Cookie Consent by Structure Cloud | Advanced Project Management for Agile Teams | ALM Works

Structure Cloud

Introducing Structure Cloud! The highly-anticipated, first-ever cloud release of Structure for Jira.

With Structure Cloud we have reimagined our solution specifically for Atlassian Cloud — it is purpose-built for that environment.

Today, Structure Cloud offers many of the same capabilities found in its older Jira server and data center sibling. And we are committed to quickly developing and releasing new capabilities for the cloud environment on an ongoing basis.

Former Structure users working in the Atlassian Cloud environment may want to learn how Structure Cloud is different.

Structure Cloud

Introducing Structure Cloud! The highly-anticipated, first-ever cloud release of Structure for Jira.

With Structure Cloud we have reimagined our solution specifically for Atlassian Cloud — it is purpose-built for that environment.

Today, Structure Cloud offers many of the same capabilities found in its older Jira server and data center sibling. And we are committed to quickly developing and releasing new capabilities for the cloud environment on an ongoing basis.

Former Structure users working in the Atlassian Cloud environment may want to learn how Structure Cloud is different.