Date) - Method in interface ExportCell
Set a date and time as the cell value.
setDateTimeCustomField(Issue, CustomField, Date) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would set a date time custom field to the given value.
setDateTimeCustomFieldValue(Date, CustomField) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setDefaultPages(Set<StructurePage>) - Method in class ViewSettings.AssociatedView.Builder
Updates the set of pages on which the associated view will be the default view.
setDefaultStructureId(Project, Long) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Changes the ID of the default structure for the specified project.
setDefaultStyle(ExcelStyle) - Method in interface ExcelColumn
Set the default cell style.
setDefaultViewSettings(ViewSettings) - Method in interface StructureViewManager
Updates the global default view settings, which apply to all structure that don't have view settings overridden.
setDescription(String) - Method in class GenericItem.Builder
setDescription(String) - Method in interface MemoUpdateBuilder
setDescription(String) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setDescription(String) - Method in interface Structure
Sets the description of the structure.
setDescription(String) - Method in interface StructureView
Sets the description of the view.
setDescription(String) - Method in class StructureViewBean.Builder
Sets the description of the view.
setDone(int) - Method in interface ProgressSink
setDueDate(LocalDate) - Method in interface MemoUpdateBuilder
setDueDate(LocalDate) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setDuration(Long) - Method in interface ExportCell
Set a duration as the cell value.
setDurationAsCalendarTime(boolean) - Method in interface PrintableColumn
A true value specifies that JIRA time tracking settings (number of work hours per day and work days per week) should not be used when converting duration to friendly text (in days and weeks).
setEditRequiresParentIssuePermission(boolean) - Method in interface Structure
Changes the security flag that requires the user to have Edit Issue permission on parent issues of the issues being moved, added or deleted from structure.
setEnabledForAllProjects(boolean) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Changes whether the app is enabled for all projects.
setEnabledForAnyone(boolean) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Changes whether the app is available for all users.
setEnabledPermissionSubjectsEncoded(String) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Changes the list of the users / groups that the Structure app is enabled for.
setEnvironment(String) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setFavorite(Long, ApplicationUser, boolean) - Method in interface StructureFavoriteManager
Adds or removes the structure from user's favorites.
setFile(File) - Method in interface BackupOperation
Sets the target file for the backup.
setFile(File) - Method in interface RestoreOperation
Sets the location of the backup file.
setFixVersions(List<Version>) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setForest(ForestSpec) - Method in interface AttributeSubscriptionPatch
setFormat(ValueFormat<R>) - Method in class AttributeSpecBuilder
Sets the value format.
setGroupName(String) - Method in class PermissionSubject.JiraGroup
setHtml(String) - Method in interface PrintableCell
Set an HTML fragment as the content of the current cell.
setHyperlink(String, String) - Method in interface ExportCell
Set a hyperlink as the cell value.
setI18nKey(String) - Method in class I18nText
setId(String) - Method in class AttributeSpecBuilder
Sets the attribute id.
setId(Long) - Method in class StructureViewBean.Builder
Sets the ID of the view
setIndention(int) - Method in interface ExcelCell
Set the indentation level for the cell.
setInterval(long) - Method in class ConsiderateLogger
setIssueAffectedVersions(Issue, Collection<Version>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would replace issue affected versions with the given values.
setIssueComponents(Issue, Collection<ProjectComponent>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would replace issue components with the given values.
setIssueDescription(Issue, String) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would change an issue Description field to the given value.
setIssueDueDate(Issue, Date) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would change an issue due date to the given value.
setIssueEnvironment(Issue, String) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would change an issue Environment field to the given value.
setIssueFixVersions(Issue, Collection<Version>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would replace issue fix versions with the given values.
setIssueLabels(Issue, Collection<String>) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would replace issue labels with the given values.
setIssuePriority(Issue, Priority) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would change an issue priority to the given value.
setIssueReporter(Issue, ApplicationUser) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would set an issue reporter to the given user.
setIssueResolution(Issue, Resolution) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would change an issue Resolution field to the given value.
setIssueResolutionDate(Issue, Date) - Static method in class CoreEffects
The "Resolved" field in Jira is not editable, and this method should not be used. There is no corresponding effect provider in Structure.
setIssueStatus(Issue, Status) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would transition an issue to the given status.
setIssueSummary(Issue, String) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would change an issue summary to the given value.
setIssueType(IssueType) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setKeepStructureWhileNavigating(Boolean) - Method in class UISettingsBean
setKey(String) - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column.Builder
setLabels(List<String>) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setLabelsCustomFieldValue(List<String>, CustomField) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
SetLevel() - Constructor for class PermissionRule.SetLevel
SetLevel(PermissionSubject, PermissionLevel) - Constructor for class PermissionRule.SetLevel
setLevel(PermissionLevel) - Method in class PermissionRule.SetLevel
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class SyncLogger
setLongProperty(ApplicationProperties, String, String) - Static method in class StructureUtil
Sets a possibly long value (template) as an application property.
setMenuPages(Set<StructurePage>) - Method in class ViewSettings.AssociatedView.Builder
Updates the set of pages on which the associated view will be in the menu.
setModuleKey(String) - Method in class StoredEffect.Builder
Updates the effect provider module key.
setMultiline(boolean) - Method in interface PrintableColumn
Pass true to this method to allow line breaks for the cells in this column.
setMultiVersionCustomFieldValue(List<Version>, CustomField) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setName(String) - Method in class Folder.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class GenericItem.Builder
setName(I18nText) - Method in class ProcessDisplayParameters
setName(String) - Method in interface Structure
Sets the name of the structure.
setName(String) - Method in interface StructureView
Sets the name of the view.
setName(String) - Method in class StructureViewBean.Builder
Sets the name of the view
setName(String) - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column.Builder
setNumber(Number) - Method in interface ExportCell
Set a number as the cell value.
setNumberCustomField(Issue, CustomField, Number) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would set a number custom field to the given value.
setNumberCustomFieldValue(Double, CustomField) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setOriginalEstimate(Issue, Long) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would change an issue original estimate to the given value.
setOriginalEstimate(Long) - Method in interface MemoUpdateBuilder
setOriginalEstimate(Long) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setOwner(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface Structure
Sets the owner of the structure.
setOwner(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructureView
Sets the owner of the view.
setOwner(PermissionSubject) - Method in class StructureViewBean.Builder
Sets the owner of this view.
setOwnerUserKey(String) - Method in interface Structure
Sets the owner of the structure.
setOwningStructure(Long) - Method in class Folder.Builder
setOwningStructure(Long) - Method in class GenericItem.Builder
setParameter(String, Object) - Method in class StoredEffect.Builder
Updates a provider-specific parameter.
setParameter(String, Object) - Method in class GenericItem.Builder
setParameter(String, Object) - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column.Builder
Sets a parameter for this column.
setParameters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class GenericItem.Builder
setParameters(ProcessDisplayParameters) - Method in interface ProcessUIController
setParameters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column.Builder
Updates the parameter map for the column.
setPercentage(Double) - Method in interface ExportCell
Set a percentage as the cell value.
setPercentageStyle(PercentageStyle) - Method in interface PrintableColumn
Set the percentage display style for the cells in this column.
setPermissions(Collection<? extends PermissionRule>) - Method in interface Structure
Sets the permission rules for this structure.
setPermissions(Collection<? extends PermissionRule>) - Method in interface StructureView
Sets the permission rules for this view.
setPermissions(Collection<? extends PermissionRule>) - Method in class StructureViewBean.Builder
Sets the permission rules.
setPermissionSubjects(StructureAppPermission, Collection<? extends PermissionSubject>) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Changes the list of the users / groups that are granted the given Structure app permission.
setPermissionSubjectsEncoded(StructureAppPermission, String) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Changes the list of the users / groups that are granted the given Structure app permission.
setPickedProjectIds(String) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Changes projects that Structure is enabled for.
setPickedProjectIds(LongIterable) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Changes projects that Structure is enabled for.
setPickedProjectIds(Collection<Long>) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Changes projects that Structure is enabled for.
setPins(List<String>) - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
setPrefix(String) - Method in class SyncLogger
setPriority(Priority) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setProgress(I18nText, Integer) - Method in interface ProcessUIController
Updates process progress information
setProject(Project) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setProjectCustomFieldValue(Project, CustomField) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setProjectId(long) - Method in class PermissionSubject.ProjectRole
setProjectPickerCustomField(Issue, CustomField, Project) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would set a project picker custom field to the given value.
setRemainingEstimate(Issue, Long) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would change an issue remaining estimate to the given value.
setRemainingEstimate(Long) - Method in interface MemoUpdateBuilder
setRemainingEstimate(Long) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setReporter(ApplicationUser) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setRestoreHistory(boolean) - Method in interface RestoreOperation
Sets the restoreHistory flag.
setRichTextFromHtml(String) - Method in interface ExcelCell
Attempts to convert an HTML fragment into a rich text string and set that as the cell value.
setRoleId(long) - Method in class PermissionSubject.ProjectRole
setRounding(int) - Method in interface ExportColumn
Sets the rounding that is used to format numbers in number-based formats.
setRowDisplayMode(int) - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
Set row display mode
setRows(LongList) - Method in interface AttributeSubscriptionPatch
setSecured(boolean) - Method in class ForestSpec.Builder
setSingleGroupCustomField(Issue, CustomField, Group) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would set a single group custom field to the given value.
setSingleSelectCustomField(Issue, CustomField, Option) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would set a single select custom field to the given option.
setSingleUserCustomField(Issue, CustomField, ApplicationUser) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would set a single user custom field to the given value.
setSingleUserCustomFieldValue(ApplicationUser, CustomField) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setSingleVersionCustomField(Issue, CustomField, Version) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would set a single version custom field to the given value.
setSingleVersionCustomFieldValue(Version, CustomField) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setSkeleton(boolean) - Method in class ForestSpec.Builder
setSpecification(ViewSpecification) - Method in interface StructureView
Sets the specification of the view, which defines the visual configuration of the gadget.
setSpecification(ViewSpecification.Builder) - Method in interface StructureView
Sets the specification of the view, which defines the visual configuration of the gadget.
setSpecification(ViewSpecification.Builder) - Method in class StructureViewBean.Builder
Updates view specification builder
setSprint(Issue, Long) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would move an issue to the sprint with the given id.
setSprint(Sprint) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setSQuery(ForestSpec.SQuery) - Method in class ForestSpec.Builder
setSQuery(String, String) - Method in class ForestSpec.Builder
setStatus(ProcessStatus) - Method in interface ProcessFeedback
Updates process status
setStringListParameter(String, String...) - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column.Builder
Utility method to set a parameter of type List with String elements.
setStructureId(Long) - Method in class ForestSpec.Builder
setStructureId(Long) - Method in class PermissionRule.ApplyStructure
setStyle(ExcelStyle) - Method in interface ExcelCell
Set the cell style.
setSubject(PermissionSubject) - Method in class PermissionRule.SetLevel
setSummary(String) - Method in interface MemoUpdateBuilder
setSummary(String) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setSynchronizationEnabledForAnyone(boolean) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Changes whether the synchronization is available for all users.
setSynchronizationPermissionSubjectsEncoded(String) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
Changes the list of the users / groups that are allowed to configure and control synchronizers in controlled structures.
setText(String) - Method in interface ExportCell
Set a simple text string as the cell value.
setTextCustomField(Issue, CustomField, String) - Static method in class CoreEffects
Returns a description of an effect that would set a text custom field to the given value.
setTextCustomFieldValue(String, CustomField) - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
setTimeSpent(Long) - Method in interface MemoUpdateBuilder
setTitle(boolean) - Method in class ForestSpec.Builder
setTransformations(List<ForestSpec.Transformation>) - Method in class ForestSpec.Builder
setType() - Static method in class StructureUtil
setType() - Static method in class TypeUtils
setUISettings(ApplicationUser, Project, UISettings) - Method in interface StructureConfiguration
This method is used to update the user interface settings - either system-wide default settings or per-user settings or per-project settings.
setUrl(String) - Method in class ProcessButtonParameters
setUserKey(String) - Method in class ForestSpec.Builder
setUserKey(String) - Method in class PermissionSubject.JiraUser
setUserName(String) - Method in class PermissionSubject.JiraUser
setUseZip(boolean) - Method in interface BackupOperation
Sets the useZip flag.
setValue(long, String, String) - Method in interface StructurePropertyService
Stores value for the given structure and key Notes: 1.
setValue(long, String, long) - Method in interface StructurePropertyService
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ForestSpec.Builder
setViewId(long) - Method in class ViewSettings.AssociatedView.Builder
Sets the ID of the view.
setViews(List<ViewSettings.AssociatedView.Builder>) - Method in class ViewSettings.Builder
Sets a list of builders of associated views.
setViewSettings(Long, ViewSettings) - Method in interface StructureViewManager
Updates view settings for the specified structure.
ShallowRow - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.row
ShallowRow(long, ItemIdentity, long) - Constructor for class ShallowRow
SharedAttributeLoaders - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
SharedAttributeSpecs - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
CoreAttributeSpec contains the attribute specifications and related constants for the well-known attributes.
SharedAttributeSpecs() - Constructor for class SharedAttributeSpecs
SharedAttributeSpecs.Id - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
SharedAttributeSpecs.Param - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
SHAREDENTITY_ID - Static variable in class JiraFunc
shouldRedirectForNewStructure() - Method in interface NewStructureTemplate
shouldRun(long) - Method in interface ScheduledJob
sibling - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.RelationConstraintStartStep
Row is a sibling of another row in a forest.
sibling - Variable in class StructureQueryBuilder.StartStepHelper
signature - Variable in class RestValueRequest.ForestRowValueRequest
Assumed ID of the forest.
signature - Variable in class RestVersion
SimpleAttributeProvider - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.basic
SimpleAttributeProvider() - Constructor for class SimpleAttributeProvider
SimpleCallable<V> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
SimpleDerivedAttributeLoader<T,D> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.basic
SimpleDerivedAttributeLoader(AttributeSpec<T>, AttributeSpec<? extends D>) - Constructor for class SimpleDerivedAttributeLoader
SimpleDerivedAttributeLoader(AttributeSpec<T>, AttributeSpec<? extends D>, boolean) - Constructor for class SimpleDerivedAttributeLoader
SimpleFilter(IntIterator) - Constructor for class StructureQueryConstraint.SimpleFilter
SimpleRow - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.row
simplifyType(String) - Static method in interface CoreItemTypes
SingleDependencyReducingAggregateLoader<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.reduce
SingleDependencyReducingAggregateLoader(AttributeSpec<T>, AttributeSpec<T>) - Constructor for class SingleDependencyReducingAggregateLoader
SingleItemChangeFilter - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator.util
SingleItemChangeFilter(ItemIdentity) - Constructor for class SingleItemChangeFilter
SingleRowAttributeContext - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
The context interface for single row attribute loaders.
SingleRowAttributeLoader<T> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
A single row attribute loader provides an attribute value based on a single forest row.
SingleRowAttributeLoaderBuilder<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.builder
SingleRowAttributeLoaderBuilder() - Constructor for class SingleRowAttributeLoaderBuilder
singleRowLoader(AttributeSpec<T>) - Static method in class SharedAttributeLoaders
size() - Method in class ArrayForest
Gets the number of rows in this tree.
size() - Method in interface Forest
Returns the size of the forest, the number of rows in it, the number is always >= 0.
size() - Method in class ItemIdentitySet
size() - Method in interface QueryContext
A shorthand for getForest().size().
size() - Method in class IndexedForest
size() - Method in class JavaListToLongListAdapter
size() - Method in class LongListHashIndex
skeleton(long) - Static method in class ForestSpec
Constructs ForestSpec that represents a structure with no dynamic content.
skipParentSubtree(int) - Method in interface ForestScanControl
Skips the rest of the subtree rooted at one of the ancestor rows.
skipSection() - Method in interface BackupReader
skipSubtree() - Method in interface ForestScanControl
Skips the subtree rooted at the current row.
SORT_DESCENDING - Static variable in class CoreGeneratorParameters
Parameter to set sorting direction.
sortByPopularity(List<Structure>, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructureFavoriteManager
Sorts a list of structures by their popularity (descending).
Sorter() - Constructor for class AbstractGenerator.Sorter
SORTER_AGILE_RANK - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
SORTER_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
SORTER_MANUAL - Static variable in interface CoreStructureGenerators
SourceOfTruth - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
spec(AttributeSpec<T>) - Method in class AttributeLoaderBuilder
spec - Variable in class EffectBatch
SpecParams - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
Usable by AttributeSpec and other Specs that have Map parameters.
SpecParams(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class SpecParams
split(LongIterator, La<Long, ?>) - Static method in class LongFilteringIterator
Sprint - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.agile
sprint(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
SPRINT - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
sQuery(String, String) - Static method in class ForestSpec
Constructs ForestSpec that represents a structured query.
SQuery(String, String) - Constructor for class ForestSpec.SQuery
Creates SQuery instance.
sQuery - Variable in class RestForestSpec
SQuerySkeletonFactory - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest
STANDARD_TYPE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
START_STEP - Static variable in interface NewStructureTemplateStep
startId - Variable in class HistoryQuery
STARTING_TEMPORARY_ROW_ID - Static variable in class StructureRows
Temporary rows have negative values and start from -100 going down to Long.MIN_VALUE.
startProcess(List<EffectorInstance>, long, boolean) - Method in interface EffectorProcessManager
Starts a new effector process for installed effector instances.
startProcess(String, Map<String, Object>, ForestSpec, boolean) - Method in interface EffectorProcessManager
Starts a one-off effector process.
StartStep(StructureQueryBuilder.StartStepHelper<B>) - Constructor for class StructureQueryBuilder.StartStep
StartStepHelper() - Constructor for class StructureQueryBuilder.StartStepHelper
startUndoProcess(long, Collection<Integer>) - Method in interface EffectorProcessManager
Starts a new process which undoes the effects performed by an earlier process.
state - Variable in class EffectBatch
STATIC_CAN_COMPETE - Static variable in class ActionParameters
StatisticSource - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.statistics
STATUS - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs.Format
STATUS - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs
STATUS - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Id
status(String) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
status(Status) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
STATUS - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
STATUS_ID - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs
stopPinging(Pinger.Pingable) - Method in interface Pinger
StoredEffect - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effect
A description of an effect that can be stored in the database or passed over the wire.
StoredEffect(String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class StoredEffect
StoredEffect.Builder - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.effect
Builder class for effect descriptions.
storeParameters(Object) - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer
storeParameters(Object) - Method in interface StructureSynchronizer
Serializes parameters into a string (for example, JSON) for storing in the database.
STRICT - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Param
StrictReductionStrategy() - Constructor for class ReductionStrategy.StrictReductionStrategy
STRING_LONG - Static variable in class StructureUtil
stringId(String, String) - Static method in class ItemIdentity
Creates a new string-based ID.
stringIds(String) - Method in class ItemIdentitySet
stringValue() - Static method in class La
structure(long) - Static method in class ForestSpec
Constructs ForestSpec that represents a structure.
structure(long, ApplicationUser) - Static method in class ForestSpec
Constructs ForestSpec that represents a structure.
structure(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
STRUCTURE - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
Structure - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.structure
This interface lets you inspect and change properties of a structure.
Structure(HistoryEntry) - Constructor for class SyncEvent.Structure
structure(long) - Method in class SyncLogger
Structure2xBackwardCompatibleSynchronizer - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
Structure2xBackwardCompatibleSynchronizer.SyncMigrationUtil - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
STRUCTURE_EVENT_TO_MAP - Static variable in class SyncEvents
STRUCTURE_VERSION - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
StructureAppPermission - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.permissions
App-level permission.
StructureAttributeService - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
StructureAttributeService provides a unified way to retrieve data for items.
StructureAuth - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.auth
This class manages the current authentication context assumed when accessing, managing and updating Structure entities such as Structure or StructureView.
StructureAuth() - Constructor for class StructureAuth
StructureBackupManager - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.backup
The backup manager is responsible for backup and restore of the structure data.
StructureBackupProvider - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.backup
This is an extension point for Structure backup/restore mechanism.
StructureCacheHelper - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.cache
StructureCallable<V> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
StructureComponents - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api
StructureComponents is a convenience interface that can be used to retrieve all public services of the Structure plugin (except internal and experimental APIs).
StructureConfiguration - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.settings
StructureConfiguration provides access to the configuration parameters of the Structure app.
StructureCoreExtension - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.extension
StructureDeletedEvent - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.event
Event indicating a structure has been deleted.
StructureDeletedEvent(long) - Constructor for class StructureDeletedEvent
StructureError - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.error
StructureError implementations are wrappers around numeric error codes, which also provide the error's category (see StructureErrorCategory) and error name.
StructureError.CodeRange - Annotation Type in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.error
Auxiliary annotation, which may be used on a collection of StructureError instances to specify the inclusive range of error codes that is taken by that collection.
StructureErrorCategory - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.error
Defines categories for errors that may be reported by Structure and its extensions.
StructureErrors - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.error
StructureErrors is a enumeration of all public Structure errors.
StructureException - Exception in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.error
StructureException can be thrown for different causes that involve Structure plugin.
StructureException(StructureError) - Constructor for exception StructureException
Constructs an instance of exception.
StructureException(StructureError, String) - Constructor for exception StructureException
Constructs an instance of exception.
StructureException(StructureError, Long) - Constructor for exception StructureException
Constructs an instance of exception.
StructureException(StructureError, Long, Long) - Constructor for exception StructureException
Constructs an instance of exception.
StructureException(StructureError, Long, Long, String) - Constructor for exception StructureException
Constructs an instance of exception.
StructureException(StructureError, Long, Long, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception StructureException
Constructs an instance of exception.
StructureException(StructureError, Long, Long, Long) - Constructor for exception StructureException
Constructs an instance of exception.
StructureException(StructureError, Long, Long, Long, String) - Constructor for exception StructureException
Constructs an instance of exception.
StructureException(StructureError, Throwable, Long, Long, Long, ItemIdentity, String, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception StructureException
Constructs an instance of this exception.
StructureException.Builder - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.error
A builder for StructureException.
StructureFavoriteManager - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.structure.favorite
StructureFavoriteManager manages "favorite" relations between users and structures.
StructureGenerator - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
StructureGenerator.ApplicabilityChecker - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
StructureGenerator.Context - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
StructureGenerator.EffectContext - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
StructureGenerator.Extender - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
StructureGenerator.Extender.ExtenderFunction - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
StructureGenerator.Filter - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
StructureGenerator.Filter.FilterFunction - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
StructureGenerator.GenerationContext - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
StructureGenerator.Grouper - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
StructureGenerator.Grouper.GrouperFunction - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
StructureGenerator.HandlingContext - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
StructureGenerator.Inserter - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
An implementor inserts new items into the containing structure.
StructureGenerator.ItemChangeFilterContext - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
StructureGenerator.Sorter - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
StructureGenerator.Sorter.CompareFunction - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
structureId - Variable in class RestForestSpec
StructureIntegrationDetails - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.extension
With this interface a Structure extension may inform that the plugin adds new features to particular structures.
Register you component in the atlassian-plugin.xml file:
StructureInteractionException - Exception in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest.action
StructureInteractionException(Interaction) - Constructor for exception StructureInteractionException
StructureItemConvertedEvent - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.event
Event indicating a structure item has been converted.
StructureItemConvertedEvent(long, ItemIdentity, ItemIdentity) - Constructor for class StructureItemConvertedEvent
StructureItemType<T> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
StructureJob - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.job
StructureJob is a single one-time or repetitive background task, run by the StructureJobManager.
StructureJob.State - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.job
Simple enumeration of the possible job states
StructureJobException - Exception in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.job
This exception is thrown by the StructureJobManager when there's a problem with scheduling a job.
StructureJobException() - Constructor for exception StructureJobException
StructureJobException(String) - Constructor for exception StructureJobException
StructureJobException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception StructureJobException
StructureJobException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception StructureJobException
StructureJobManager - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.job
StructureJobManager allows running and scheduling background jobs.
StructureLicenseError - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.extension.license
StructureLicenseHosting - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.extension.license
StructureLicenseType - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.extension.license
StructureListener - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.structure
StructureListener allows you to listen to changes to the static content in structures.
StructureManager - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.structure
StructureManager is the main component used to manage structures as entities.
StructureOwnedItemType - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
StructurePage - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.settings
StructurePage enum lists all non-admin JIRA pages (page types) that display Structure Widget or that are adjusted by Structure Plugin.
StructurePluginHelper - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api
StructurePluginHelper is a helper component that provides a lot of helpful methods and which is extensively used by Structure plugin itself and by Structure extensions.
StructurePosition - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
StructurePropertyService - Interface in
Holds properties associated with the particular structure
StructureProviderException - Exception in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.error
StructureProviderException is intended to be used by the code that extends Structure via implementing SPI interfaces.
StructureProviderException() - Constructor for exception StructureProviderException
StructureProviderException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception StructureProviderException
StructureProviderException(String) - Constructor for exception StructureProviderException
StructureProviderException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception StructureProviderException
StructureQuery - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query
A structure query is a condition on rows and their relationships in a Forest, such as rows that are children of issues satisfying JQL 'type = Epic' or rows at the top level of the forest.
StructureQuery() - Constructor for class StructureQuery
StructureQueryBuilder<B extends StructureQueryBuilder<B>> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query
StructureQueryBuilder allows you to build a structure query with a fluent interface.
StructureQueryBuilder(StructureQueryBuilder.StartStep<B>, StructureQueryBuilder.StartStep<B>) - Constructor for class StructureQueryBuilder
StructureQueryBuilder.BasicConstraintStep<B extends StructureQueryBuilder<B>> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query
This class allows to specify a basic constraint, either on its own, or as the last step of building a relational constraint.
StructureQueryBuilder.Head - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query
Object of this class contains the state of the builder; you can finish building the query by calling StructureQueryBuilder.Head.end(), or add more constraints, connecting them with StructureQueryBuilder.and or StructureQueryBuilder.or.
StructureQueryBuilder.OpStep<B extends StructureQueryBuilder<B>> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query
This class lets you add operator to the relational constraint being built, or to combine the already added relation with another one via StructureQueryBuilder.OpStep.or().
StructureQueryBuilder.RelationConstraintStartStep<B extends StructureQueryBuilder<B>> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query
This class allows you to continue building relational constraint by adding another relation.
StructureQueryBuilder.RelationStepHelper<B extends StructureQueryBuilder<B>> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query
StructureQueryBuilder.StartStep<B extends StructureQueryBuilder<B>> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query
This class allows you to either build a basic constraint or start building a relational constraint.
StructureQueryBuilder.StartStepHelper<B extends StructureQueryBuilder<B>> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query
StructureQueryBuilder.Sub<B extends StructureQueryBuilder<B>> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query
Object of this class contains the state of the builder inside the currently open parentheses; you can finish building the query in the parentheses and return to the main builder by calling StructureQueryBuilder.Sub.endsub(), or add more constraints inside the parentheses, connecting them with StructureQueryBuilder.and or StructureQueryBuilder.or.
StructureQueryBuilderFactory - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query
Factory for creating new instances of StructureQueryBuilder.
StructureQueryConstraint - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query
This is an extension point in the S-JQL, through which you can add custom basic constraints on forest rows to StructureQuery.
StructureQueryConstraint.Acceptor - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query
Represents the consumer of StructureQueryConstraint.Sequence values - i.e., the consumer of matching indices.
StructureQueryConstraint.BulkFilter - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query
A base implementation for a constraint that looks at a bunch of rows at a time.
StructureQueryConstraint.EmptySequence - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query
A default implementation of an empty sequence.
StructureQueryConstraint.Sequence - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query
Allows to implement a sequence of numbers in a generator-like fashion.
StructureQueryConstraint.SimpleFilter - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query
A base implementation for a simple constraint that looks at one row at a time.
StructureQueryConstraints - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query
Utility methods for StructureQueryConstraint implementations.
StructureQueryParser - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.query
Parses a structure query expressed in the Structured JQL language.
StructureRow - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.row
StructureRow instances represent rows, main building blocks of a forest.
StructureRow.ZeroRow - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.row
StructureRows - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.row
StructureRunnable - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
StructureRuntimeException - Exception in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.error
StructureRuntimeException, or its subclass, is thrown when a Structure service experiences an unexpected error, which is not part of the service's contract.
StructureRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception StructureRuntimeException
StructureRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception StructureRuntimeException
StructureRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception StructureRuntimeException
StructureStatisticsRecorder - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.statistics
StructureStoppedException - Exception in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.lifecycle
StructureStoppedException(Object) - Constructor for exception StructureStoppedException
StructureSynchronizer - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
A StructureSynchronizer is a pluggable Structure extension that allows you to sync structure with any other aspect of issues, be it links, subtasks or anything else.
StructureSynchronizerException - Exception in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
This exception is thrown by the StructureSyncManager when it cannot perform the requested operation.
StructureSynchronizerException(String) - Constructor for exception StructureSynchronizerException
StructureSynchronizerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception StructureSynchronizerException
StructureSyncManager - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
StructureSyncManager manages the whole synchronization engine.
StructureTemplateException - Exception in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.template
StructureTemplateException(String) - Constructor for exception StructureTemplateException
StructureTemplateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception StructureTemplateException
StructureTemplateException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception StructureTemplateException
StructureUtil - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
Contains miscellaneous utility methods.
StructureUtil() - Constructor for class StructureUtil
StructureView - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.view
StructureView represents a view - a named collection of parameters (such as grid columns) that are used to configure how Structure widget displays a structure.
StructureViewBean - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.view
Immutable representation of the StructureView properties.
StructureViewBean.Builder - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.view
A builder class for StructureViewBean, this class can be also used as the input for StructureView.update(com.almworks.jira.structure.api.view.StructureViewBean.Builder).
StructureViewManager - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.view
StructureViewManager is a component that manages Structure views.
StructureViewMenuItem - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.view
StructureViewMenuItem is a small helper class that is basically a pair of StructureView and a boolean.
StructureViewMenuItem(StructureView, boolean) - Constructor for class StructureViewMenuItem
sub() - Method in interface StructureQueryBuilder.BasicConstraintStep
This method starts a new constraint, remembering the currently built constraint.
Sub(StructureQueryBuilder.StartStep<StructureQueryBuilder.Sub<B>>, StructureQueryBuilder.StartStep<StructureQueryBuilder.Sub<B>>) - Constructor for class StructureQueryBuilder.Sub
SubTaskIssueCache - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.cache.subtask
SUBTREE - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Param
subtree(long) - Method in class ArrayForest
subtree(long) - Method in interface Forest
Creates a forest that contains the specified row and all its sub-rows from this forest.
subtreeAtIndex(int) - Method in class ArrayForest
subtreeAtIndex(int) - Method in interface Forest
Creates a forest that contains the specified row and all its sub-rows from this forest.
subtreeEnd(int) - Method in interface QueryContext
Behaves as getForest().getSubtreeEnd(idx), but for many calls the amortized time is much less because of caching; for O(N) calls the amortized time is O(N) with N = size().
subtreeEnd(int) - Method in class IndexedForest
SubtreeReductionStrategy() - Constructor for class ReductionStrategy.SubtreeReductionStrategy
success(List<MapObject>) - Static method in class AbstractSynchronizer
Success(List<MapObject>) - Constructor for class AbstractSynchronizer.SyncRunAuditEntry.Success
sudo(CallableE<R, E>) - Method in class AuthContext.Custom
sudo(CallableE<R, E>) - Method in interface AuthContext
sudo(ApplicationUser, boolean, CallableE<R, E>) - Static method in class StructureAuth
Execute actions with Structure under a different authentication context - as another user, and/or with all security checks disabled.
sudo(CallableE<R, E>) - Static method in class StructureAuth
Execute actions with Structure under the current JIRA user with all security checks disabled.
SUM - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Id
sum - Static variable in class La2
SUMMARY - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Id
SUMMARY - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs
SUPER_ROOT_DEPTH - Static variable in class SuperRootRow
Super-root's depth in a forest.
SUPER_ROOT_INDEX - Static variable in class SuperRootRow
Super-root's index in an array of forest rows.
SUPER_ROOT_ITEM - Static variable in class SuperRootRow
An ItemIdentity of the item in the super-root.
SUPER_ROOT_ITEM_TYPE - Static variable in class SuperRootRow
A special item type for the super-root item.
SUPER_ROOT_ROW - Static variable in class SuperRootRow
A single instance of the super-root StructureRow.
SUPER_ROOT_ROW_ID - Static variable in class SuperRootRow
Super-root's row ID.
SUPER_ROOT_SEMANTICS - Static variable in class SuperRootRow
A special semantics of the super-root.
SuperRootRow - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.row
The super-root is a fictional row that is present in every forest as the parent of all root rows.
supply(La<? super R, A>) - Method in class La
swap(List<T>, int, int) - Static method in class StructureUtil
sync(SyncInstance, IncrementalSyncData, ForestSource) - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer
sync(SyncInstance, IncrementalSyncData, ForestSource) - Method in interface StructureSynchronizer
Perform incremental synchronization.
SyncAuditLog - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
This interface is used by synchronizers to log audit information regarding their actions, configuration changes, etc.
SyncAuditLog.ActionGroup - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
SyncAuditLogHelper - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
SyncAuditLogHelper() - Constructor for class SyncAuditLogHelper
SyncChangeListener - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync.util
SyncDirection - Enum in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
Defines two possible directions for the full synchronization.
SyncEvent - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
SyncEvent with its only subclasses, SyncEvent.Structure and SyncEvent.Jira, is used to represent to incremental synchronization a single change in JIRA or in Structure.
SyncEvent.Jira - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
SyncEvent.Structure - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
SyncEvents - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
SyncEvents() - Constructor for class SyncEvents
SYNCHRONIZATION - Static variable in interface CoreAppPermissions
Permission to configure and control synchronizers.
SynchronizerDescriptor - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
SyncInstance - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
SyncInstance represents an instance of a synchronizer, configured with user-specified parameters to act on some structure under some user account.
SyncLogger - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync.util
This is a utility class to log messages from synchronizer implementations.
SyncLogger(Logger, SyncInstance, StructureManager, RowManager, boolean) - Constructor for class SyncLogger
SyncMigrationUtil() - Constructor for class Structure2xBackwardCompatibleSynchronizer.SyncMigrationUtil
SYSTEM_EXECUTOR_ID - Static variable in interface StructureJobManager
A constant representing the system executor.
SystemStructureJob - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.job
SystemStructureJob() - Constructor for class SystemStructureJob


TEMPO_ACCOUNT - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
TEMPO_TEAM_PERMISSIONS - Static variable in class AuxiliaryIdentities
TEMPO_WORK_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class AuxiliaryIdentities
tempoAccount(int) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
temporaryRow(int) - Static method in class StructureRows
tempoTeamPermissions(String) - Static method in class AuxiliaryIdentities
tempoWorkAttribute(String) - Static method in class AuxiliaryIdentities
test(T) - Method in class La
TEXT - Static variable in class ValueFormat
TEXT values are plain text.
TEXT_WRAPPING - Static variable in class RowDisplayMode
Adaptive row height to show all th row content.
textFolder(String) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
TIME - Static variable in class ValueFormat
TIME values contain Epoch time in milliseconds.
TIME_SPENT - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs
TimedUpdateChecker - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator.util
TimedUpdateChecker(long) - Constructor for class TimedUpdateChecker
timestamp - Variable in class EffectBatch
TITLE - Static variable in interface CoreSemantics
title - Variable in class RestForestSpec
toDebugJson(Object) - Static method in class StructureUtil
toDirectoryUser(ApplicationUser) - Static method in class JiraUsers
toEncodedString() - Method in class PermissionRule.ApplyStructure
toEncodedString() - Method in class PermissionRule.SetLevel
toEncodedString() - Method in class PermissionRule
toEncodedString() - Method in class PermissionSubject.Anyone
toEncodedString() - Method in class PermissionSubject.JiraGroup
toEncodedString() - Method in class PermissionSubject.JiraUser
toEncodedString() - Method in class PermissionSubject.ProjectRole
toEncodedString() - Method in class PermissionSubject
toForest() - Method in class RowTree
Creates Forest representing this RowTree.
toFullString() - Method in class ArrayForest
toFullString() - Method in interface Forest
Utility method for debugging - returns full string representation of the forest, that contains all the information, unlike toString() method, which may be truncated to some character number limit.
toFullString() - Method in class RowTree.Node
toJson(Object) - Static method in class JsonUtil
toJson(Object, ObjectMapper) - Static method in class JsonUtil
toJson(Object) - Static method in class StructureUtil
toJson(Object, ObjectMapper) - Static method in class StructureUtil
toMap(Object) - Static method in class JsonUtil
toMap(Object, ObjectMapper) - Static method in class JsonUtil
toMap(Object) - Static method in class StructureUtil
toMap(Object, ObjectMapper) - Static method in class StructureUtil
toModel() - Method in class RestVersion
toNumber() - Method in class NumberAccumulator
toRest() - Method in class ForestSpec
Produces REST forest specification based on this instance's parameters.
toRest(AttributeSpec<?>) - Static method in class RestAttributeSpec
toSimplifiedString() - Method in class ItemIdentity.LongIdentity
toSimplifiedString() - Method in class ItemIdentity.StringIdentity
toSimplifiedString() - Method in class ItemIdentity
toString() - Method in class AttributeErrorInfo
toString() - Method in class AttributeSpec
toString() - Method in class AttributeSpecBuilder.ParamsBuilder
toString() - Method in class AttributeSpecBuilder
toString() - Method in class AbstractAttributeLoader
toString() - Method in class NumberAccumulator
toString() - Method in class DelegatingAttributeLoader
toString() - Method in class TrailItemSet.Collector
toString() - Method in class TrailItemSet.None
toString() - Method in class TrailItemSet
toString() - Method in class ValueFormat
toString() - Method in class StoredEffect
toString() - Method in enum StructureErrors
toString() - Method in exception StructureException
Provides string representation of the exception.
toString() - Method in class IssueChangeEvent
toString() - Method in class JiraChangeEvent
toString() - Method in class LinkChangeEvent
toString() - Method in exception LicenseException
toString() - Method in class ForestAction.Add
toString() - Method in class ForestAction.Copy
toString() - Method in class ForestAction.Move
toString() - Method in class ForestAction.Remove
toString() - Method in class InteractionParameter
toString() - Method in class InteractionParameterValue
toString() - Method in class ForestChange.Add
toString() - Method in class ForestChange.Move
toString() - Method in class ForestChange.Remove
toString() - Method in class ForestChange.Reorder
toString() - Method in class ForestSpec
toString() - Method in class ManagerBackedItemForest
toString() - Method in class ArrayForest
toString() - Method in class VersionedForest
toString() - Method in class GenericItem
toString() - Method in class ItemIdentity.LongIdentity
toString() - Method in class ItemIdentity.StringIdentity
toString() - Method in class ItemVersionUpdate.Empty
toString() - Method in class ItemVersionUpdate.Total
toString() - Method in class AbstractStructureJob
toString() - Method in class NodeInfo
toString() - Method in class PermissionRule
toString() - Method in class PermissionSubject
toString() - Method in class StructureAppPermission
toString() - Method in class DataVersion
toString() - Method in class RestAttributeSpec
toString() - Method in class RestForestSpec
toString(RestForestSpec) - Static method in class RestForestSpec
toString() - Method in class RestSQuery
toString() - Method in class RestTransformSpec
toString() - Method in class ShallowRow
toString() - Method in class SimpleRow
toString() - Method in class StructureRow.ZeroRow
toString() - Method in class SuperRootRow
toString() - Method in class TransientRow
toString() - Method in class HistoryEntry.Change
toString() - Method in class HistoryEntry
toString() - Method in class HistoryQuery
toString() - Method in class SyncEvent.Jira
toString() - Method in class SyncEvent.Structure
toString(StringBuilder) - Method in class SyncEvent
toString() - Method in class ComparableTuple
toString() - Method in class I18nText
toString() - Method in class MapObject
toString() - Method in class Ref
toString() - Method in class RowTree.Node
toString() - Method in class RowTree
ToString - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
ToString() - Constructor for class ToString
toString() - Method in class TotalOrder.PayloadWrapper
toString() - Method in class TotalOrder.ValueWrapper
toString() - Method in class StructureViewBean.Builder
toString() - Method in class StructureViewBean
toString() - Method in class StructureViewMenuItem
toString() - Method in class ViewSettings.AssociatedView.Builder
toString() - Method in class ViewSettings.AssociatedView
toString() - Method in class ViewSettings.Builder
toString() - Method in class ViewSettings
toString() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Builder
toString() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column.Builder
toString() - Method in class ViewSpecification.Column
toString() - Method in class ViewSpecification
Total(DataVersion) - Constructor for class ItemVersionUpdate.Total
TOTAL_ORIGINAL_ESTIMATE - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs
TOTAL_REMAINING_ESTIMATE - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs
TOTAL_TIME_SPENT - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs
TotalOrder - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
This class provides total ordering for objects of any type.
TotalOrder.PayloadWrapper<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
TotalOrder.ValueWrapper - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
toValue() - Method in class NumberAccumulator
trail(Function<D, ItemIdentity>) - Method in class UniDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder
trailItemSet(Function<I, TrailItemSet>) - Method in class ItemAttributeLoaderBuilder
TrailItemSet - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
Abstract class for defining a set of items (by their ItemIdentity).
TrailItemSet.AllItems - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
Represents a set of all items.
TrailItemSet.Collector - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
Used to collect specific types and items stored in the TrailItemSet.
TrailItemSet.None - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
Represents an empty set.
TrailItemSet.OneItem - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
Represents a set with just one item.
TrailItemSet.OneType - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
Represents a set of all items of one specific type.
TrailItemSet.ReadVisitor - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
Alternate visitor interface for reading out the specific items and types.
TrailItemSet.SpecificItems - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
Represents a set of several specific items.
TrailItemSet.SpecificTypes - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
Represents a set of all items of several specific types.
TrailItemSet.Visitor - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader
Visitor interface for analyzing the set.
trailMode - Variable in class RestValueResponse.AttributeResponseData
trails - Variable in class RestValueResponse.AttributeResponseData
transform(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class ForestSpec
Creates a transformed ForestSpec that adds a single transformation to the result of the original forest spec.
transform(Iterator<D>) - Method in class La
transform(JSONArray, BiFunction<JSONArray, Integer, T>) - Static method in class MapObject
Transformation(String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class ForestSpec.Transformation
Creates a transformation.
transformIterable(Iterable<D>) - Method in class La
TransformIterator(Iterator<D>) - Constructor for class La.TransformIterator
transforms - Variable in class RestForestSpec
transientData(String) - Method in interface SyncInstance
Provides the synchronizer with a temporary / cache storage.
TransientRow - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.row
TransientRow(StructureRow, long, long) - Constructor for class TransientRow
traverse(String) - Method in class MapObject
tryMakeUnchecked(StructureRow) - Static method in class SimpleRow
TYPE - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Id
TYPE - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Param
type - Variable in class RestForestSpec
type - Variable in class RestSQuery
TYPE_CQL - Static variable in class ForestSpec.SQuery
TYPE_JQL - Static variable in class ForestSpec.SQuery
TYPE_TEXT - Static variable in class ForestSpec.SQuery
TypeUtils - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.util
TypeUtils() - Constructor for class TypeUtils


UISettings - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.settings
Provides access to the user interface settings of the Structure Widget.
UISettingsBean - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.settings
UISettingsBean() - Constructor for class UISettingsBean
Creates an empty bean, with no settings set.
UISettingsBean(UISettings) - Constructor for class UISettingsBean
Creates a new bean and copies all set values from another instance of UISettings.
uncurry(La<A1, La<A2, R>>) - Static method in class La2
undefined() - Static method in class AttributeValue
Returns an undefined value.
undo(List<MapObject>) - Method in interface UndoingSynchronizer
Undoes the specified actions, performing zero or more undo actions.
UndoingSynchronizer - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.sync
A StructureSynchronizer that is able to undo synchronizer actions.
undoReplace - Variable in class EffectBatch
UniDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder<T,D> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.builder
UniDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder() - Constructor for class UniDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder
UniDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder.BuiltDerivedLoader<T,D> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.builder
uninstallAllSynchronizers() - Method in interface StructureSyncManager
Disables and uninstalls all synchronizers for all structures.
uninstallSynchronizer(Long) - Method in interface StructureSyncManager
Disables and uninstalls synchronizer with the specified ID.
uninstallSynchronizersForStructure(Long) - Method in interface StructureSyncManager
Convenience method that disables and uninstalls all synchronizers for the specified structure.
union(Set<AttributeContextDependency>, AttributeContextDependency...) - Static method in enum AttributeContextDependency
union(TrailItemSet) - Method in class TrailItemSet.AllItems
union(TrailItemSet) - Method in class TrailItemSet.None
union(TrailItemSet) - Method in class TrailItemSet.OneItem
union(TrailItemSet) - Method in class TrailItemSet.OneType
union(TrailItemSet) - Method in class TrailItemSet.SpecificItems
union(TrailItemSet) - Method in class TrailItemSet.SpecificTypes
union(TrailItemSet) - Method in class TrailItemSet
Creates a new set with all items from this and anotherSet sets.
unsecuredStructure(long) - Static method in class ForestSpec
Constructs ForestSpec that represents a structure.
unwrapJsonCollection(Object) - Static method in class JsonMapUtil
UpdatableItemType - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.item
update(GenericItemService.UpdateValidationResult) - Method in interface GenericItemService
update() - Method in interface MemoUpdateBuilder
update() - Method in interface PlanningTaskUpdateBuilder
update(StructureViewBean.Builder) - Method in interface StructureView
Updates the properties that have been set (have non-null value) in the passed builder.
UpdateChecker - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.generator
An implementor of this interface checks for an external change that may affect a built forest fragment.
UPDATED - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs.Id
UPDATED - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs
updateEffectorInstance(long, String, Map<String, Object>, Long) - Method in interface EffectorInstanceManager
Updates an effector instance with the given ID.
updateFolder(long, Folder) - Method in interface FolderManager
updateGenerator(long, String, Map<String, Object>, Long) - Method in interface GeneratorManager
updateItem(ItemIdentity, GenericItem) - Method in interface GenericItemManager
updateItem(ItemIdentity, Map<String, Object>, ErrorCollection) - Method in class GenericItemType
updateItem(ItemIdentity, Map<String, Object>, ErrorCollection) - Method in interface UpdatableItemType
updatePropertiesOf(StructureViewBean.Builder) - Method in class StructureViewBean.Builder
Updates properties of the target builder.
updateSynchronizer(Long, Object, ApplicationUser) - Method in interface StructureSyncManager
Updates the parameters and/or the owner of an installed synchronizer.
UpdateValidationResult(ErrorCollection, StructureException, ItemIdentity, GenericItem) - Constructor for class GenericItemService.UpdateValidationResult
URL - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Id
URL - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs
USE - Static variable in interface CoreAppPermissions
Permission to use Structure.
USER - Static variable in class CoreAttributeSpecs.Format
USER - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Id
user(ApplicationUser) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
user(String) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
USER - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
USER_EXECUTOR_ID - Static variable in interface StructureJobManager
A constant representing the user executor.
USER_KEY - Static variable in class JiraFunc
USER_NAME - Static variable in class JiraFunc
userKey - Variable in class EffectBatch
USERKEY_APPLICATIONUSER - Static variable in class JiraFunc
UserLookupException() - Constructor for exception ForestAccessCache.UserLookupException
username() - Method in class SyncLogger
username(ApplicationUser) - Static method in class StructureUtil


valid(Effect, I18nText, I18nText, List<ItemIdentity>) - Static method in class EffectResponse
Constructs a valid response, which means that the requested change is both needed and possible.
valid(EffectorFunction) - Static method in class EffectorFunctionResponse
Constructs and returns a valid response.
VALID_ISSUE_KEY - Static variable in class JiraFunc
validate() - Method in class StructureQuery
Validates this StructureQuery in the current authentication context.
validate(List<String>) - Method in interface StructureQueryConstraint
Validates the list of arguments.
validateArgumentCount(List<String>, int, int, MessageSet) - Static method in class StructureQueryConstraints
Checks that the arguments list contains not less than minArguments and not more than maxArguments elements.
validateCreate(String, GenericItem) - Method in interface GenericItemService
validateDelete(ItemIdentity) - Method in interface GenericItemService
validateForestRowId(long) - Static method in class StructureRows
validateForestRowIds(LongList) - Static method in class StructureRows
validateQuery(ApplicationUser, Query) - Method in interface StructurePluginHelper
Checks if the query is valid and that the user has access to all the things mentioned in the query.
validateStartProcess(List<EffectorInstance>, long) - Method in interface EffectorProcessManager
Checks whether an effector process can be started, as if by calling EffectorProcessManager.startProcess(List, long, boolean), without actually starting it.
validateStartProcess(String, Map<String, Object>, ForestSpec) - Method in interface EffectorProcessManager
Checks whether an effector process can be started, as if by calling EffectorProcessManager.startProcess(String, Map, ForestSpec, boolean), without actually starting it.
validateStep(Map<String, Object>, NewStructureTemplateContext) - Method in interface NewStructureTemplateStep
validateUpdate(ItemIdentity, GenericItem) - Method in interface GenericItemService
value - Variable in class Ref
ValueColumn<K,T> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
Represents a map of values, with one value per key.
valueExpires(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface AttributeLoaderContext
Calling this method makes the value being currently calculated expire by timeout.
ValueFormat<T> - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
ValueFormat is used as a part of AttributeSpec to define in what format the value should be returned.
ValueFormat(String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class ValueFormat
Creates a new value format.
valueFunction(BiFunction<X, Y, T>) - Method in class BiDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder
valueFunction(Function<DerivedAttributeContext, T>) - Method in class DerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder
valueFunction(Supplier<T>) - Method in class DerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder
valueFunction(BiFunction<? super I, ItemAttributeContext, ? extends T>) - Method in class ItemAttributeLoaderBuilder
valueFunction(Function<? super I, ? extends T>) - Method in class ItemAttributeLoaderBuilder
valueFunction(BiFunction<StructureRow, SingleRowAttributeContext, T>) - Method in class SingleRowAttributeLoaderBuilder
valueFunction(Function<StructureRow, T>) - Method in class SingleRowAttributeLoaderBuilder
valueFunction(BiFunction<? super D, DerivedAttributeContext, ? extends T>) - Method in class UniDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder
valueFunction(Function<? super D, ? extends T>) - Method in class UniDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder
valueFunctionAV(Function<DerivedAttributeContext, AttributeValue<T>>) - Method in class DerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder
valueFunctionAV(Supplier<AttributeValue<T>>) - Method in class DerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder
valueFunctionAV(BiFunction<? super I, ItemAttributeContext, AttributeValue<T>>) - Method in class ItemAttributeLoaderBuilder
valueFunctionAV(Function<? super I, AttributeValue<T>>) - Method in class ItemAttributeLoaderBuilder
valueFunctionAV(BiFunction<StructureRow, SingleRowAttributeContext, AttributeValue<T>>) - Method in class SingleRowAttributeLoaderBuilder
valueFunctionAV(Function<StructureRow, AttributeValue<T>>) - Method in class SingleRowAttributeLoaderBuilder
valueFunctionII(BiFunction<ItemIdentity, ItemAttributeContext, ? extends T>) - Method in class ItemAttributeLoaderBuilder
valueFunctionII(Function<ItemIdentity, ? extends T>) - Method in class ItemAttributeLoaderBuilder
valueFunctionIIAV(BiFunction<ItemIdentity, ItemAttributeContext, AttributeValue<T>>) - Method in class ItemAttributeLoaderBuilder
valueFunctionIIAV(Function<ItemIdentity, AttributeValue<T>>) - Method in class ItemAttributeLoaderBuilder
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum AttributeCachingStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum AttributeContextDependency
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum LoaderType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum EffectState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum EffectorProcess.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum StructureErrorCategory
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum StructureErrors
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum JiraChangeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ExcelStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ExportContextKeys.Excel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ExportContextKeys.Export
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ExportFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum PercentageStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum LicenseSource
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum StructureLicenseError
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum StructureLicenseHosting
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum StructureLicenseType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum StructureJob.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum PermissionLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ProcessStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum ProcessStatus
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ItemAccessMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum AttributeSensitivityMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum AttributeSensitivityMode
Returns the mode associated with the given code
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum AutoSwitchStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum StructurePage
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum HistoryEntry.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum SourceOfTruth
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum SyncDirection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum NewStructureTemplateStep.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
ValueReducer<T> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute.loader.reduce
Describes how to combine the current value and values aggregated over the part of the subtree (as defined by ReductionStrategy) during aggregate calculation.
values() - Static method in enum AttributeCachingStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum AttributeContextDependency
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum LoaderType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum EffectState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum EffectorProcess.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum StructureErrorCategory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum StructureErrors
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum JiraChangeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ExcelStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ExportContextKeys.Excel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ExportContextKeys.Export
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ExportFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum PercentageStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum LicenseSource
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum StructureLicenseError
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum StructureLicenseHosting
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum StructureLicenseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum StructureJob.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum PermissionLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ProcessStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values - Variable in class RestValueResponse.AttributeResponseData
values() - Static method in enum ItemAccessMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum AttributeSensitivityMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum AutoSwitchStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum StructurePage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum HistoryEntry.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum SourceOfTruth
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum SyncDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum NewStructureTemplateStep.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
ValuesMeta - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.attribute
valuesReady(AttributeSpec<?>) - Method in interface AttributeValuesReceiver
Notifies the receiver that the loading process has loaded all requested rows for the given attribute spec.
valueTrail(Function<T, ItemIdentity>) - Method in class ItemAttributeLoaderBuilder
ValueWrapper(Object) - Constructor for class TotalOrder.ValueWrapper
verifyStructureEditPermissions(long) - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer
Checks that the user has at least PermissionLevel.EDIT permission on the specified structure.
verifyStructureEditPermissions(long, SyncLogger) - Method in class AbstractSynchronizer
Checks that the user has at least PermissionLevel.EDIT permission on the specified structure.
version - Variable in class EffectBatch
version(long, int) - Static method in class ForestSpec
Constructs ForestSpec that represents a historical version of a structure.
version(Version) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
version(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
VERSION - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
version - Variable in class RestForestSpec
version - Variable in class RestVersion
VERSION_ACTIVE - Static variable in class JiraFunc
VERSION_NAME - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
VERSION_PROJECT - Static variable in class JiraFunc
VERSION_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class JiraFunc
VersionedDataSource<T extends VersionedDataUpdate> - Interface in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.pull
VersionedDataSource establishes a way for sources of some data to version their content, to allow caching and incremental updates.
VersionedDataUpdate - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.pull
Base class for versioned updates.
VersionedDataUpdate(DataVersion) - Constructor for class VersionedDataUpdate
VersionedForest - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest
VersionedForest represents a Forest, tagged with a DataVersion.
VersionedForest(Forest, DataVersion) - Constructor for class VersionedForest
Constructs an instance.
VersionedForestUpdate - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest
Represents an update from ForestSource.
VersionedForestUpdate.Full - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest
Represents a full update.
VersionedForestUpdate.Incremental - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.forest
Represents an incremental update.
versionName(String) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
versionName(Version) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
ViewSettings - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.view
View settings define a structure's parameters with regards to views - which views are associated with the structure and which views are default on which pages.
ViewSettings.AssociatedView - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.view
AssociatedView is a record of a view association within ViewSettings.
ViewSettings.AssociatedView.Builder - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.view
The builder for ViewSettings.AssociatedView record.
ViewSettings.Builder - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.view
View settings builder allows to construct instances of ViewSettings and serialize them into JSON format.
ViewSpecification - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.view
ViewSpecification represents the visual configuration of a structure grid.
ViewSpecification.Builder - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.view
A builder for ViewSpecification, also used to serialize view specification into JSON.
ViewSpecification.Column - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.view
Represents a single column configuration in the Structure widget.
ViewSpecification.Column.Builder - Class in com.almworks.jira.structure.api.view
ViewSpecification.Column.Builder is used to create instances of ViewSpecification.Column, and also to convert them to JSON format.
visit(TrailItemSet.OneItem) - Method in interface TrailItemSet.ReadVisitor
visit(TrailItemSet.SpecificItems) - Method in interface TrailItemSet.ReadVisitor
visit(TrailItemSet.OneType) - Method in interface TrailItemSet.ReadVisitor
visit(TrailItemSet.SpecificTypes) - Method in interface TrailItemSet.ReadVisitor
visit(TrailItemSet.OneItem) - Method in interface TrailItemSet.Visitor
visit(TrailItemSet.SpecificItems) - Method in interface TrailItemSet.Visitor
visit(TrailItemSet.OneType) - Method in interface TrailItemSet.Visitor
visit(TrailItemSet.SpecificTypes) - Method in interface TrailItemSet.Visitor
visit(ForestAction.Remove) - Method in interface ForestAction.Visitor
visit(ForestAction.Move) - Method in interface ForestAction.Visitor
visit(ForestAction.Add) - Method in interface ForestAction.Visitor
visit(ForestAction.Copy) - Method in interface ForestAction.Visitor
visit(ForestChange.Add) - Method in interface ForestChange.Visitor
visit(ForestChange.Move) - Method in interface ForestChange.Visitor
visit(ForestChange.Remove) - Method in interface ForestChange.Visitor
visit(ForestChange.Reorder) - Method in interface ForestChange.Visitor
visit(Forest, long, LongList) - Method in interface ForestParentChildrenVisitor
Reports a pair of parent row and its children (direct sub-items).
visit(PermissionSubject.Visitor<T>, T) - Method in class PermissionSubject.Anyone
visit(PermissionSubject.Visitor<T>, T) - Method in class PermissionSubject.JiraGroup
visit(PermissionSubject.Visitor<T>, T) - Method in class PermissionSubject.JiraUser
visit(PermissionSubject.Visitor<T>, T) - Method in class PermissionSubject.ProjectRole
visit(PermissionSubject.Visitor<T>, T) - Method in class PermissionSubject
Calls an appropriate visitor method, passing this PermissionSubject and the carry parameter.
visitAll() - Method in class TrailItemSet.Collector
visitAll() - Method in interface TrailItemSet.Visitor
visitClipboard(ForestSpec) - Method in interface ForestSpec.Visitor
visitItem(ItemIdentity) - Method in class TrailItemSet.Collector
visitItem(ItemIdentity) - Method in interface TrailItemSet.ReadVisitor
visitNone() - Method in interface TrailItemSet.ReadVisitor
visitNone() - Method in interface TrailItemSet.Visitor
visitParentChildrenUpwards(ForestParentChildrenVisitor) - Method in class ArrayForest
visitParentChildrenUpwards(ForestParentChildrenVisitor) - Method in interface Forest
This method is used to efficiently traverse all pairs (parent, children) from the end of the forest upwards.
visitRow(ForestIterationControl, long, LongList, C) - Method in interface ForestParentChildrenClosure
Process an row using information about children.
visitSecured(ForestSpec) - Method in interface ForestSpec.Visitor
visitSQuery(ForestSpec) - Method in interface ForestSpec.Visitor
visitStructure(ForestSpec) - Method in interface ForestSpec.Visitor
visitTransformation(ForestSpec) - Method in interface ForestSpec.Visitor
visitType(String) - Method in class TrailItemSet.Collector
visitType(String) - Method in interface TrailItemSet.ReadVisitor
VOTES - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Id
VOTES - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs


warn(Object...) - Method in class SyncLogger
warn(String, String) - Method in class ConsiderateLogger
warn(String, String, Throwable) - Method in class ConsiderateLogger
warnException(Throwable, Object...) - Method in class SyncLogger
warnExceptionIfDebug(Throwable, Object...) - Method in class SyncLogger
warnExceptionIfDebug(Logger, String, Throwable) - Static method in class LoggingUtils
warnExceptionIfDebug(Logger, String, Throwable) - Static method in class StructureUtil
warnStructureException(StructureException) - Method in class SyncLogger
Contains standard error descriptions for common StructureExceptions
WATCHES - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs.Id
WATCHES - Static variable in class SharedAttributeSpecs
weight - Variable in class ForestVersion
willAccept(int) - Method in interface StructureQueryConstraint.Acceptor
Optimization: if a Sequence knows that it is going to accept n indices, it might communicate this knowledge to this Acceptor through this method, so that the latter can preallocate internal buffers.
withCaseInsensitiveStringComparison() - Static method in class TotalOrder
withCaseInsensitiveStringComparison(Locale) - Static method in class TotalOrder
withCollator(Collator) - Static method in class TotalOrder
withCollatorStringComparison(Locale) - Static method in class TotalOrder
withCollatorStringComparison(Locale, int) - Static method in class TotalOrder
withCollatorStringComparison(Locale, int, int) - Static method in class TotalOrder
withData(Object) - Method in class AttributeValue
Creates a new instance of AttributeValue that has the same value, but a new loader data.
withLocalizedMessage(String, Object...) - Method in interface StructureError
A shortcut to calling the same method on StructureException builder.
withLocalizedMessage(String, Object...) - Method in class StructureException.Builder
withLocalizedMessage(I18nText) - Method in class StructureException.Builder
withMessage(String) - Method in interface StructureError
A shortcut to calling the same method on StructureException builder.
withMessage(String) - Method in class StructureException.Builder
withoutMessage() - Method in interface StructureError
A shortcut to calling the same method on StructureException builder.
withoutMessage() - Method in class StructureException.Builder
withoutSuperRoot(LongIterator) - Static method in class StructureRows
withoutSuperRoot(LongIterable) - Static method in class StructureRows
withoutTitle() - Method in class ForestSpec
Returns the same forest spec but without title option.
withParam(String, Object) - Method in class AttributeSpec
Returns a new attribute spec with added parameter.
withProcessName(String, Object...) - Method in class ProcessDisplayParameters.Builder
withStrictStringComparison() - Static method in class TotalOrder
withThreadContextClassLoaderOf(Object, CallableE<T, E>) - Static method in class JiraComponents
withTitle() - Method in class ForestSpec
Returns the same forest spec but with title option.
withUnknownPropertiesMapper() - Static method in class JsonUtil
withUnknownPropertiesMapper() - Static method in class StructureUtil
WORKFLOW_NAME - Static variable in class JiraFunc
worklog(long) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
worklog(Worklog) - Static method in class CoreIdentities
WORKLOG - Static variable in interface CoreItemTypes
wrap(Object) - Method in class TotalOrder
wrap(Object, T) - Method in class TotalOrder
writeAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface BackupWriter
writeCharacters(String) - Method in interface BackupWriter
writeElement(String, String) - Method in interface BackupWriter
writeEndElement() - Method in interface BackupWriter
writeStartElement(String) - Method in interface BackupWriter
writeTo(LongCollector, IntCollector, int) - Method in class RowTree.Node
Dumps the sub-tree rooted at this node as parallel lists of rows and depths, to be later used as parameters for ArrayForest.


xDependency(AttributeSpec<X>) - Method in class BiDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder
xTrail(Function<X, ItemIdentity>) - Method in class BiDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder


yDependency(AttributeSpec<Y>) - Method in class BiDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder
yield(String) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.EffectContext
yield(String) - Method in interface StructureGenerator.HandlingContext
yieldOnNull(boolean) - Method in class BiDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder
yieldOnNull() - Method in class ItemAttributeLoaderBuilder
yieldOnNull(boolean) - Method in class UniDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder
yTrail(Function<Y, ItemIdentity>) - Method in class BiDerivedAttributeLoaderBuilder


ZERO - Static variable in class DataVersion
ZeroRow() - Constructor for class StructureRow.ZeroRow
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